7026 Uppsatser om Management - Sida 1 av 469
En studie i Culture management
Culture Management Cultural Management administration producent KKE Management.
Revenue Management - Mycket mer än bara intäktsoptimering!
Denna kandidatuppsats syftar till att undersöka hur hotellverksamheter praktiserar Revenue Management, genom att behandla interna och externa influenser..
Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer
The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and Management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..
Tid är dyrbart och det gäller att göra det bästa möjliga av det man har : Utvärdering av en ledningsgrupp baserad på intervjuer, enkätundersökning och observationer.
The purpose of this study was to identify the positive and negative aspects of the work and dynamics of a Management team and from that recommend how the team can improve. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a gap between how the members of the Management team comprehend themselves and how the project, section and team managers comprehend the Management team. The Management team contains of seven core team members and is the head function of a research and development site in central Sweden. The results are based on interviews with the present members of the Management team and three former members, a survey among the project, section and team managers and by participating observation on meetings with the team. The results show that the Management team is an overall well-functioning team that with some changes and improvements, especially concerning communication and information, can reach even further.
New public management från solidaritet till effektivitet
The public service within health and care has changed remarkably during the last 30 years. It has been inspired by Management ideas from profit-making businesses. Those thoughts are an umbrella term called Nex public Management. In what way has New public Management influenced the public service in Sweden? Important concepts in the change of public service are quality, effektivity and goals.
Big Bath-Accounting- Sötrre engångskostnader vid VD-byten?
The purpose of this essay is to investigate if the companies listed on Nasdaq/OMX Stockholm Large Cap use the earnings Management phenomenon Big Bath Accounting to a greater extent when a change of Management (CEO) is made.Management tends to use earnings Management when there is a bonus plan linked to the result of the company. To gain maximum bonus the Management will try to manipulate the result in a way that in a long term maximize their utility. Through the earnings Management technique Big Bath the Management is given the possibility to take one large cost as a one-time expend, even though the cost is supposed to run over several financial years. This, of course, within the legal framework. A big bath may occur when there is an impairment of goodwill, tangible and/or intangible assets or larger provisions for future expense, or both of them at the same time..
Human resource management and labour law implications of strategic outsourcing:?Protection and motivation of employees in the European labour market?
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Outsourcingrelationen med fokus på management control och de faktorer som påverkar beslutet att insourca
There is limited research done in the area of Management control in the relationship between companies. This study investigates Management control in outsourcing relationships and the decision to change sourcing strategy and to insource functions. The empirical research was conducted at an international company, which in this study has been anonymized. The research is mainly based on interviews. To extend and verify the conclusions drawn, another company, AB Ph.
Change in Working Time: The Effect on Human Resource Management
En sammanfattning av uppsatsen på maximalt 8000 tecken..
Hur förankras en policy? : En studie av Stockholms stads informationssäkerhet
Culture Management Cultural Management administration producent KKE Management.
Traditionell ekonomistyrning vs modern verksamhetsstyrning - en fallstudie av ett växande företagsstyrfilosofi
The purpose with this paper is that trough a description of the Management
control at Jitech AB find out if traditional Management control have been
abandoned for benefit for modern Management control and in which extent the
transition have happened. Further is the second purpose with this paper to find
out which decisions that lies behind the design of the Management control and
how these are in opposition to with the theory..
Resultatmanipulering: En studie av förekomsten av resultatmanipulering i svenska företag
The aim of this thesis is to examine the existence and prevalence of earnings Management in Swedish companies. Theoretical frameworks often suggest that there are strong incentives to practice earnings Management. The research area of earnings Management has, to date, mainly focused on detecting earnings Management. However, to our knowledge, no such studies have been conducted on Swedish companies. This thesis provides evidence of the existence and prevalence of earnings Management in Swedish companies.
Competence Management-system på Tetra Pak
Uppsatsen är baserad på en fallstudie gjord på Tetra Pak. Syftet med fallstudien var att utforma en lista med faktorer att som bör beaktas för att ett införande av ett Competence Management-system ska bli framgångsrikt. Tillvägagångssättet i fallstudien har varit en dokumentstudie och ett antal intervjuer. Använda teorier är hämtade från områdena Change Management, Knowledge Management, Competence Management och Human Resource Management. Undersökning resulterade i ett antal intressanta faktorer som bör beaktas.
Crisis management - om krisstrategier och deras förekomst i livsmedelsbranschen
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka frekvensen av krisstrategier inom livsmedelsbranschen och hur pass sofistikerade dessa strategier är. Vidare vill vi se närmare på en del av de moment som crisis Management-teorierna behandlar. Förekomsten av krisstrategier är stor, men endast ett fåtal av företagens strategier uppfyller våra kriterier för att anses såsom mycket sofistikerade. Företagen anser själva att det är viktigt med crisis Management, medan de i verkligheten inte i lika hög utsträckning har de element som författarna till den crisis Management-teori, vi använt oss utav, menar ska finnas med. Företag som varit i en kris har mer sofistikerade krisstrategier än de som inte har upplevt en kris under de senaste 20 åren..