

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 14 av 183

Finansiella värderingsmodeller : En empirisk studie

This study tests two financial valuation models empirically by valuing three stocks from three industries, with the purpose of studying how well valuation models work empirically and to make a forecast. The models which will be tested are residual income valuation and discounted cash flow. Nine stocks will be picked strategically from the Swedish stock market and additional analysis will follow in the analysis chapter.Based on analysis and valuation, the commodities industry has decent valuation as the healthcare industry is undervalued thanks to the high valuation of AZN. The energy industry has low value due to the capital intensive nature of the industry. When it comes to the models and their practical implementation, DCF has been the most problematic to apply empirically whereas RIV was better but it still shows extreme values, which teaches the student the clear difference between theory and empiri..

Videorekrytering - en rekryteringsmetod för konkurrenskraftigt övertag i service- och säljbranschen

Den viktigaste aspekten av human resource management kan i dagens samhälle anses vara rekryteringsprocessen. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att fastställa om, och i så fall hur och till vilka tjänster, video bör användas som rekryteringsmetod. Detta för undersökandet av verktygets möjlighet att öka organisationers förutsättningar till konkurrenskraftigt övertag på arbetsmarknaden i enighet med Barneys teori om resource-based view. Analysen av resultatet utfördes utifrån tre teman ? fördelar och nackdelar med användandet, samt möjligheter till utveckling, av video som rekryteringsverktyg.

Noblesse Oblige: Ett rollspel : 1600-talets svenska adel, skyldigheter och plikter och skapandet av ett rollspel

Abstract ? Noblesse oblige: a roleplaying gameDuring the 17th-century the Swedish nobility was forced to deal with a number of new challenges. They reached the height of their power, but also began their downfall. How did the nobility?s ideal come to be in the face of this? Can we in these ideals find the duties and obligations of the nobility? And if we can, how can a roleplaying game be made out of the historical facts? A roleplaying game meant for educational means, well suited for the classroom and teachers, capable of stimulating the young minds and offering them an in depth understanding of how the nobility?s minds moved.

Investerare eller mecenat? : En studie om riskkapitalanva?ndning inom den svenska filmbranschen

Title: Investor or Maecenas? ? A study on the usage of venture capital within the Swedish film industry.Author: Tobias MagnussonSupervisors: Ahmad Ahmadi, Clas GunnarssonPurpose: The purpose with this thesis is to complement the research on procurement of capital within the Swedish film industry.Methodology: The primarily research method that have been used to gather material is qualitative interviews, that has been performed with four individuals that are active in the Swedish film industry.Theory: In order to create an adequate theoretical base, theories regarding investments and cultural entrepreneurship are presented.Empirics: In this chapter the results of the interviews are presented, sorted in several subcategories. The material is thereafter analyzed and discussed in the following chapter, with the theoretical base in mind.Conclusion: The usage of venture capital within the Swedish film industry is relatively low today. Non-monetary values are the primary reason to invest in the Swedish film industry today. A significant risk diversification, together with knowledge dispersion needs to be made in order to make the Swedish film industry more attractive to investors.

Game on : Att spela sig till nya höjder av motivation

?Motivation is the desire within a person causing that person to act? (Mathis & Jackson, 2009, p. 24). Motivation is what makes people act. Lately a tool to create more motivation called Gamification has been more and more popular to use. This study is focusing on the subject motivation and also how gamification can be used as a tool to get more of that.

?Men det är ju bara ett spel? : Samband mellan våldsamma tv- och datorspel och empati

Att spela tv- och datorspel är idag en stor del av många människors liv. Ioch med en förfinad teknik hos spelen, med bättre spelmiljö och artificiellintelligens skapas det en större realism och funderingar kan uppstå hur dettakan påverka en utövare. Den här undersökningen testade sambandet mellanempati och graden av våldsamhet i spelen hos en utövare. Det var 64gymnasieelever som deltog i en enkätundersökning, varav 16 var män. Föratt mäta empati användes Davis-IRI.

Ur pressens synvinkel En deskriptiv innehållsanalys av två valrörelser - med en jämförande ansats

Capella and Jamiesons research of how the media describes politics has shown that it is very often case of one of two scenarios: game frames; or issue frames. The central idea of this framing theory is that when politicians are described within game frames the disdain towards politicians is believed to increase. Capella and Jamieson have shown that, at least in the US, the use of game framing has increased. The Swedish Scholar Jesper Strömbäck has however, with his research, shown that, despite the earlier theory of Capella and Jamieson, in Sweden the tendency is not so clearly demarcated. In fact he says that if anything, the tendency looks to be the antithesis.

Beräkningsalgoritm för fouling i pelletervärmeväxlare inom plasttillverkning

Sweden?s energy consumption is divided into three major sectors. One of them is the industry sector. One third of Sweden?s energy consumption is converted in the industries.

Castaway : Nätverksspel till Swedish Game Awards

I denna rapport så beskrivs det hur man kan utveckla ett nätverk som kan användas i nätverksspel. Hur man kan förhindra fuskande klienter och försöka uppnå ett säkert nätverk som vanliga klienter till spelet inte ska påverkas för mycket utav.Under tio veckors tid så utvecklades ett nätverk som står för grunden till ett nätverksspel. Ett väldigt simpelt spel med en nätverksstruktur som motverkar fusk..

Vektorkvantisering för kodning och brusreducering

This thesis explores the possibilities of avoiding the issues generally associated with compression of noisy imagery, through the usage of vector quantization. By utilizing the learning aspects of vector quantization, image processing operations such as noise reduction could be implemented in a straightforward way. Several techniques are presented and evaluated. A direct comparison shows that for noisy imagery, vector quantization, in spite of it's simplicity, has clear advantages over MPEG-4 encoding..

Spelroll "At Heart" : Spelrollers inverkan på erfarna spelares problemlösningsförmåga i vardagen

Games offer a safe and motivational environment that allows and encourages trial and error. A gamer can act in the game without any real consequences in real life. Thereby a gamer is offered the opportunity to develop a broad set of skills. Games have earlier been proven to develop gamer?s problem-solving skills.

En jämförelse mellan den matematiskt optimala strategin och en ivardagligt spel tillämplingsbar strategi

Yahtzee is a popular dice game around the world. The complexity makes the game interesting to play and analyze. This report compares the effectiveness of the mathematically optimal strategy with a strategy that can be used for casual play. The rules used are those of the Nordic variant Yatzy, in which a few but important rules are different from the American Yahtzee. To evaluate the everyday strategy 100,000 games was simulated in a java program written specifically for this purpose.

Minecraft i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie om elevers och lärares upplevelser av Minecraft i undervisningen

The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils' and teachers' experiences of using the simulator computer game Minecraft in connection with the Swedish school competition Future City. The study examines how students (ages 14-15) and teachers have experienced the use of Minecraft, what the students have learned in relation to everyday education and the different forms of education during Future City and also examine which patterns that exists in the experiences of the students, with personal interest of and knowledge of Minecraft as a benchmark. The study was conducted through individual semi-structured interviews with both students and teachers. The analysis of the results is based upon a theoretical perspective that includes a socio-cultural view of learning, as well as the lines of reasoning in previous research about computer games and learning. As a general approach towards the study, and in a way, a justification of the chosen research method, a hermeneutic approach was used.

Forage production and summer use by ungulates on game fields and surrounding areas

Ungulates are causing conflicts between stakeholders due to browsing damage on forests and agricultural crops. At the same time there is a big demand of keeping high ungulate densities for sports hunting and recreational purposes. Movement patterns of ungulates are strongly correlated with forage availability. Therefore, measures affecting forage quantity and distribution might be a tool to reduce the economical losses in forestry without decreasing the ungulate densities and thereby decrease the conflict between different interest groups.This study investigated the potential biomass production and utilisation of marrow-stem kale (Brassica oleracea var. medullosa), at game fields in Misterhult, Sweden, as well as browsing effects on adjacent forests.

Scenografi, min käre Watson! : En studie i scenografiska teknikers påverkan på spelare

This study explores Environmental Storytelling techniques and whether these can beused in combination with each other to lead a player through a game scene in aspecific pattern, affect the player?s narrative and exploratory view and explorewhether Self-paced Exploration can be combined with these techniques.It is a qualitative study conducted by six gaming sessions with accompanyinginterviews in which six people get to play one of three versions of the same gamescene. The only differences between the scenes are the different guidance techniquesused. The informants' movement patterns are identified and interviews recorded byaudio, as well as screen recording. The results shows that Environmental Storytellingtechniques can very well be used to control the player's exploration patterns, bothnarratively and navigation purposes and Self-paced Exploration can be utilized to agreater efficiency in combination with these..

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