

406 Uppsatser om Stam och Lärare - Sida 19 av 28

Aortic Body Tumors in Dogs

The purpose of this essay was to review the literature and describe the patophysiology, diagnosis, microscopic and macroscopic appearance of aortic body tumors in dogs. The tumors originate from the chemoreceptor organs situated at the base of the heart. The chemoreceptor organs are neuroendocrine cells responsible for surveillance of changes in e.g. the blood pH. Aortic body tumors are rare and represent 7 % of the total cases of primary cardiac tumors in canines.

"Om man inte gör det pÄ Facebook" : Ungdomars uppfattning om sociala medier som demokratiagent

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social media affect the political orientation and commitment of youths. Three scientific questions highlight the purpose from different angles. The didactic perspective is discussed in the initial and closing discussion, and is analyzed in the corresponding chapter. Two methods are involved in the study; one survey and one interview with a focus group. The survey had a total of 98 respondents from four different classes, all in the first grade of upper secondary school.

Det ligger en heteronormativ bok i din sÀng mamma! En intervjustudie av hur nÄgra kvinnor i samkönade relationer upplever informationssituationen rörande graviditet och förÀldraskap.

Studies of the information needs of library patrons are necessary in order for the library to serve the community. Alas, studies of non-heterosexual persons are rare in the field of Library and Information Science in Sweden. This study aims at examining the information situation of women in same-sexed parenthood by means of analysing their situation as norm-breaking. The study is done through examining the specific information needs of this group, how they seek and receive information, what barriers they encounter and what function the library has in this information situation. A queer theoretical approach to heteronormativity in combination with McKenzie?s two-dimensional model of information seeking is used to perform a qualitative analysis of the material.

Music Branding : VarumÀrkens kommunicerande toner

Denna uppsats grundar sig i kommunikationens va?rld da?r det konstant byggs nya varianter av kommunikationsmedel. Music branding a?r ett kommunikationsmedel med musik som sitt verktyg. Med sin emotionella kraft anva?nds music branding av fo?retag fo?r att marknadsfo?ra och bilda varuma?rken.

Förtroende för revisorn : ~En komparativ studie mellan Sverige och Österrike~

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

Sarbanes-Oxley Act sektion 404 om intern kontroll och dess konsekvenser

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

Jag fÄr inte delta i mitt eget liv. ? en kvalitativ studie om hur personer med psykiska funktionshinder beskriver mötet med socialarbetare

The general objective of this qualitative study is to analyse and describe what people with psychiatric disabilities write on their blogs about their encounters with social workers. The questions the study is aiming to answer are: How do people with psychiatric disabilities describe their encounters with social workers? Do the informants describe instances of paternalism and advocacy? How do the informants describe their sense of meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability? The study is based on a theoretical framework in which empowerment and sense of coherence (SOC) are the key elements, along with the concepts of paternalism and advocacy as well as meaningfulness, comprehensibility and manageability. The research data was collected from blogs on to the blog forum Psykiatrin.blogg.se ? psykiatrins Robin Hood (meaning ?the Robin Hood of psychiatry?).

Pedagogiskt samarbete mellan bibliotek och förskola i syfte att frÀmja barns sprÄkutveckling.

The present thesis is about how preschool children develop their language skills. The purpose is also to discuss how library and preschool can collaborate and in different ways together help the children to achieve different skills and to use their first and second language in a more appropriate way. The main problem identified from literature and own observations is why library and preschool dont collaborate to help young children to develop their language skills? Which reasons are behind a lacking collaboration? What can be done to increase collaboration between the library and the preschool? How can librarians and preschool teachers use their different professional skills in the best manner to be able to help the children to develop their skills in language acquisition? Is it possible to measure childrens language skills and how can one decide what characterizes a good collaboration? We started with a literature review and continued with collecting qualitative data by means of interviews with people who worked as librarians and preschool teachers, who were supposed to collaborate in a language oriented project. We have chosen different language theories by well-known scientists and we have only picked a few of them, which we considered relevant for the chosen topic.

NÀringstillförsel och omvÄrdnadsdokumentation vid svÄr sepsis och septisk chock : En journalgranskning

Background: Insufficient nutritional support is associated with prolonged hospitalisation, impaired wound healing and impaired survival for patients in intensive care. In severe sepsis and septic chock, calculation of nutritional need is complicated since the metabolism is affected by decease. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate nutritional support and to examine the quality of nursing documentation of nutritional status and nutritional support in patient records in severe sepsis and septic chock.  Method: The study was conducted as a retrospective investigation where 64 patient records were studied. The quality of documentation was examined in 10 patient records using an examinational model.Findings: Calculation of average nutritional support showed insufficient supply particularly in the two first days of intensive care. During the next five days nutritional supply was higher but individual variation was seen, why a clear picture of nutritional support is hard to detect.

Dans Àr inte idrott! : En kvalitativ studie om elevers attityder till dans

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

Sjung svenska folk? : sa?ngens roll i svensk grundskoleutbildning

Sa?ngens roll i grundskolans musikundervisning har varierat o?ver tid. I denna uppsats underso?ks sa?ngens plats i musika?mnets kursplanstexter o?ver tidsspannet 1962?2011.Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att underso?ka vilket utrymme momentet sa?ng har getts i kursplanstexterna, och vilken roll sa?ngen skulle kunna ha i grundskolans musikundervisning i framtiden. Fra?gesta?llningen a?r:Hur uttrycker sig kursplanerna fra?n 1962?2011 om momenten sa?ng och ro?st?Fra?gesta?llningarna besvaras dels genom olika metoder av textanalys ? strukturell textanalys, komparativ analys, funktionell analys, och till viss del la?sbarhetsanalys ? och dels genom faktainsamling.

Att prissÀtta efter kundupplevt vÀrde : En studie kring prissÀttningsproblematiken hos Iggesund Tools Europa

AimThe purpose of this study has been to examine attitudes towards dance in a broad sense, among Swedish schoolchildren. The study has been done with three different questions in mind: What do pupils think and express about dance? Are there any differences in attitude towards dance between girls and boys? And how do the pupils relate to gender conceptions in connection to dance illustrations?MethodEight pupils 12 ? 14 years of age have been interviewed separately during physical education lessons. During parts of the interviews dance illustrations were used in order to encourage the pupils in their discussions, especially when asked to relate to dance and gender conceptions. The statements have been interpreted from a gender theoretical perspective.ResultsMy interview study shows that male pupils to a larger extent than female pupils inhabit hostile feelings towards dance as part of physical education lessons.

Qualities and supply of suitable dead wood for Ceruchus chrysomelinus and its dispersal pattern in a translocated population

The wood-living beetle Ceruchus chrysomelinus is a rare species connected to natural forests. In Sweden, it is red-listed as endangered (EN) and an action plan for its preservation has been done by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In this work I have therefore investigated how a translocation of the species succeeded after 17 years. I aimed to study the species dispersal biology, its substrate preferences and the supply of suitable wood on this site. The study was performed during 2012 in Pansaruddens nature reserve close to Uppsala in Sweden, which is a spruce dominated forest.

Kommentera och sprid. : En kvalitativ studie i reklamproducenters syn pa? viral reklam i Sverige.

The purpose of this study has been to examine a few Swedish advertisment producers opinions on the subject of viral advertising and especially the ethical aspects of hidden viral advertising. The specified purpose of this paper is to:To clarify the underlying reasons for the use of viral advertising.To clarify the advertising producers ethical views on hidden viral advertising.The essay is based on a qualitive research metod of an abductive nature where the empirical data is derived from interviews with three advertisment producers. Through a stratified selection method we contacted agencies that in one way or another uses digital solutions as an advertisment method. All interviews were conducted via the digital chat room Skype, one of the interviews were conducted with both picture and sound and the other two with audio-only.The following points are the essential conclusions of our study:Hidden viral advertising is seen as a rare promotional method in Sweden today, however, the viral-spread effect is more commonly used.The economic factors together with the spreading capacity of the viral advertising is contributing to one of the biggest reasons behind the use of viral advertising. In addition to these, viral advertising is seen as an effective way to stand out from traditional advertising.Viral advertising where the sender is hidden or unclear is always seen as unethical.

Utveckling av metoder att mÀta centrering av skruvhÄl i skÀr

There have been, in some rare cases, difficulties with clamping of inserts with U-holesin their tool holder. According to the complaints, the inserts could not be properlyclamped or could fracture when clamped. A study has shown that variations inclamping behaviour are mainly depending by the position of the screw hole in the toolholder and the centering of the screw hole in the insert.The focus of this project has been the centering of screw hole in insert. It has beenshown that the screw holes are not always enough centered in the insert. Theproblem may occur after a certain step in the production, i.e.

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