

1386 Uppsatser om Secure base - Sida 44 av 93

Pantsättning och överlåtelse av bostadsrätt : En utredning kring brister, problem och lösningar

One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to ?negatively bind? the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL).In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made.

Kulturers påverkan på förhandlingar

In this thesis, I discuss the impact Swedish national culture may have on Swedish diplomats. This is a qualitative study and I have used theories from studies of international negotiations to compare the oppositional results of those scientists with my interview material. With the help of my interview material from seven Swedish diplomats and five foreign diplomats I have compared their perceptions of Swedish culture, Swedish diplomats and their thoughts about the existence of an international diplomatic culture with well known sceientists of international negotiations. My main question is whether there is an international diplomatic subculture, without any national impact, or not. The mission is to base the thesis with earlier science and then compare and contrast with my interview material.

I den bästa av världar? är kvalitet lika för alla? : intervjuer med politiker och enhetschefer inom äldreomsorgen

The purpose of this study was to examine and describe how politicians and directors of care define and experience quality in aged care facilities. Further on we wanted to compare on which fundamental principles the participants base their opinion about quality and how they work with quality. To reach our aim we conducted five interviews with politicians and directors of care. The results show that it is hard to determine quality in an unambiguous and objective way. Quality in aged care appears to be about relations and encounters amongst people.

Towards sustainable rural development in Bergslagen : mapping stakeholder opinions as base for action

De flesta politiska riktlinjer har idag en hållbar samhällsutveckling som övergripande och gemensam nationell ambition. Det innebär att uppsatta mål för ekologisk, ekonomisk och social hållbarhet ska nås i samverkan mellan aktörer från olika sektorer och på olika beslutsnivåer. Att förstå vad det innebär på lokal och regional nivå, och hur man kan nå de målen, är inte så enkelt. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa ett underlag som kan användas i arbetet med hållbar landsbygdsutveckling, inom den informella regionen Bergslagen i Sverige. Hinder och möjligheter för hållbar landsbygdsutveckling har analyserats genom att arrangera fokusgruppdiskussioner med olika intressegrupper i samhället.

Boka en bibliotekarie - en studie i förmedlad informationssökning

This master thesis deals with events, dynamics and problems of mediated information seeking within the context of a new information service called "Book a librarian". The study, based on a survey and interviews both in academic and public libraries and participant observations in academic libraries, has its theoretical base in the cognitive theory of information retrieval interaction. The cognitive view is used to throw light upon the need of an ongoing dialogue during the session in order to detect the information needs of the user and to conduct a successful retrieval of information. The communicative interaction is seen as threepart interaction between the intermediary, the user and the information system, where the current cognitive states of all three participants are involved. The study shows that the cognitive obstacles for a successful mediation and information retrieval are mostly connected to participants current knowledge of the subject and of the retrieval techniques.

Identitet och invandring       : En kvalitativ studie med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Identity and immigration                                                                                                            - A qualitative study with unaccompanied refugee children Jennie Hamberg Larsson and Matthew McNeillThe main purpose of this study is to illuminate and describe how unaccompanied refugee children experience changes and reconstructions to their identity after immigration to Sweden. Using qualitative interviews this study looks at how social relationships in Sweden and a foreign background influence the reconstruction of unaccompanied refugee children´s identity. The base for our analysis is identity theory while roll concepts, social identity theory and concepts of ethnic and national identity are used to give deeper insight into the experiences of three unaccompanied refugee children. Important results found included a connection between the way that identity is formed in relationships, especially with significant others, in the country of origin and how reconstruction of identity develops in the new country with new social relationships. Furthermore the results showed how this reconstruction of identity can be linked to different acculturation strategies that incorporate the importance of an ethnic identity and a national identity.Keywords: identity, ethnic identity, unaccompanied children, immigration.

Om vikten av kvalitet. En studie av förändring i svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

The public health care sector has come under increasing pressure to cut down costs, maximize productivity and satisfy patients' needs during the 1990s and onwards. As a way of "getting more for less" quality management has been introduced. Originating in the private manufacturing industry, quality management has a strong focus on productivity and efficiency, aspects which are measured in quantitative terms. However, there are strong concerns that quality management is a means of speeding up the marketization of public health care by introducing core values much different from the ethic and medical norms that traditionally underpin health care organizations.This essay focuses on how quality management has been introduced to, and transformed by, public health care. A theoretical framework based on new institutionalism is constructed, and translation theories are used as a way of illustrating how the medical institutional environment, in fact, changes the concept of quality management.

En holistisk investeringsbank - En fallstudie av fördelarna med att vara involverad i hela M&A-processen

Studies have shown that mergers and acquisitions often fail and that a reason to this might be that investment banks do not take any responsibility for the post merger integration. Despite this there have been no studies of the potential benefits of an investment bank taking a holistic approach to the M&A-process and including post merger integration in its service. This study identifies a couple of investment banks that does this and calls them holistic investment banks. In M&A-theory a successful process is often described according to so called success factors that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve a successful result of the merger or acquisition. The business model and work approach of one holistic investment bank is analyzed in this case study on the base of seven success factors from established theories.

Distriktssköterskans upplevelser av att nattetid möta närstående till cancersjuka patienter som vårdas i hemmet.

AbstractThe aim of the study was to describe district nurses experiences meeting intimate of cancer patients in home care. The study had a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The sample consisted of ten district nurses employed in primary health care, working in emergency duty in a district in the Middle of Sweden. The results are presented from the two categories; to communicate and being competent, which was formulated to one theme. The theme ?Being safe in one´s professional role, being aware of possibilities and difficulties when encountering intimates in home care?.

Skydd av flygbas : En jämförelse mellan hund och LADAR som sensor

I en ambition att öka effekten och insatsberedskapen i den svenska försvarsmakten har stora omorganisationer skett efter det kalla krigets slut. Den senaste förändringen innebär att värnplikten läggs på is under fredstid och att kontraktsanställda soldater skall ingår i förbanden istället. Detta har medfört reduktioner i personalvolymer, troligtvis för att kunna bekosta löner för de kontraktsanställda soldaterna. Inom flygvapnets markförsvarsförband har reduceringen blivit så stor att vid en spriding av det svenska flygvapnet, finns inte tillräckligt med förband för att skydda samtliga baser effektivt. För närvarande används hundar som sensor för lokalisera fientliga spaning och sabotageförband vid och omkring svenska flygbasområden.

du&jag - The car seat for you and me

 Car seats for smaller children, offers very good protection incase of a collision. Unfortunately for the parents? sake , these car seats is heavy to handle outside the car. For example back and forth home and short errands around town. In other words, all those times when you decide to just take out the car seat and carry it instead of place the baby in a baby carrier.

Kön, politik och makt - Den diskursiva kampen om tolkningsföreträde: empiriskt exempel Feministiskt initiativ

This essay is a discourse and a feminist theoretical analysis that focuses on the alternative discourse that we consider Feminist Initiative to be constitutive of. Our theoretical stance, with base in Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory, builds on the notion that reality is characterised by conflicts between different competing discursive formations and that the social is an endless struggle over the preferential right of interpretation of meaning. More specifically, the essay focuses on the discursive struggle over the meaning of the term politics. It is our understanding that the dominant perception of politics necessarily excludes other understandings, which can according to Eduards, be explained as a consequence of a patriarchal distribution of power that renders the subordination of certain understandings of politics accordingly. Feminist Initiative, as an alternative discourse, can therefore be perceived as a threat to the dominating discourse of politics, which in order to maintain its preferential right of interpretation seek to illegitimatise and depoliticise the politics that the alternative discourse represents.

När man inte vet - Patienters upplevelser av att vårdas för ospecifik buksmärta på kirurgiska akutvårdsavdelningar

Introduction: To become acute ill and to be forced to seek treatment involves a difficult but also a vulnerable time for the individual. This acquires a good relationship between the nurse and the patient. At a surgical emergency ward patients with different diagnoses and trauma are treated. What distinguishes this specific type of ward is that care often occurs in a rapid rate and as a patient the environment may be experienced as stressed. The relationship with the nurse at the ward establishes a foundation for how the patient experiences the health care.

Utveckling och utvärdering av gränssnitt : En gränssnittsprototyp för design av t-shirtar

This thesis project is based on a business idea where users can design their own t-shirt online. The project shows the first step in the development process where a prototype for a user interface is created and evaluated.The purpose of this thesis project is to answer the following question:How does one develop a user interface for t-shirt design with consideration to interaction design theories?In order to answer this question the design process began with scheduling the work at hand. The first step was to build a conceptual model based on specifications made prior to this project. This conceptual model became the foundation for the physical design.A high fidelity prototype was created using Macromedia Flash and Actionscript 2.0.

Visualisering av produktionseffektivitet : Utveckling av ett verktyg för övervakningav avbrott och presentation av TAK

Many companies do not register all the stops that occur in a production plant, it often takes longer to report than to fix the problem. If no problems are registered, you cannot trace where the problems arise.This master thesis was performed at AcobiaFLUX and they have noticed an increased demand from their customers to trace problems raised in their processes. The aim of the thesis was to find out how a tool to monitor a process best could be developed. Then the most essential from the theoretical base was developed into a useful tool for operators. For the operators to know if the process utilizes the full capacity of a process, the tool presents a measure of the Overall Equipment Efficiency, OEE.

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