
Kön, politik och makt - Den diskursiva kampen om tolkningsföreträde

empiriskt exempel Feministiskt initiativ

This essay is a discourse and a feminist theoretical analysis that focuses on the alternative discourse that we consider Feminist Initiative to be constitutive of. Our theoretical stance, with base in Laclau and Mouffes discourse theory, builds on the notion that reality is characterised by conflicts between different competing discursive formations and that the social is an endless struggle over the preferential right of interpretation of meaning. More specifically, the essay focuses on the discursive struggle over the meaning of the term politics. It is our understanding that the dominant perception of politics necessarily excludes other understandings, which can according to Eduards, be explained as a consequence of a patriarchal distribution of power that renders the subordination of certain understandings of politics accordingly. Feminist Initiative, as an alternative discourse, can therefore be perceived as a threat to the dominating discourse of politics, which in order to maintain its preferential right of interpretation seek to illegitimatise and depoliticise the politics that the alternative discourse represents. As a result, the dominating view of politics that builds upon norms of cooperation, consensus, gender neutrality, competence and public interest, is made evident.


Sara Aarnivaara Alexandra Johansson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionen


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