

1386 Uppsatser om Secure base - Sida 43 av 93

Synen på "den andre" i ett segregerat område i Kalmar : en studie gjord ur två utlandsfödda mäns perspektiv

Edward Said's book Orientalism (1978) is the most important reference point in the post-colonial theory and describes how the West is dominant over the Orient. There is a clear distinction between "us" and "the other" and the purpose of this study is that, from a postcolonial perspective, focusing on Said's theoretical concepts "the other" and "discourse", examining how two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds living in the same place, are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes. My questions to answer this are; ?what are the concepts of "the other" and "discourse" and is it possible to use these concepts to examine how foreign-born people are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes in a specific location??, ?who is "the other" in a place where there are almost as many native Swedes as foreign-born??, and ?how do these two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds perceive Norrliden as a place and what effect has that place had on their identity?? I have used a post-colonial philosophical ground and a qualitative approach, focusing on two different interviews with two men, living in Norrliden. In Norrliden almost 50% of the inhabitants are foreign-born were both of the interview-persons are feeling safe and secure.

"Klänningen som får en andra chans" : klädkonstruktion av återbruksmaterial

This report presents a bachelor thesis by Erika Gustrén aimed to increase people?s interest for recycling and reusing by create new products of things that already exist in most people?s homes in the materials textile, plastic and paper. That would be a modern and innovative way to contribute to a better environment.The goal with this project was to create three cocktail dresses made of the same pattern and design and with the three chosen materials. The project did not have its base at a company, therefore an external mentor was chosen to help and support during the development of the project. My mentor was Kerstin Boulogner who is a fashion designer and one of the members of GKF (Gotländska Konsthantverkare och Formgivare) in Visby.The project began with an analysis of the chosen materials; textile, plastic and paper.

Vad innebär värdegrund för äldreomsorgen? : En studie om personalens syn på tillämpning av värdegrund i kommunal äldreomsorg

Det övergripande syftet med studien har varit att skildra hur personal på fyra kommunala äldreboenden definierat begreppet värdegrund samt hur de tillämpat den i det praktiska arbetet med de äldre. I studien har begreppen KASAM, Empowerment samt en problematisering av värdegrundskomponenterna använts för att analysera resultaten av interjuverna. Resultat av studien visade på att det finns en enighet bland personalen i hur man definierar värdegrundskomponenter. De gav dock samtidigt uttryck för komplexiteten i att komponenterna kan ha flera betydelser, vara nära besläktade och i vissa fall motsägelsefulla. Personalen såg på begreppen som mål för sitt arbete och menade på att uppfyllelse av målen genererar en bättre hälsa och välbefinnande för den äldre.

Risk Management vid implementering av regulatoriska ändringar inom Sweden Operations

The environmental debate is more intensive than ever before and the demands on companies increase. There are a number of methods to make it easier for the companies to fulfil the demands. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) end ecodesign are some of the methods that can be used. Syntronic AB has the possibility to reduce the products´ environmental impact in the design phase. Therefore it is important for the company to make it possible to visualize the negative environmental impacts a product can cause in an easy way. It is also important to visualize for there clients if any improvement is possible. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a simplified model.

Hur publicera efter policyn? Ett antal seniora forskares förhållningssätt till open access efter Vetenskapsrådets open access-policy.

Since the 1990?s Open Access has developed into an alternative model for scientific publication. Today an increasing political interest in promoting Open Access is commonly channeled through the implementation of policies by research funders. However, in the scientific community the uptake and acceptance of the model has been of notably different character.This Master?s thesis examines the understanding of and attitudes towards open access among eight senior Swedish researchers and how these have been affected by the implementation of the Swedish Research Council?s Open Access-policy as implemented in 2010.

Medborgaren som kund och brukare : En idealtypsanalys utifrån den kommunala demokratin

? Does Karlstad municipality have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use ofthe citizens? proposals??The purpose with the thesis is to investigate if citizens? proposals lead to a broader politicalinfluence. To answer that, I have done a case study about how Karlstad municipal administers citizens? proposals. The research assignment is: Does Karlstad municipal have adequate institutional conditions to make the best use of the citizens? proposals? The perspective is a democracy perspective and the theory is institutional theory and policy process theory.A selection of citizens? proposals that have arrived to Karlstad municipal between 2008 and 2010 have been studied in detail to analyze how the proposals have been administered and if it matters how the proposals are phrased.

Vad spelar biblioteket för roll på folkhögskolan?

This report will focus on the folkhigh-school in its general form and the role of the libraries on these types of schools in particular. A library on folkhighschools have a tendency to be forgotten and ends up being somewhere in the middle of the libraryworld and the general educational organisations. The purpose of this essay is to examine and provide general views on the different roles that a library on a folkhighschool can have, as well as looking into the unique aspects of the type of school that a folkhighschool is in terms of influencing the libraries placed there. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. Interviews have been held on three different folkhighschools in south of Sweden.

Att skriva staden genom språnget : En undersökning av plankning och parkour som skapande, rumsliga praktiker utifrån Michel de Certeaus The Practice of Everyday Life

What happens when one moves about in the city? In this essay I will explore how we through our movements create our own temporal cities. I base my investigation on Michel de Certeau's theories from his book The Practice of Everyday Life vol 1. De Certeau believes that by just walking in the city ? a mostly unconscious and for many trivial activity ? you write it, creating different types of spaces that can be understood using linguistic terms.In my essay, I develop de Certeau's theories about ordinary activities by applying them to two less ordinary ? and between themselves quite different ? spatial practices:  fare evasion on public transportation (plankning) and the urban activity of parkour.

Underlag för en kommande rivning av J-huset på Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala : Generell planeringshjälp vid utförande av rivning

This report is about planning a demolition. The purpose of this report is that it should become a base for a demolition of house J at the Academic hospital in Uppsala, and also to make general help for planning a demolition. This report also contains a part about how a change in the work environment affects general people. The work started with studies of literature and design of the general part of the report and then continued with a practical study of house J. From the experience of the first two parts of the report a general help for planning a demolition was shaped.

Elevers beskrivningar av fenomenet pedagogik : En etnografisk studie

?Pedagogiska kvarten? is a project at Örebro University. It is a study that deals with the teachers? perspective of pedagogics. When I came in touch with ?Pedagogiska kvarten? I found it interesting to find out more about pupils? perspective of pedagogics, since the teachers? perspective already had been noticed.

Bibliotekariers och universitetslärares syn på informationskompetens

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate on what perspective or perspectives university teachers and librarians at a medium-sized university in Sweden base their view on information literacy. More specifically, how do the respondents view their own information literacy and what opinions they have of their students? information literacy as professionals. Three perspectives are used to interpret the results, the sociocultural perspective, the phenomenographical perspective and the behavioristic perspective.The method used is semi structured interviews with three university teachers and three librarians.Both librarians and teachers emphasize the importance of information literacy, for themselves as well as for students. The information literacy of the librarians involves being well acquainted with the subjects of the students.

GIS - ett interaktivt läromedel för grundskolan : En studie som ser på möjligheter och hinder med GIS som läromedel i grundskolans SO-ämnen

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is about presentinginformation with the map as a base. This is increasingly being used on internetsites and in mobile apps. With a GPS it is possible to see where you are andhow to reach a destination or check if the bus is in time. A question to ask isif this technology is possible to implement in ordinary primary schooleducation. If it is, learning history, geography, religion and so on with a GISlearning tool might be possible.

Statliga turistbyråers marknadskommunikation : en jämförande studie om den Tyska och den Tjeckiska turistbyråns verksamhet på den svenska marknaden

In many of the world's countries, there is a national organization responsible for marketingthat country as a tourist destination. Through their offices, these organizations work towardsthe creation of effective strategies and a deeper understanding of local markets. Usingqualitative methods such as interviews, observations, and thematic analysis, we managed toinvestigate how the Czech and the German national tourist offices operate, and whatstrategies they are implementing to increase the volume of tourism. The study focused on theanalysis and comparison of the organizations' goals and communication channels.The results show that the investigated tourist boards operate in a similar manner with smalldifferences concerning choice of strategies and communication channels. These discrepanciescan be partly explained by differences in the organization's ownership forms and theconsequences that follow that fact.

Vikten av samverkan mellan skola och föräldrar gällande elevers skolsituation : Vilken betydelse har föräldrarna för barns skolsituation?

Thiswork is about the parents ' perception of their children's schooling and schoolsituation. It also addresses the important and fundamental conditions when itcomes to parenting and caring of children, which is an essential andcontributory basis for children's school situation. The work also deals withthe importance of good cooperation between school and home for the children tocome to the school grounds and with the desire to learn and develop. The aim ofthis work is that through a survey get a picture of how parents feel abouttheir child's school situation. But also look at how important interplaybetween school, parents and children to the school situation to be good.

Hur tolkar du? : En studie om reklambilder utifrån sändar- och mottagarperspektiv.

  The study aims to gain a better understanding and explore how a selected group (receivers) perceive two elected advertising images from Indiska and Vila and then compare their opinions to what Indiska and Vila themselves want to communicate. We base the study on theories of encoding / decoding, which deals with how the companies charge their advertising images with values and how recipients decodes these values.A qualitative study was carried out based on analytical induction (planning, collection and analysis). Through the analytical method of induction, we created categories based on the collected data and put them in relation to each other. The result showed that the overall impression of the images' and the context are of great importance for how our respondents perceive the advertising images. The overall impressions convey emotion that reinforces the expression and the message.

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