En holistisk investeringsbank - En fallstudie av fördelarna med att vara involverad i hela M&A-processen
Studies have shown that mergers and acquisitions often fail and that a reason to this might be that investment banks do not take any responsibility for the post merger integration. Despite this there have been no studies of the potential benefits of an investment bank taking a holistic approach to the M&A-process and including post merger integration in its service. This study identifies a couple of investment banks that does this and calls them holistic investment banks. In M&A-theory a successful process is often described according to so called success factors that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve a successful result of the merger or acquisition. The business model and work approach of one holistic investment bank is analyzed in this case study on the base of seven success factors from established theories. The conclusion is that a holistic approach to the M&A-process offers several benefits that have the potential of increasing the success rate of mergers and acquisitions. Additional benefits are added by the fact that the case company has a lot of strategically experienced employees. Employing staff with strategic experience is in itself likely to be an effect of the inclusion of post merger integration in the banks service range.