

412 Uppsatser om Samhällskunskapslärare - Sida 16 av 28

Artificiell intelligens inom radiografin. En litteratur?versikt ur r?ntgensjuksk?terskans perspektiv

Bakgrund: Det framtida v?rdbehovet har visat sig ?verstiga tillg?ngen till personalresurser, vilket ses som en utmaning f?r v?lf?rden. Artificiell intelligens (AI) ?r en teknologi som ?r p? frammarsch i samh?llet och inte minst inom v?rden och radiografi. Genom att dra nytta av dess f?rdelar finns f?rhoppningar om f?rb?ttringar p? s?v?l v?rd som personalf?rs?rjning.

Åtta röster gĂ€llande omplaceringar i skolan

This study is about relocated students in the school. Research in this area is limited and the aim is to illuminate the area by listening to different people's voices that have been close to or involved in relocations. The study was made of a qualitative method and the collection of data was through interviews. A total of eight people were included in the study. The selected municipality is located in Sweden.

Det Àr svÄrt att sÀtta fingret pÄ : En studie om musik- och bildlÀrares syn pÄ kreativitet

Studiens syfte a?r att underso?ka la?rares syn pa? begreppet kreativitet och vad det har fo?r plats i skolan. Fo?r att na? fram till det syftet valde vi intervju som metod, da?r vi har intervjuat fyra olika ho?gstadiela?rare varav tva? av dem har musik som inriktning medan de andra tva? undervisar i bild.I syftet inga?r ocksa? att ja?mfo?ra bild- och musikla?rarnas uppfattningar av begreppet, fo?r att se om det finns skillnader mellan a?mnena. Fo?r att genomfo?ra en ja?mfo?relse valdes att utforma intervjuns fra?gesta?llningar pa? sa? sa?tt att la?rarna hade mo?jlighet att ge fria svar.

En analog spelare i en digital vÀrld? : En studie om anvÀndningen av digitala verktyg pÄ Södertörns högskola

Denna studie syftar till att, ur ett multimodalt perspektiv, fÄ kÀnnedom om hur digitala verktyg anvÀnds av lÀrare i undervisningssyfte pÄ Södertörns högskola, samt studenters instÀllning till de medietekniska hjÀlpmedlen. Detta har gjorts med hjÀlp av observationer, intervjuer och enkÀtundersökningar som genomfördes med lÀrare och studenter.Det resultat som observationerna gav stÀmde överens med resultatet frÄn intervjuer och enkÀtundersökningar. Studien visar att digitala verktyg anvÀnds sparsamt av lÀrare pÄ högskolan. FörelÀsningar med PowerPoint-presentationer som i stort sett enbart innehöll text och bilder var i sÀrklass det vanligaste undervisningsredskapet. LÀrarna har generellt en positiv instÀllning till digitala verktyg men pÄ grund av tidsbrist och begrÀnsningar i hur och vilka digitala hjÀlpmedel som fÄr anvÀndas i undervisningen hÀmmas de.

Ho?gla?sning i skolan : En studie om hur tre la?gstadiela?rare arbetar med ho?gla?sning ? fo?resta?llningar och motiv

The aim of the study was to investigate how teachers work with reading aloud. The aim also included examining their ideas about and motives for reading aloud. The study consisted of interviews with three teachers at the lower level of compulsory school along with observation of one of these teachers during a reading aloud session. The interviewed teachers work at three different schools in the same geographical area.The analytical tools chosen for the study were the theories of Rosenblatt. The three basic skills that Damber et al.

Sambandet mellan motivation och lÀsförstÄelse hos andrasprÄksinlÀrare : En studie av vuxnas inlÀrande av svenska som andrasprÄk

Denna studie a?r en fo?rdjupning i huruvida motivation pa?verkar andraspra?ksinla?raresresultat i la?sning. Gardner och Lamberts (1972) ursprungsmodell fo?r motivationsstudier har fungerat som underlag i denna underso?kning som har utfo?rts pa? en grupp vuxna L2- inla?rare av svenska som i nula?get studerar pa? SFI, kurs C och D. Fra?gesta?llningen a?r huruvida elever med ho?g motivation uppna?r ba?ttre resultat pa? la?stest a?n elever med la?gre motivation.

Bevarande av de svenska lantraserna, populationsgenetiska och molekylÀrgenetiska metoder

Today?s community requires an increase in food production. Animals are today bred so that they produce more than their ancestors did. Production has been the most important and breeds with the highest production levels have therefore become popular. Many of the old local breeds have become extinct or are about to become extinct because of this trend.

"Vem bryr sig" : - pÄverkas empati av personlighet, trÀning eller situation?

Studiens syfte var att underso?ka om fo?rutsa?ttningar fo?r empati i form av personlig disposition och aktuell situation samverkar med empatiska processer fo?r att ge ett emotionellt utfall.Blivande behandlare (n=90) och specialpedagoger / specialla?rare (n=50) fick se filmer och besvara fra?geformula?r baserade pa? IRI och MACL. Stiganalys gjordes med hja?lp av SEM i SPSS/AMOS. Resultaten visade att empatisk disposition och empatiska processer tillsammans predicerar medka?nsla.

Informationsstyrning av en försörjningskedja i ett icke tillverkande företag.

In this report listed buildings, according to the Swedish Heritage Conservation Act, have been studied with a focus on cases where economical compensation has been given to the owner of the building and cases where the listing of the building has been appealed by the owner. In order for a building to become listed it needs to be particularly valuable from a cultural and historical standpoint. The listed buildings are protected through a list of regulations that determines which parts of the building can or cannot be changed, what methods and materials should be used for changes and repairs, and how the building should be maintained. These regulations should as far as possible be formulated in agreement with the owner, but a building can become listed against the owners will. To decrease the damage this causes the owner he can in some cases have the right to economical compensation. There is also a possibility for the owner to appeal the listing of the building.

Skogens sociala v?rden. En j?mf?rande studie ?ver planeringen av kommun?gd skog

F?rt?tningen av st?der skapar en utmaning f?r bevarandet av de t?tortsn?ra skogarna. V?rden som skapas av m?nniskans upplevelser i skogen kan sammanfattas i begreppet skogens sociala v?rden, som visat sig ha en stor betydelse f?r folkh?lsan. D? m?nga kommuner ?ger t?tortsn?ra skog, ?r det av intresse att studera hur de planerar f?r skogens sociala v?rden.

Möbius sekvens -Möbius sekvens samt effekter av leendekirurgi hos en person

Möbius sequence is a rare condition where affected cranial nervesoften lead to speech deviations due to reduced oral motor functioning. Thisstudy aimed to survey speech deviations, compensatory strategies and selfperceptionof speech in seven people with Möbius sequence, and to linkthese to oral motor function and intelligibility. Additionally, the immediateeffects of smile surgery were investigated in one person. The abovementioneddomains were studied instrumentally, perceptually and throughstructured interviewing. All participants displayed reduced oral motorfunction.

1:1 datorer i en gymnasieskola : Anva?ndning ur ett genusperspektiv

Idag anva?nds 1:1 datorer, d.v.s. en dator fo?r varje elev, i svenska skolor. Detta a?mne a?r intressant att underso?ka i va?rt va?xande globala digitalsamha?lle da?r kommuner och skolor stra?var efter att erbjuda en ho?g tillga?nglighet och kompetens till eleverna.

Sociala medier : Arbetsgivares möjligheter skydda sig mot vad arbetstagare skriver i sociala medier

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate the legal position for employers concerning protection against what employees can express about one?s employer in social media.It may regard dissatisfaction concerning employment, tort or so-called whistleblowing. The spread through social media may be comprehensive and thus cause more damage to the employer.Employees within the public sector as well as in the private are protected by the liberty of speech, which is constitutional, even the protection of sources or the right to criticize can offer some protection. This gives the employees the possibility to widely express themselves in private social media as long as it can?t be classified as a violation, which per se is very rare.However, certain differences between the both sectors will be pointed out.There are still no constitutional rights regarding social media, but a grey area has emerged concerning the legal position.

Den demokratiska lyxen

Abstract: The fashion industry is perhaps the most unpredictable one where change occurs very rapidly. In order to be attractive and interesting in this competitive industry, a brand must constantly be up to date and differentiated from other brands to attract the consumers. This has given rise to an increasing growth of brands that cooperate for marketing reasons and more specifically, clothing retailers that perform designer collaborations with exclusive designers to create limited collections.Studies describing the effects of those collaborations on the retailers brands are rare and especially from a consumer perspective. Since H&M has been a pioneer in designer collaborations and has done it more times and for more years than any other retailer we have conducted our study on their case. Our intention was to investigate how the designer collaborations have affected the brand equity and image of H&M, if the collaborations have increased the willingness to pay for H&M's other ranges and if they have affected H&M's ability to extend its brand to higher price segments, through an experimental study.

Vandring som tema i videokonst : En studie av Francis AlĂżs videodokumenterade performance

Idag anva?nds 1:1 datorer, d.v.s. en dator fo?r varje elev, i svenska skolor. Detta a?mne a?r intressant att underso?ka i va?rt va?xande globala digitalsamha?lle da?r kommuner och skolor stra?var efter att erbjuda en ho?g tillga?nglighet och kompetens till eleverna.

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