

1289 Uppsatser om Internal auditing - Sida 49 av 86

Att implementera ett internt socialt nätverk : En anpassning för en mindre organisation

Under de senaste åren har användningen av interna sociala nätverk (ISN) markant ökat. En orsak till detta kan vara den ökade användningen av publika sociala nätverk (så som Facebook eller Twitter) på arbetstid, då detta tenderar att sänka arbetsmoralen och effektiviteten hos de anställda. Ett ISN fungerar i princip som ett socialt medium, men dock innanför ett företags eller organisations interna väggar och fokuserar mer på att främja samarbete, kommunikation och kunskapsutbyte. Detta examensarbete utreder hur man kan implementera ett ISN i en mindre organisation och få det att leva i ett företags vardag. Vanligtvis används ISN inom större företag för att främst hitta och dela kunskap inom organisationen.I denna avhandling kommer jag (baserat på genomförda metoder) skräddarsy ett gränssnitt för Xtractor Interactive AB i ett ISN som heter Totara Social.

Energikartläggning av avfallsförbränningen i Uppsala

Vattenfall Heat Uppsala runs the waste incineration plant in Uppsala, which produces district heating, process steam, district cooling and electricity. Vattenfall Heat Uppsala has decided to introduce an energy management system with the aim to increase the energy efficiency of the plant. The basis in such a system is to make an energy mapping.In this thesis an energy mapping has been performed at the waste incineration plant with the aim to identify and determine the size of energy flows. The investigated energy flows are used fuel, produced and used steam, produced district heating and cooling. Also the use of electricity to run the processes has been investigated.

Vet alla vart vi är på väg? : -Studie av internkommunikation i en komplex organisation

Internal communication exists in all organizations and is ongoing. It is of great importanceto communicate effectively when deficiencies can have serious consequences. The tsunamithat swept over South East Asia's coast in 2004 is indicative of this. At that time the consequenceswere loss of efficiency and productivity of businesses, health care, police and themilitary. All because of the lack of information.Employees in an organization take many decisions that affect the entire organization.

Dokumenthantering i företag och organisationer: En fallstudie på Volvo Cars i Uddevalla

The aim of this thesis is to map the current internal information flow at Volvo Uddevalla, to detect obstacles in the flow and to find out how these obstacles can be avoided. The aim is also to describe how a corporation, in this particular case Volvo Uddevalla, creates knowledge and use information. The study is performed in order to create a base for the coming implementation of a new information standard. The method used is conducting an information audit investigating the current management of documentation according to the changes that have to be made to carry out the claims from the standard. The investigation is made by way of interviews with 16 of the employees at Volvo Uddevalla.

Dödshjälp i dagspressen : En analys av dagspressens rapportering om Kims öde

A good flow of information in organizations is one of the key aspects of how we define a well-functioning organization. The information flow could be internal as well as external between actors within as well as outside of the organization. In a logistics organization this flow of information is equally important as in any other kind of organization. In this paper we have explored information flows in logistics organizations by applying, boundary spanning and the mobile-stationary divide perspective. In boundary spanning the main goal is to erase or relocate some of the boundaries within an organization, in our case to make the flow of information internally as well as externally better.

Källans makt över lokalpressen : En fallstudie av Kalmar kommuns arbete med PR och News Management mot lokala medier

In recent decades, public relations and news management have become increasingly important in organizations? communication efforts. This thesis aims to show how the Kalmar municipality works with this type of strategic communication to build the Kalmar brand and how their communication efforts can be improved. The thesis is mainly based on theories concerning Public relations and News Management but also the medias impact on forming opinion. An important issue throughout the thesis is that all theories must be related to the fact that the study concerns an organization in the public sector and the obligations that comes with that fact.

Felsökningssystem för bankomat

NMD 100 is a notes and media dispensing machine, manufactured by De La Rue Ltd, located in Flen, Sweden. The customers, mainly bank offices, have expressed a need for a more comprehensive description of errors occurring from time to time in their machines. In order to acquire a BSc-degree in Computer and Electronics Technology at the University of Linköping I have carried out a diploma work, regarding new computer programs to fulfil the customers? wishes. The machine NMD 100 is connected to its PC through handshaking.

Excess och kontroll : an Analysis of Annika Larsson?s Videos Pink Ball and Poliisi

The aim of the thesis is to identify and investigate central themes in two video artworks, Poliisi and Pink Ball, by Swedish artist Annika Larsson. Moreover it is an investigation of the configurations of violence, and an enquiring whether these works have a social-minded intention.Elements in scenery, framing and narration are analysed with the term ?crystalline regime? (régim cristallin), described by French philosopher Gilles Deleuze, which defines the artificial as opposed to the purely representational. Processes within the narrations of the two works are analysed as rituals, which leads to an investigation of an internal sign-system and to the question whether the rituals in these works have a function. Theory by French philosopher Georges Bataille is used to analyse the ritual with no external purpose, which aims at an intense experience of life.

EU, den fria rörligheten och asyl - En studie av EU:s viseringsregler och Dublinförordningen

This thesis studies two instruments within EC-law, affecting asylum issues, the Schengen Convention and the Dublin Regulation. These instruments are developed as a result of the free movement of persons in the European Union, and the development of the free internal market. The member states are afraid of losing control of who is residing within their borders, as their border controls has been removed, and these instruments are made to protect the member states now that their own means of control are gone. The thesis explains the relationship between the free movement and asylum issues and shows the connection between them. Its focus is aimed at the free movement of workers and how the European court of justice has interpreted article 39 to increase the workers ability to move within the union.

Projektet att etablera vindkraft : möjligheter och risker med ett förnybart energisystem

This thesis describes the processes of establishing wind farms in Sweden. The workcontains a thorough literature review regarding both the establishing process andproject management, including complex project theory. The main part consists of theexecution of 15 interviews with organizations involved in wind farm establishment.The result of these interviews laid the foundation for a process description identifyingdifferent steps and activities in these types of projects. The outcome was thencompiled in a project model, which includes five phases and four processes.When analyzing the project of establishing wind farms from the theory of complexprojects one discovers that the amount of different requirements and stakeholdersnecessitates a systematical and dynamical project structure. Since projects are in needof different types of competences there are also many consultants and contractorsinvolved.

Från internkund till hockeyspelare : En innovativ studie om samarbete på ICA Logistik

Syftet med denna uppsats är att hitta en innovativ definition av begreppet interna kunder samt föreslå en implementeringsstrategi för en av den svenska matvarugrossisten ICAs lagerenheter. Vi har nått våra slutsatser genom kreativa studiebesök, interaktiva intervjuer, en innovativ workshop och litteraturstudier. Vi har utgått från leanfilosofin och teorier om kulturer, förtroende och kommunikation i organisationer. Inom samtliga områden har vi stött på kopplingar till inre och yttre effektivitet. Under intervjuerna upptäckte vi att ICA står inför vissa utmaningar när det gäller de anställdas förtroende, kommunikation och individualistiska tankesätt.

Fyra bankchefers uppfattning av internrevision jämfört med IIA: s definition: en fallstudie inom bankbranschen

Då internrevision utförs finns det tre deltagande parter, beställaren, den som utför tjänsten och mottagaren. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att kartlägga och analysera om intrycket av internrevision för de som är mottagare stämmer överens med den nya definitionen av internrevision. För att besvara syftet har fyra olika aktörer intervjuats. Personliga intervjuer har genomförts med bankcheferna på de fyra storbankerna i Luleå: Handelbanken, Nordea, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken och Swedbank. Resultaten som framkom av studien visar att de aktörer som intervjuats upplever internrevision väl överrensstämma med den nya definition som Institute of Internal Auditors antog 1999.

Fyra bankchefers uppfattning av internrevision jämfört med IIA:s definition: en fallstudie inom bankbranschen

Då internrevision utförs finns det tre deltagande parter, beställaren, den som utför tjänsten och mottagaren. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att kartlägga och analysera om intrycket av internrevision för de som är mottagare stämmer överens med den nya definitionen av internrevision. För att besvara syftet har fyra olika aktörer intervjuats. Personliga intervjuer har genomförts med bankcheferna på de fyra storbankerna i Luleå: Handelbanken, Nordea, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken och Swedbank. Resultaten som framkom av studien visar att de aktörer som intervjuats upplever internrevision väl överrensstämma med den nya definition som Institute of Internal Auditors antog 1999.

SAS EuroBonus ? Tillgång eller skuld?: En fallstudie av hur värdet av ett lojalitetsprogram påverkar internprissättningen

This paper presents a study of Scandinavian Airlines? (SAS) frequent flyer program, EuroBonus. The study describes the transfer pricing of award seats between EuroBonus and the airlines within SAS. Furthermore, it aims to determine what effects market-based transfer pricing would have on EuroBonus, the airlines within SAS and consequently on the SAS Group. We have found that the existing transfer pricing does not provide incentives for the airlines within SAS to satisfy EuroBonus? demand for award seats.

Intern materialhanteringsutveckling på Kongsberg Automotive AB

This examination report is a part of a program for Industrial organisation and Economics with specialization in Logistics and Management at Jönköping University. The report contains an analysis of the internal material handling at Kongsberg Automotive, and also an improvement proposal for a new material handling system.The aim with the report is to find a better material handling system and also make an analyse of the existing system. The goal is to shorten the distance for the operators when they order material, and also to increase the productivity.The investigation methods for the report have for the most part consisted of observations and interviews of key-persons who daily work in the production. During some time the actual material handling-system has been observed and some shortcomings have been discovered, and these are also discussed in the report.The shortcomings that have been discovered are for once the indistinct signal that should signal need of material in the production. Some other activities have also been discovered that does not bring any value into the final products.

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