
EU, den fria rörligheten och asyl - En studie av EU

s viseringsregler och Dublinförordningen

This thesis studies two instruments within EC-law, affecting asylum issues, the Schengen Convention and the Dublin Regulation. These instruments are developed as a result of the free movement of persons in the European Union, and the development of the free internal market. The member states are afraid of losing control of who is residing within their borders, as their border controls has been removed, and these instruments are made to protect the member states now that their own means of control are gone. The thesis explains the relationship between the free movement and asylum issues and shows the connection between them. Its focus is aimed at the free movement of workers and how the European court of justice has interpreted article 39 to increase the workers ability to move within the union. After this has been established a review of the articles in the Schengen Convention and the Dublin Regulation of interest for this thesis follows. Then it is shown how they affect the member states in asylum issues and how they protect the member states against unwanted asylum applications. The conclusions establishes that the member states are fairly well protected against unwanted asylum applications if they use the EC-law in the right manner. With the current legislation, however, complications can arise for the member states who do wish to receive asylum seekers.


Tobias Löfstedt

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Institutionen för handelsrätt


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