

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 23 av 50

Datortomografi av hjärtats kranskärl: Åtgärder för en optimal undersökning avseende stråldos och bildkvalitet

Idag a?r invasiv koronarangiografi (IKA) fo?rstahandsmetoden fo?r att hitta och a?tga?rda stenoser i hja?rtats kranska?rl. En alternativ underso?kning och en relativt ny metod a?r datortomografisk koronarangiografi (DTKA). Kranska?rl har tidigare varit sva?ra att avbilda med datortomografi (DT), men tack vare den snabba tekniska utvecklingen inom DT bo?rjar metoden bli allt mer vanlig, eftersom den a?r icke-invasiv och kan ge patienten mindre stra?ldos a?n IKA.

Socialtjänsten 2.0 : En kvantitativ enka?tstudie om insta?llningen till socialra?dgivning pa? internet bland studenter pa? Linko?pings Universitet

Internet blir en allt sto?rre del av samha?llet da? fler tja?nster digitaliseras fo?r att underla?tta vardagen. Dock ligger det sociala arbetet efter. Av de utbud som idag erbjuder socialra?dgivning och socialt sto?d pa? internet a?r den sto?rsta andelen ideella verksamheter, medan de professionella verksamheterna a?r begra?nsade.

Ett på allvar integrerat svenskämne? : En studie av uppgiftskulturen i läromedlet Känslan för ord.

The aim of this paper is to analyze and problematize the content in the teaching media Känslan för ord through an integrative perspective. This is done by using two sets of questions based on two of the didactic questions what and how. How is the content of the Swedish subject constructed in Känslan för ord? and How is this content integrated in Känslan för ord? The used material consists of a fairly large amount of literature which provides different approaches, priorities, and methods about the Swedish subject. This literature forms the base for the model used to analyze the course books.The results are based on an analysis of the exercise culture (uppgiftskultur) in the two books and are extensive.

Koncentrationssvårigheter i skolans värld : En observationsstudie om hur lärare bemöter elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

SammanfattningDenna uppsats underso?ker hur olika la?rare fo?rha?ller sig till elever som tappar sin koncentrationsfo?rma?ga, inom ramen fo?r skolans undervisningsverksamhet. Fokus ligger pa? hur olika la?rare agerar i bemo?tandet na?r en elev tappar sin koncentration, om det fanns na?gra skillnader i hur la?rare agerar na?r det ga?ller barn med generella koncentrationssva?righeter ja?mfo?rt med barn utan generella koncentrationssva?righeter, samt vilken effekt la?rarens agerande fa?r fo?r den fortsatta undervisningen.MetodDenna underso?kning besta?r av 14 strukturerade observationer, vilket inneba?r att vi pa? fo?rhand vet vilka situationer och beteenden vi vill studera.Teoretiska perspektivDet kategoriska och det relationella perspektivet a?r de tva? perspektiv som denna uppsats kretsar kring. Inom det kategoriska perspektivet anses eleven vara problemet, medan i det relationella perspektivet anses miljo?n vara problemet.SyfteSyftet med underso?kningen a?r att studera hur olika la?rare fo?rha?ller sig till elever na?r de tappar sin koncentration inom ramen fo?r skolans undervisningsverksamhet.ResultatUnderso?kningen visar pa? skillnader i elevers koncentrationsfo?rma?ga i hel- respektive halvklass och eleverna tappar koncentrationen betydligt oftare i helklass.

Hinder för fysisk aktivtet hos ungdomar i övre tonåren

AbstractEmilia Rönnberg.Barriers to physical activity in adolescents in their late teens. Vetenskaplig C- uppsats HT 12 Physical activity has been essential to human health and well-being since several thousand years. In Sweden, it has been shown that both adults and young people are less physically active than the rest of Europe- a large proportion of young people today do not meet the recommendations for physical activity (60 minutes per day). The purpose of this study was to determine what proportion of young people, i.e. high school students, did not meet the recommendations for physical activity.

Barn med språkstörningar : En studie om språkstörningar och dess konsekvenser

AbstractThe purpose with this essay is to get knowledge about the consequences that speech-defects bring for children in pre-school ages. I got interested in this matter when I, during my teaching practice, got in touch with children carrying this specific disorder. I chose to apply qualitative interview as a method to investigate this and as a starting-point I used these aspects: How does speech-defects affect learning, understanding, friendship relations, and development in general?I interviewed three pre-school teachers in two different schools. One school in a smaller district and the other one in a middle-sized town, in the middle of Sweden.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : en kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter av utslussning från skyddat boende

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

Dåtid, nutid och framtid : Hur arbetar dagens historielärare i grundskolans senare år med historiemedvetande?

The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for writing without making it boring.

Fusion och Organisationskultur : En studie på Skruf Snus AB

Mergers between companies has become more and more common in Sweden and in the rest of the world with the motive to increase the competitive strength in the current markets and has an important role within organisational development of companies. When organisations merger there is not only buildings and objects that are put together but also their individual organisational structures, people, values and cultures. This can be a difficult process and can affect many people in how they think conscious as well as unconscious, feel and react.The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding of how employees are affected following a merger when changes in the organisational culture come up, and how these changes are expressed.This thesis is delimited to investigate only one company, Skruf Snus AB and only focus on their business and employees in the region of Stockholm. The thesis contains a qualitative investigation with semi structured interviews that has been carried out with eight employees at Skruf Snus AB. The thesis is partly based on a model of Schein which describes the different levels in organisational culture and partly on some theories about reactions to change in relation to the integration between the employees following a merger.The results of the investigation indicate that with a merger the whole organisational culture is affected and therefore also the employees.

Komplexitet i sten : en jämförande analys av inre samtyttre grav- och byggnadsstruktur hosfem gotländska bronsåldersrösen

This thesis concerns five Gotland Bronze Age cairns. They have been analyzed in order to compare their inner and outer burial - and building context. The analysis then forms the basis for the discussion of the similarities and differences observed. These five cairns along with the cairn Uggarderojr are presented in detail and compared. Major similarities were found between four of the five cairns.

Behovsbedömning av detaljplaner i Östergötlands kommuner.

In Sweden, detailed development plans (DDPs) go through a screening process to decide whether their implementation could cause significant environmental impact or not. The criteria in the legislation were studied to see if an environmental impact assessment was needed. This study also investigated 26 DDPs from 12 out of 13 of the municipalities in Östergötland and how they meet up to the demands in relevant legislation, for example the rules for Environmental Impact Assessments. Plans that concerned suburban communities and new housing were selected. The environmental issues highlighted in the plan documents were compared to selected topics from the GIS data base 'Östgötakartan' to see if the assessments made by the municipalities were reasonable judged.

Användarna och företagen : En studie i anva?ndarnas insta?llning till fo?retag pa? Instagram

Utvecklingen av smarta telefoner och sociala medier har gjort det enklare för människor att kommunicera med varandra. Detta är något som företag inte varit sena med att ta till förfogande. Då det idag anses som en självklarhet att företag befinner sig på sociala medier har intresset växt för hur mobilmarknadsföring går till. Samtidigt är det intressant att se hur användarna av applikationen ställer sig till detta fenomen.Syftet med denna uppsats var att ta reda på vad användare tycker om företag som använder sig av Instagram i marknadsföringssyfte. Det som undersöktes var användarnas beteenden, vanor och åsikter kring företags användning av applikationen.Undersökningen utfördes med hjälp av kvantitativ metod för att samla in data kring användarna, en enkät skickades ut via Facebook riktad till människor i åldern 15 till 30 år.

Läsning för alla! Om bibliotekens hjälpmedel för barn med speciella behov

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to present an overviewof a number of libraries? specially adapted media forchildren with special needs.We also wanted to see how the librarians worked to helpchildren with special needs, to take advantage of the librariescollections and activities. These special needs could bedyslexia but may also be disabilities which have resulted inthem being unable to read literature other than specialadapted literature. Examples of this literature are DAISY,book & DAISY, pictogram, bliss, ISAAC, easy reading,Braille, tactile picture books, and computer programs thatmake it easier for people to read in their own way with theirown skills.Using qualitative interviews we have interviewed sevenlibrarians. Through this process we have been able toascertain which methods public libraries use to meet theneeds of those children whose disabilities relate to reading.The interviews also explored how they are working withchildren who need more time than other children does whenit comes to reading.The results of the interviews showed that the librariesprovided a lot of special adapted media.

Utvecklandet av personas : - en kvalitativ studie i att lära känna sin målgrupp

Marknaden ser inte likadan ut idag som den gjorde fo?rr. Kunden vill inte la?ngre la?ta sig styras utan har ista?llet, i allt sto?rre utstra?ckning, sja?lv bo?rjat styra. Detta la?gger allt sto?rre vikt vid ma?lgruppen.

Självkänsla, sociala medier och användandeskillnader mellan grupper : En kvantiativ enkätstudie om självkänsla, Facebook och Instagram

Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats har varit att ta reda pa? hur fo?retag inom snusbranschen planerar sin kommunikation och lyckas na? ut till sina konsumenter trots de ha?rda marknadsfo?ringsregleringarna som finns. A?ven vilka andra intressenter snusfo?retagen kommunicerar med och vad syftet med den kommunikationen a?r av intresse. Fra?gesta?llningen som fo?ljts har sa?ledes varit: Hur ser marknadskommunikationen inom snusbranschen ut, varfo?r ser den ut som den go?r och vilka konsekvenser fa?r lagstiftningen pa? kommunikationen?Metoden som anva?nds fo?r att erha?lla information fo?r att kunna uppna? va?rt syfte och svara pa? va?r fra?gesta?llning har varit intervjuer med personer inom snusbranschen som har sa?rskilda kunskaper om just kommunikation.

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