

743 Uppsatser om Gudsföreställning - Sida 24 av 50

Skriftens magi : en betydelsefull & reflekterande resa

The theme of this essay is literacy training in pre-school. The theme takes it starting point in a project, where my colleagues and I noticed our children playing with writing and symbols. It leads to an exciting, reflecting and developing project, a project that will go on for six months together with twenty children in the age of five and six.The essay describes how I and the rest of the staff work with the project, and also how we try to find challenges that are meaningful for our children. When we worked with the project I ended up in a dilemma how I as a teacher was to retain the children?s joy and curiosity for writing without making it boring.

Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa

This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.

Elementkoncentrationer i gran utmed en markfuktighetsgradient :

One key factor in silviculture today is sustainability. In order to achieve sustainability it may be important to restore lost nutrients to the forest after clearcutting. In order to calculate the removal, you need to know how much of different elements you will find in different tree compartments. The aim of this study was to investigate if the concentration of elements in different tree compartments of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) were related to the moisture conditions of the site. Five plots at Risfallet (60º 21´ N, 16º 13´ E), was placed along a moisture gradient in a 40- year spruce stand.

Magkänsla mot matematik : Kan mekanisk rekrytering förhindra diskriminering?

The aim of this study was to investigate if a mechanical recruitment process could be a useful tool for employers to avoid discrimination. National and international law protect jobseekers from discrimination during the recruiting process. Despite this individuals frequently report that they are treated unfairly when they apply for a job. In line with this research shows that some individuals do not have the same opportunities in the labour market as the rest of the population. This study focus on discrimination based on ethnicity, age, gender or disability.Today most of the hiring decisions are based on employers professional judgement.

Varför känner vi inte till Tarsila do Amaral? : En studie av polariseringen mellan ?vi? och ?dom? i konsthistorien med utgångspunkt i antropofagin i 1920-talets Brasilien

The abscence of the brazilian artist Tarsila do Amaral (1886?1973) in the general art history is investigated, using the colonial structure as a starting point. In South America she is regarded as one of the greatest artists in modern time, in the rest of the world she is more or less unknown. The conclusion is that the colonial mechanisms are still in progress in our assumed postcolonial world, and has excluded Tarsila do Amaral, and the anthropophagic movement she was a part of, from the art history. The study points out the importance of looking into this neglected artist and the historic event.

Om upplevda konsumtionsbehov hos tonåringar med olika socioekonomiska bakgrunder

The purpose of my essay is to study and analyse how adolescents with different socioeconomical backgrounds experience their consumtion needs.There are five main questions:1. How do adolescents experience their needs of status symbols, labeled clothes etc?2. In what way does adolescents experience influences over their consumtion options?3.

Effekter av instruktion på transversus abdominis vid stabiliseringövningar

AimThe aim of this study was to evaluate the activity recorded with electromyography (EMG) fine-wire electrodes, in transversus abdominis (TrA) and rectus abdominis (RA) while performing various stabilization exercises, and to investigate how the level of activation was affected by specific instructionsMethodTen physically active women (27.1 ± 5.5year, 1.74 ± 0.05 m, 67.1 ± 8.6 kg) performed six different stabilization exercises (four lying supine with bent knees and hips and two in four point kneeling). They performed two sets of exercises, the first without and the second with specific instructions. The specific instruction was ?abdominal hollowing to activate? TrA. The fine-wire electrodes were inserted bilateral into TrA and RA with an injection needle with guidance from an ultrasound.

Inventering av förorenade områden enligt MIFO-fas 1 : Erasteel Kloster AB, Söderfors

Erasteel Kloster AB Söderfors have been commissioned by the county administrative board in Uppsala län to make an inventory of possible contaminations in theirs industrial- and landfill areas on the basis of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency?s; ?Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites-phase 1? (MIFO-fas 1). The inventory starts with maps and archive studies, place visits and interviews, and finally a risk classification is done. A risk classification is a compilation of four categories; pollutant toxicity, contamination level, possible spreading condition of the pollutant, sensitivity and protection value of the environment. In this paper five partial areas (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin, Östra verken and Myrområdet) have been described from a historical point of view. Only parts of four areas have been risk classified (Holmen- and Jörsöområdet, Järnsvampsområdet, Ingsådeponin and Östra verken), due to that the other areas isn?t own by Erasteel Kloster AB. Holmen- and Jörsöområdet Holmen- and Jörsöområdet have during the entire activity time been carried out as the production core in the company.

Vi kan inte blunda för öronen längre : En fallstudie om ljud som kommunikationsmedium i utställningen Drömmens syster

Ljudet a?r ett intressant kommunikationsmedium som utnyttjar varje individsegna erfarenheter och fo?resta?llningar da?r associationer fa?r stort utrymme. Mu-seer som idag kan va?lja fra?n ett stort urval av medier har mycket att vinna ge-nom att anva?nda sig av ljud - inte enbart fo?r att tekniken tilla?ter det.Den ha?r uppsatsen har fo?r avsikt att underso?ka ljudets mo?jligheter som kom-munikationsmedium i utsta?llningar. Syftet a?r att sprida ljus o?ver detta fo?rha?l-landevis outforskade omra?de som jag anser har ma?nga outnyttjade mo?jligheter.Fo?r att avgra?nsa min underso?kning har jag valt att studera utsta?llningen Dro?m-mens syster som finns pa? Va?rldskulturmuseet i Go?teborg.

Prevalens av subkliniskt smittade katter med vingelsjuka i Göteborg jämfört med Uppsala :

Borna disease virus (BDV) is a virus with capability to cause neurological disease in several species of mammals and of ostriches. Also humans are suspected to be susceptible to the virus, as the viral RNA and antibodies against BDV have been found in some humans with psychiatric diseases, like schizophrenia and depression. In Sweden there is a disease called staggering disease in cats, associated to BDV-infection. This disease often has a fatal progress. Definite diagnosis is reached by histo-pathological and immunohistochemical examination of the central nervous system.

Diskussioner inommatematikämnet : Kreativa och Imitativa diskussioneroch när de används i undervisningen

The purpose of this essay is to examine when teachers choose to discuss mathematics withstudents rather then just talk about mathematics. A definition where used to distinguish betweenan interaction that is not a discussion and an interaction that is a discussion. This definition hasbeen created by drawing ideas from other works into making a quite simple definition whichtherefore is easy to observe. The discussions are also separated into two different kinds ofdiscussions. The first and most common category of discussion are one where only imitativereasoning is used.

Lika lo?n fo?r lika arbete? : En studie av argumentationen kring folkskolla?rarnas lo?nedebatt i Svensk La?raretidning a?r 1906

Denna uppsats behandlar argumentationen kring folkskolla?rarnas lo?nedebatt som presenteras i Svenska la?raretidning a?r 1906. Fokus ligger pa? argumentationen kring lo?nefo?rslaget som tidningen presenterar, vilka argument som anva?nds och vilka delar tidningen tar upp. Detta har gjorts genom en argumentationsanalys utga?ende fra?n Toulmins (1958) argumentationsmodell.

Dark Side of Wonderland : en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

Turkiet och EU : En studie i turkiska medborgares förhållningssätt till det europeiska integrationsprojektet

 Euro barometer surveys show quite an astonishing change in Turkish opinion towards European Union. In 2004, 73 % of the population considered EU as a good thing. In 2008, only 49 % were of the same opinion. At the same time, skepticism towards European integration is explained differently in earlier research. Some scholars claim that partisanship may explain attitudes of citizens better than ?cost and benefit? approaches.

DANTE börjar på E... : en reflekterande essä om förskolebarns möte med skriftspråket

The children's ways of showing interest in writing and reading in pre-school have always fascinated me. The joy and pride they show when they start writing their own doodles and then eventually go on to write real letters and words, is a joy so see.The origin of this essay is based on Dante 3.5 years old. He wants me to spell my name so he can write to me. When I mention the second letter, Dante happily says "E, that's what my name starts with! From the other direction" I am amazed by his thoughts, and my enthusiasm for his knowledge knows no bounds. In the same moment I become aware of Alma, who quietly has seen my reaction to Dante's skills.

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