

87 Uppsatser om 1935-1954 - Sida 1 av 6

Bergnäset åren 1935 - 1954: en studie av infrastruktur, näringsverksamhet och föreningsliv, samt färjtrafik

I slutet av 1800-talet inträffade en tätortstillväxt, vilket bidrog till ökade krav på en bra kommunikation mellan stad och landsbygd. I de städer som låg i närheten av ett vattendrag uppstod det färjtrafik och därefter byggdes en bro. Jag har undersökt Bergnäsets utveckling, vilket är ett samhälle beläget ca 1 km från staden Luleå, med Lule älv som avskiljande vattendrag. Det var i slutet av 1800-talet som Bergnäset började befolkas i samband med färjtrafiken in till staden. Detta ledde till att näringsidkare och invånare började bosätta sig vid denna del av samhället.

Christopher-gillet i Långshyttan : en studie av en förening i bruksortsmiljö åren 1944-1954

Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på vad Christopher-gillet i Långshyttan var för en slags förening samt vad de gjorde? Tiden som denna undersökning rör är 1944-1954. De tre frågeställningarna är: 1. Vilket syfte hade Christopher-gillet? 2.

Vinster och förluster med steriliseringslagarnas tillämpning på sinnesslöanstalten Hallagården 1935-1943

År 2013 kom en ny lag i Sverige som helt förbjöd tvångssterilisering. Från 1975 fram till 2013 har människor som bytt kön varit tvungna att sterilisera sig. På grund av den nya lagen har steriliseringsproblematiken lyfts upp igen och blivit aktuellt. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att se olika ?vinster och förluster? med steriliseringslagarnas tillämpning.

Sundbybergs stadsbibliotek. PR-arbete under åren 1954-1964.

The purpose of this master's thesis is to describe the expansion of Sundbyberg public library during the decade 1954 to 1964. Our focus of interest is the library?s concentration on public relations in 1954.During the experimental year 1954 a public relations librarian, Bianca Bianchini, was employed. Her task was to introduce thelibrary to the citizens of Sundyberg who were not already using it. As a background to this concentration on public relations we also describe the early development of the public library in Sundbyberg.

Fett - rekommendationer, kostvanor och konsumtion mellan 1935 och 2009

This literature research is meant to answer the following questions: ? What was the Swedes consumption of fat from 1935 to 2009? ? How has the fat consumption corresponded to the current recommendations? ? What is LCHF and which are the main advantages and disadvantages? Fat supplies us with energy, isolates and protect organs from bumps and punches. Fat is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. The properties of a fat depend on its structure. The most common fat in human food is triacylglycerides.

Musiklärares möjligheter att uppfylla kraven i Lgr11 : En enkätstudie om musikämnets förutsättningar i år 4-6 i grundskolan

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Att fostra svenskar till goda samhällsmedborgare : En textanalytisk studie om historieskrivningen i Läsebokför folkskolan 1876 och 1935

Syftet med uppsatsen var är analysera historieskrivningen i Läsebokför folkskolan och problematisera dess innehåll med utgångspunkt från dess medborgarbildande ambitioner och nationalistiska idéinnehåll under tidsperioden 1876-1935. Genom att använda en kvalitativ text analys så har jag besvaratfrågeställningarna i studien och intensivt analyserat mitt material för att ta fram de centrala budskapen i texterna. Med textanalys analyserar man hur texter är uppbyggda och granskar hur de är uppbyggda och vilka budskap de har. Jag har använt mig av en ideologikritisk vinkling för att uppmärksamma vilka budskap som förmedlas via texterna. Mitt studieobjekt är Läsebok för folkskolan, som var den första statligt utgivna läroboken i Sverige.

Situation majtal : en komparativ analys av tre socialdemokratiska ledares första maj-tal från 1954, 1978 och 2011

Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.

Finansieringen av den svenska idrottens infrastruktur : tipsmedlens fördelning 1935-1938

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka hur delar av pengarna som kom idrotten till gagn efter grundandet av AB Tipstjänst 1934 fördelades. Den delen av pengarna som den här uppsatsen fokuserar på är de pengarna som gick till byggandet av olika idrottsanläggningar. Perioden som undersöks är 1935-1938. Under dessa fyra år betalades pengar som idag motsvarar en kvarts miljard ut till olika anläggningar. Anledningen till detta är att de första pengarna betalades ut 1935 och när andra världskriget startade 1939 ströps anslagen.

?Något fel är det med honom, han kommer säkerligen aldrig att bliva en god medborgare? : En studie om barnavårdsnämnden, skolan och de avvikande barnen i 1930-talets Malmö stad

This study, a document analysis with a qualitative approach, explores children, under 18years, who have been subject to measures of child welfare in the city of Malmö during theyears 1935-1937. It also explores the school's role in this context. The questions that the studyis guided by is: How was children described in the Child Welfare documents in Malmö duringthe years 1935-1937? And what role did the school have in Child Welfare work and whatmotivated this? The theoretical approaches are Foucaults theories of power, control anddisciplining.It appears from the study that the school and child welfare authorities had a close cooperationwith the purpose to control the upbringing and disciplining of the children. It was through theupbringing that the deviant child would become a "normal", docile and good, industriouscitizen.

Kalifat, korståg och turkar : En studie av synen på medeltida muslimer i svenska läroböcker för gymnasiet, 1954­-2012.

I have in this essay focused on the attitude towards the medieval muslims in swedish textbooks, in the subject of history from the years between 1954 and 2012. I have made an analysis on the discourse in the books and what they says about the muslims who lived before 1500 AD. The theory I have is a Postcolonial one from the authors Edward Said, Ania Loomba and Leela Gandhi. I have also analyzed the rhetorics the authors have used in every textbook. The results I have identified is that the attitude towards the muslims have changed during the years, from a generalizing view that says that the muslims were driven by the religion and that they were different from the Christian European society that existed during the same time.

TAKK- för barn med språkstörning

Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.

Varför gav jag bara godkänt? : En studie av vad lärare bedömer

Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.

Enkel biljett till ovissheten : Äldre invandrares upplevelse av integrationen i Sverige

We were commissioned to do this study by the Red Cross Centre for victims of torture and war (RKC) in Skövde and questions was asked about how it can be to come as a refugee to a new country and start over. The purpose of this study was to search for a deeper knowledge about older immigrants experiences of their integration in the Swedish community. The conception of ?older immigrant? aimed of persons born before 1954 since these persons culturally was the older ones in the patient group at RKC. This study handled both men and women, was categorised in different themes and was analysed from theoretical points about identity and crises.

Det oerhörda i verket : En undersökning av konstverket som ort hos Martin Heidegger

The present essay aims to understand the work of art as place on the basis of Martin Heidegger?s conception of work in Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes from 1935. That is, a place that cannot be understood in accordance with the physical-technological space, but which cannot either be thought of as mere temporal spacing. This is accomplished by reading Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes through the shorter essay Die Kunst und der Raum from 1969. Despite the time difference, Die Kunst und der Raum opens up Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes in such a way that the work cannot be understood as if it were only a temporal event ? as the cause initiating a temporal process or succession of truth.

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