

6480 Uppsatser om Zone of proximal development - Sida 1 av 432

Nej, inte rita. Låna!: 3-4-åriga barns informationsbeteende på folkbibliotekets barnavdelning

The aim of this study was to examine how children in ages 3 to 4 use the public library with the research questions: What does children?s, in ages between 3 and 4, information behavior look like when they visit a public library in leisure time with a parent? What is the nature of interaction between child and parent, child and the staff of the library, and between child and other visitors? What is the function of the cultural tools in relation to the children?s information behavior? The theoretical frame of reference consisted of Lev Vygotsky?s ?the Zone of proximal development? and Roger Säljö?s theory about using cultural tools. To answer the questions I have observed 4 children together with their mothers and siblings at a public library. From the result of the observations I found that every child had their own information behavior. Two of the children only used one kind of cultural tool ? books.

Barnbibliotekariers syn på arbetet med små barn en kvalitativ studie

The aim with this thesis, based on five childrens librarians statements, is to highlight their view of their work, and what they deem to be of importance when working with small children within the library sphere. My main question is as follows: What motive compels childrens librarians in their work with small children, and will Vygotskys theories be recognised in their statements. I have two questions as a base for this main question: How do childrens librarians work with small children, and do they utilise any special methods in their work? How do childrens librarians view their work tasks, and what do they deem to be of importance regarding small children and libraries? The thesis is based on qualitative interviews. As a theory I have decided to concentrate on Vygotskys thoughts on imagination and creativity, the Zone of proximal development, and childrens language development.

Yngre barns argumentation : En studie om hur pedagoger och elever uppfattar argumentationens betydelse på lågstadiet

One of the main goals of the national curriculum is to encourage children?s personal opinion and support them in development of argumentation ability and communication skills. All this is very important for the children as members of the future society.The purpose of this essay is to investigate how primary school teachers estimate the meaning of the pupil?s argumentation as well as which methods and approaches are assumed by the teachers to be most appropriate for children?s argumentation development. The study also considers the questions how the teachers motivate their pupil has to argue in the classroom and how the students by themselves understand the concept of argumentation.

Lärarstudenters möte med matematik : från grundskola till högskola

Alla människor bär på erfarenheter och upplevelser av olika slag. Frågan är hur våra tidigare erfarenheter påverkar oss. Studien belyser några lärarstudenters berättelser om mötet med ämnet matematik från grundskola till högskola. Studien behandlar faktorer i erhållen undervisning av betydelse för utvecklingen inom ämnet, samt hur tidigare erfarenheter kan komma att påverka den egna undervisningen i matematik. Eftersom studien inriktar sig på lärarstudenters berättelser användes en narrativ ansats med kvalitativa intervjuer som metod.

"Ska vi leka?" : En kvalitativ undersökning av inkludering och exkludering i fri lek i förskolan

The aim of this studyhas been to capture preschool children's strategies, when they include and exclude each other in play. My aim was also to find out how children choose to integrate into an already existing game. My questions were: What strategies are used by the children at the preschool when they want to exclude or include each other? How to integrate the children when they want to be involved in an ongoing game and how they will be received during the time of play? My theoretical starting points are from Vygotsky's theory of proximal development zone, and Michel Foucault's perspective on power, and also research on the subject.The empirical study was conducted using the observations at two preschools. The children I observed were between four to five years old.The results show that children used different strategies, and when the strategy did not work so the child could switch to another.

Matematik i förskolan : Ur pedagogers och vårdnadshavares perspektiv

The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers in preschool work with mathematics. How educators working to promote children's mathematics learning and how educators visualize math work. How they plan, implement and document the work of mathematics. I also want to find out how legal guardians perceive their children's mathematics learning in preschool.I have chosen to do interviews with the educators and survey legal guardians to make visible the work of mathematics in kindergarten. I interviewed six teachers who work at both younger and older children department.

Förvandling : från verklighet till fiktion

The purpose of this study is to describe some primary school teachers understanding of language development and approach of first and second language speakers with Arne Tragetons Writing to reading, for pupils in early ages.By using a qualitative method with interviews and participant observations and informal conversations, the basis for the survey was collected. Four teachers in three schools participated. The proportion of second-language pupils at each school was 35%, 17% and 0%. My theoretical starting point in the study was the hermeneutic research tradition, which has been used to interpret and understand the collected material. Theories of behaviorism, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective has been used in the analysis part of this study.

Lärpattan som verktyg i träningsskolans versamhet : En studie av två pedagogers erfarenheter

Min förhoppning med den här studien är att bidra till att sprida andra pedagogers erfarenheter av användningen av lärplattan i sin undervisning. Studiens syfte är att utifrån pedagogers erfarenheter beskriva lärplattans funktion i en verksamhet i träningsskolan. Jag undrar hur lärplattan används i verksamheten, enligt pedagogerna? Vilken betydelse de menar att lärplattan har för lärande och undervisning i sin verksamhet? Samt hur lärplattan kan, utifrån pedagogernas erfarenheter, förstås som ett medierande verktyg?Som teoretisk grund använder jag ett sociokulturellt synsätt på lärande. I studien använde jag en kvalitativ forskningsansats och halvstrukturerade intervjuer.

Göteborgs blå struktur : med studie av Osbäcken

Gothenburg municipality has a lot of natural water. This paper enhances the function and importance of water in the city. It also deals with the problems of sewage water and flooding. Gothenburg has reached an advanced stage of water planning. By developing a Waterplan, the municipality highlight that water has an important position in the urban planning.

?Det är det som är att vara lärare? : En kvalitativ studie om sex pedagogers tolkning av individanpassad undervisning

According to Swedish school policy documents, every teacher?s assignment is to individually adapt the education to meet every student?s needs. There are no exact guidelines about how to make these adaptations. The purpose of this study is to investigate how six teachers interpret the policy documents and how they, according to themselves, work to achieve this. This study is built on six interviews with teachers who work with children in the ages from seven to ten.

Språkutveckling med hjälp av Tragetons metod; möjligheter och hinder : Att skriva sig till läsning med dator och surfplatta

The purpose of this study is to describe some primary school teachers understanding of language development and approach of first and second language speakers with Arne Tragetons Writing to reading, for pupils in early ages.By using a qualitative method with interviews and participant observations and informal conversations, the basis for the survey was collected. Four teachers in three schools participated. The proportion of second-language pupils at each school was 35%, 17% and 0%. My theoretical starting point in the study was the hermeneutic research tradition, which has been used to interpret and understand the collected material. Theories of behaviorism, constructivism and socio-cultural perspective has been used in the analysis part of this study.

Genus i musikämnet : En analys av tidskrifter riktade till musiklärare

The school inspectorate surveys illustrates problems and difficulties for teachers to suit individualized instruction. Therefore, the purpose of the study to investigate whether and in what ways some pedagogues experiences and practice offers the individualized instruction that the governing documents require. The study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews and observations with four experienced pedagogues. I have been using Piaget's theory of the concrete material's importance for learning and also Vygotsky's theory of the proximal development zone. The results showed that pedagogues understand the importance of individualized instruction.

Individanpassad undervisning : En kvalitativ studie utifrån flera pedagogers perspektiv

The school inspectorate surveys illustrates problems and difficulties for teachers to suit individualized instruction. Therefore, the purpose of the study to investigate whether and in what ways some pedagogues experiences and practice offers the individualized instruction that the governing documents require. The study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews and observations with four experienced pedagogues. I have been using Piaget's theory of the concrete material's importance for learning and also Vygotsky's theory of the proximal development zone. The results showed that pedagogues understand the importance of individualized instruction.

Hur lärare får elever att tänka utanför "boxen" vid skapandet av nya affärsidéer : En intervjustudie av lärare om undervisning och elevers kreativitet vid generering av affärsidéer inom konceptet Ung Företagsamhet

The aim of this study has been to understand how teachers make pupils come up with new business ideas. This is relevant as the schools in Sweden has to have entrepreneurial teaching in their education. To get an understanding of how teachers teach the pupils how to think differently so that new business ideas can evolve the study is based on interviews with five successful teachers. The teachers have all had pupils that during one year have had their own almost real companies that they have to manage. They start with inventing a new business idea and then they produce the product or service they decided to sell.

Att använda ett undersökande arbetssätt i NO-undervisningen : En jämförelse mellan kommunal- och resursskola

The purpose of this study is to compare an inquiry-based teaching method for natural sciences in municipal schools and special education and to find out if this way of teaching may be helpful when working with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).The Swedish national curriculum of 2011 states that teaching methods should be fitted to every student?s needs and preconditions. The implication of this is very important for all students, especially for children with special needs. The theoretical framework that has been applied as a foundation for this study is Vygotskijs "Zone of proximal development" and Deweys "Learning by Doing". The method applied for the study is a semi structured interview and five teachers where interviewed.The result of the study shows that teachers with a higher education in natural sciences are more confident with regards to teaching natural sciences and the application of the inquiry-based way of teaching.

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