

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 10 av 104

Ett rum med insyn : En studie i nystartade småföretags marknadskommunikation i Jönköping

Vårt syfte med denna studie var att förstå fenomenet marknadskommunikation som småföretag i Jönköping har använt sig av. För att belysa detta fenomen har vi utgått ifrån teorierna marknadskommunikationsmixen, kommunikationsplaneringen och word of mouth. Vi har prövat våra valda teorier genom att jämföra våra empiriska resultat med vår valda teoretisk ram.Vi har i denna studie använt oss av en kvalitativ ansats. Vi har genomfört samtalsintervjuer med ägarna till fyra olika småföretag. Det rör sig i samtliga fall om ägarna till nyöppnade butiker i Jönköping.

Alternativa hylluppställningar: en användarundersökning på fyra folkbibliotek

The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine how users at four public libraries experience the alternative shelf arrangement in their library. The purpose of introducing an alternative shelf arrangement in a public library is often to facilitate for its users. In each of our chosen libraries, the librarians have arranged the books in the non-fiction section in broad themes, with the Swedish Library Association Classification System as subsections. Using qualitative interviews, we examined a total of 26 users? experience of the shelf arrangement and its accessibility, their methods for seeking information and their opinion about the presentation of the books.

Marknadsföring via personliga bloggar - trovärdigt & styrbart?

Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera vilka faktorer som gör bloggen trovärdig utifrån ett marknadsföringsteoretiskt perspektiv. Vi vill dessutom undersöka om bloggen har ökat möjligheten till att styra word of mouth. Baserat på detta vill vi se om bloggen kan vara både trovärdig och öka möjligheten till att styra word of mouth. Vi har använt oss av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt för att skapa en djupgående förståelse för bloggen som marknadsföringsverktyg. Vi har genomfört en fallstudie av fyra svenska modeföretag och tre svenska PRbyråer.Vi har dessutom intervjuat fem experter inom ämnesområdet.

"Döm inte boken efter omslaget" ? en fallstudie om det Levande biblioteket på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this study is to examine the phenomenon ?Living library?, where people are lent out instead of books. First it is looked into what the Living library means to the person who is borrowing a living book and what it means to the living book itself. Than the Living library is put in a public library context. This is done through a case study of the city library of Helsingborg and the city library of Malmö.

Konst eller pedagogik?: Nutida dagspresskritik av bilderböcker

The aim of this study is to examine views of picture books for children that reviewers in Swedish daily press express in their reviews in 2009 and 2010. The following questions were posed in the study: Are picture book reviews based on pedagogical criteria and/or aesthetic/literary criteria? Are picture books reviewed from an adult perspective and/or from a child perspective? Which elements of positive and negative criticism are to be found in picture book reviews? This qualitative study is based on 45 reviews of picture books in Swedish daily press. The theoretical approach is developed from four ways of looking at children literature that professor Maria Nikolajeva has compiled. The method used is idea analysis, which is a form of text-analysis.

Marknadsföring i Sociala Medier : En kvantitativ studie ur ett socialt nätverksperspektiv

I studien studeras hur komplexiteten kring sociala medier kan studeras, samt pa? vilket sa?tt sociala na?tverk a?r relaterade till na?tverken i sociala medier och hur det pa?verkar konsumenterna. Syftet med studien a?r att underso?ka de sociala medierna i fo?rha?llande till de sociala na?tverken med fokus pa? konsumentbeteende och da?rigenom skapa en generell modell som fo?rklarar problematiken. Studien bygger pa? en litteraturstudie som i fo?rsta hand sammansta?llts av artiklar med fokus pa? a?mnesomra?dena sociala na?tverk, elektroniska sociala na?tverk och sociala medier. En enka?tunderso?kning gjordes fo?r att sammansta?lla konsumenters a?sikter om a?mnesomra?dena, i syfte att tillslut utmynna i en analys och diskussion. Det ga?r att konstatera att sociala medier har vidgat det sociala na?tverket fo?r den enskilde konsumenten. Detta resulterar i att den enskilde konsumenten nu kan komma i kontakt med fler akto?rer och andra konsumenter som i ma?nga fall kan vara oka?nda.

Högteknologiskt samtalsstöd vid demens : En analys av samtal med och utan surfplatta med applikationen Book Creator

Antalet personer insjuknade i demenssjukdom stiger, från 25 miljoner år 2000 till vad som beräknas uppgå till 63 miljoner år 2030. Demens kan beskrivas som en global störning av intellektuella funktioner där den kognitiva förmågan inklusive kommunikation är påverkad. Högtekonologiska hjälpmedel som kommunikativt stöd för personer med demens är i nuläget ett outforskat område med begränsad evidens där få studier har genomförts.Syftet med föreliggande studie var att kartlägga vilka samtalsfenomen som förekom mellan en person med demens och dennes samtalspartners med och utan surfplatta med applikationen Book Creator. Ytterligare ett syfte var att undersöka en av samtalspartnernas upplevelse av att kommunicera med personen med demens. Studien genomfördes på ett boende för personer med demenssjukdom där sammanlagt nio samtal spelades in, sex samtal utan surfplatta med applikationen Book Creator och tre samtal med surfplatta med applikationen Book Creator.

Äldre boksamlingar på kommunala bibliotek resurs eller belastning?

Care and solicitude about Swedish documentary heritage has varied substantially throughout the years. The main purpose of this essay has been to investigate what efforts have been made to preserve rare book collections at public libraries. These cultural policies have been studied from both a national as well as local perspective. What we have tried to explore can be condensed into three questions: What national initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve the municipal documentary heritage?What initiatives have been taken in the past century to preserve thedocumentary heritage of what is presently the municipality of Jönköping? What value do rare book collections at public libraries represent? The results indicate few national efforts were initially made to preserve rare book collections in the timeframe we studied.

Är problemen ett problem för ungdomsboken? Hur uppfattar ungdomar beskrivningarna av problem i samtidsrealistisk ungdomslitteratur utgiven 2001?

There can be a gap between the author and the reader. This gap is especially remarkable when the author is an adult and the reader is a young person. The librarian has an important role as an intermediary of literature when it comes to selecting literature for young people. From this perspective the purpose of this paper has been to investigate how young people comprehend the problems and the stories of youth novels, first published in 2001, and to investigate to what extent descriptions of problems occur in this literature and what kind of problems that are described. The investigation consists of three parts: an examination of reviews of youth novels written by editors from Bibliotekstjänst and an examination of a number of youth to examine a number of youth novels that have been read, and sixteen interviews with college students in the first and third grade have also been done.

O/ändliga o/möjligheter i Kathy Ackers Great Expectations och Alison Knowles The Big Book

In this paper I'm trying to trace, analyze and emphasize Kathy Acker?s Great Expectations and Alison Knowles?s The Big Book in regard to the books in/finite im/possibilities. I analyze them through historical changes in the books format and structure, especially ones proposed by Mallarmé, Duchamp and Fluxus. To analyze the texts more closely attention is directed to how Acker and Knowles challenge the conventional narrative, in regard to the body and language/voice and sound. I give specific emphasizes to thoughts posted by écriture féminine, while also adding Mara Lee?s temporalities in regard to body resistance and time.

Elektroniska böcker på bibliotek: Bibliotekariers och användares syn på elektroniska böcker utifrån intervjuer och samtal

The purpose of this paper is to describe how librarians andusers think of electronic books in libraries. My questions are:-What are electronic books, and how do they work?-How has electronic books been implemented by librariansin the libraries and on the libraries? websites?-How do users describe their view of electronic books?-How do the librarians and users think of electronic book inthe future?To be able to answer these questions I have studied relevantliterature, made qualitative interviews with two librarians attwo similar libraries and I had dialogues with several usersElectronic books were introduced 2002 at the two libraries.In the beginning the libraries made different types ofmarketing, but today they only have the website withinformation. Their purpose was to try this out and offer theusers a new media. So far, there are few users who borrowthese books, and maybe it depends on technical conditions.According to the dialogues I had, most of the users have noidea what electronic books are.

Bevarande och tillgängliggörande av raritetssamlingar i Serbien. Ett kulturpolitiskt perspektiv på ett land i förändring

This paper aims to analyze how preservation of and access to old and rare book collections are organized in public libraries in Serbia. The paper is based on an analysis of documents, a survey and qualitative interviews with librarians in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Serbia is a country that has experienced violent historical periods with far-reaching consequences for its old and rare book collections. The interpretative background refers to documents about cultural policy in Europe and in Serbia. Serbia is a country in transition which aims to join the European Union.

Kvinnliga och Manliga sysslor : - En undersökning utifrån de fem bäst sålda bilderböckerna skrivna av Astrid Lindgren

AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to study women?s and men?s place in the room, the public room or the private room, in the five best sold picture books written by Astrid Lindgren and the analysis was done with a feministic perspective. A lot of children read Astrid Lindgren?s picture books and therefore this might influence what?s female and masculine. The five best sold picture books written by Astrid Lindgren is: 1) Känner du Pippi Långstrump 2) Den där Emil 3)Visst kan Lotta cykla 4) Nils Karlsson-Pyssling flyttar in 5) Kajsa Kavat hjälper mormor.

Polyarki och demokrati. En idéhistorisk studie av Robert Dahls demokratiteori

Since the nineteen-fifties, the American political scientist Robert Dahl (born in 1915) has been one of the most prominent democracy theorists in the world. In the book Politics, Economics, and Welfare, he and his colleague Charles E. Lindblom in 1953 introduced the notion of polyarchy as a denomination for the incomplete democracies of the Western world. Linguistically speaking, this notion was formed in connection with the ones already existing in the philosopher Aristotle's (384-322 B.C.) comparative teachings on government. Later, it has become apparent that the notion of polyarchy has already been in use by other authors, such as Johannes Althusius (1614) and Sir Ernest Barker (1947).Robert Dahl has been active at Yale University (in New Haven, Connecticut, USA), and is regarded as one of the foremost representatives of the political-science discipline known as pluralism.

Lärares uppfattningar om arbetet med återkoppling i en lärplattform

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

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