

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 9 av 104

Att designa ett hjälpmedel för släktforskare att använda vid läsning av gamla handskrivna dokument

Reading old handwritten documents can be a real challenge for genealogists, especially as some documents in Sweden are written in the old German alphabet that is not used today. Much research has been done on how to enable computers to read old handwritten documents, but computers have so far not reached the level of reading that expert humans have. The focus seems to be on the computers reading the document with or without the help of human experts, with the aim of making the documents available in easily read form. I have, however, not found any research on how computers can help non-expert humans trying to read handwritten documents. In this project I have focused especially on beginning genealogists as reading gets easier with practice, and you need the help more in the beginning. By conducting interviews and observations with genealogists I established that reading is an issue and that there are many factors involved that make it difficult to read.

Hur Value Propositions formas genom interaktion mellan aktörer i nätverk : En studie av styrketräningsutövare och kosttillskottsprodukter

Idag marknadsförs mängder av produkter vars funktionella värde, av olika anledningar, är svårt för konsumenterna att konkret utvärdera. De Value Propositions som tillverkare och återförsäljare av dessa produkter förmedlar skiljer sig potentiellt från de Value Propositions som konsumenterna faktiskt använder sig av vid sina köpbeslut. Dessa produkters natur medför att konsumenterna tar aktörer, andra än producenterna och återförsäljarna, till sin hjälp för att vidareutveckla ursprungligt Value Proposition. Denna process utgörs av interaktion med exempelvis andra konsumenter i samma fysiska och/eller virtuella sociala nätverk. Nätverket blir då ett system för utformning och vidareutveckling av Value Propositions.

Ordfrekvens och repetition i läromedlet Lieber Deutsch : En analys av den språkdidaktiska förankringen i ett svenskt läromedel i tyska

The aim of this study is to examine the word acquisition, focusing on the nouns and word exercises, in two Swedish textbooks for German in the upper secondary school. The chosen method for investigating the nouns was corpus analysis. The noun frequency and distribution in the textbooks were analysed and discussed in relation to research in second language acquisition. The Involvement Load Hypothesis by Batia Laufer and Jan Hulstijn was used to examine the exercises in the textbooks. The study showed that most nouns only occurred once in the textbooks, but the most frequent nouns were well spread in the textbooks.

Den allsmäktige kunden : En kvalitativ studie om word-of-mouth, viral marknadsföring och viljan att dela med sig.

The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the connection between word-of-mouth and viral marketing, to identify properties of and strategic ways to implement viral marketing and to examine how a company can influence the customers? perception of the brand in social media.This purpose served to answer our research question: How can companies deliberately create viral marketing?To answer this question we based our study on a qualitative method where we conducted eight interviews with different people, all with experience in our research field. We focused on our respondents? own opinions and were more interested in their personal experiences rather than the market in general.In our last chapter our analysis clearly demonstrates that companies can deliberately create viral marketing. This is possible if companies create material that appeal to and that triggers the costumer to share.

En filantrop måste ha långa armar ? Ett undersökande arbete om att illustrera svåra ord

A philanthropist needs long arms- An investigation on how to illustrate difficult wordsThe feeling of not understanding all the words that I read made me initiate the project of investigating the capacity of drawn images to increase the understanding of difficult words. I?ve been working with my own personal understanding and skills in illustration.My aim was to reflect on the function, composition and manner of my illustrations. I wanted the images to be clear enough to explain and function as a help for memorizing the words but also open enough to give them a new dimension. One of my conclutions is that my way of changing the original shape of a body in my drawings, by giving it new functions such as longer arms, helps me to explain the words clearer and deeper.

Lupus - vargens olika skepnader : ett undersökande illustrationsprojekt

Lupus is the result of an investigative project in illustration. In my degree-work I have investigated the different guises of the wolf, which I have thenillustrated visually combined with some portions of text. The result, presentedin the form of a book of 36 pages, is narrated in a poetic and free style with meas a personal author. The images of the book tell the story of both the wolf of fleshand blood, as well as the wolf as a symbol. My work is produced with the hope thatby talking about the wolf in a way other than the standard, new ways of regarding apresently endangered but valuable animal, can arise..

Ett utökat urval av litteratur till elever med lässvårigheter : Kan elever med lässvårigheter läsa icke lättläst barnlitteratur?

The aim of this study is to analyse how children?s literature for ages 6 ? 8 is adapted to pupils with reading difficulties. The material used for analysis in this study is six children?s books, examining some of the criteria by which a text is classified as easy-to-read. The result of the analysis shows that there is a possibility for pupils with reading difficulties to read something other than easy-to-read literature if it is carefully selected.

"Kolla vad jag hittade!" Förskolebarns bilderbokssökning med samspel i fokus

The purpose of this study is to investigate how children search for and choose picture books while visiting the library together in a preschool group. How do children interact with each other and their teacher while searching for picture books? Which aspects of children's everyday lives are apparent in their choice of picture books? The theoretical frame of reference consists of Brenda Dervin's sense-making approach to information seeking and William Corsaro's sociological approach to studying children's routine activities within a peer culture. To capture children's interaction, we have observed a preschool group consisting of six 3- to 5-year olds and their teacher in a library setting during three visits. Our study shows that children's search for picture books is a social activity that involves various verbal and nonverbal strategies in order to include and exclude each other when they find a picture book that interests them.

Förnuft till döds? Debatten om Georg Henrik von Wrights bok: Vetenskapen och förnuftet

This paper relates a debate on a book Vetenskapen och förnuftet (1986) written by the Scandinavian philosopher Georg Henrik von Wright (1916 - 2003). The book brings up fate of mankind, raising the question if human rational thinking and scientific achievements are threatening our very existence on earth. Shortly after the book was published, it was intensively debated in a leading Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Some 20 leading politicians and scientists contributed with their criticism during spring 1987. The paper highlights this debate by writing reception history, describing how the book with its serious message was received by leading scientists of the time.

?Man får inte vara som man vill? : En studie om hur ett antal barn i årskurs 3 diskuterar normer och normbrott

The aim of this study is to investigate how 20 children discusses norm breaking based on a children?s book with a focus on following questions:How do the children discuss norms based on the children?s book?Are there differences in opinions and comments between children with Swedish as their first language and children with Swedish as a second language, and if so, which ones?The investigation is based on four discussions of children?s literature, which are a method Chambers (2004) means enable the children to put their thoughts and feelings about the book into words.The theoretical frame of the study is founded on post-structuralism feminism and particularly Butler (Ambjörnsson, 2010) and Davies (2003) theories about gender and gender roles.The investigation shows, among other things, that the children are basing their discussions on the norms accepted by the society. But it also shows that there are differences in the way that the children with Swedish as a first language and Swedish as a second language discusses norm breaking. .

Europas gränser i svensk partipolitik

The aim of my study is to illuminate the borders, both spatial and aspatial, that are drawn around Europe in swedish politics by using the word in question in different ways. To increase my possibilites of comparing different concepts of Europe, I have chosen to restrict my study toFolkpartiet and Vänsterpartiet, which are the two swedish parties who seem to stand the furthest from each other on issues regarding Europe and the EU. Using theory on borders and bordering, I construct an analytical framework consisting of a separation of three categories of entities, around which borders can be drawn. In my search for both obvious and implicit ways of filling the word Europe with content, I find that both parties speak of Europe in a highly contradictory way, which both includes and excludes peripheral regions of a geographical Europe. My second conclusion is that both parties tend to associate Europe with things that are positive to them.

Hantering av handhållna läsenheter - en kvalitativ analys av läsbegreppet på nätforumet MobileRead

The aim of this study is to examine reading on the MobileReadforums. The term ?to read? is extended to also cover bookcollection and usage of new technology such as mobile readerunits.A catalyst for reading on mobile reader units seem to be the needto always have access to the personal e-book collection. Apartfrom being a source for reading the collection of e-books alsoserves the purpose of extending the members self-esteem.A large portion of the activities on the MobileRead forum isaimed at making new technology comprehensible with the help ofprotocols to determine the usage of that technology. The processof making protocols also seem to be another way for the membersto extend their self-esteem.Traditional libraries are mainly seen as one of many sources for ebooks.Librarians are mostly perceived as being service mindedbut lacking in e-book knowledge.There is also a risk for miscommunication as the library hasdeveloped other protocols that defines an e-book and how itshould be used.This study is a qualitative analysis based on forum posts collectedfrom the MobileRead forum..

Ronia the robber's daughter: an analysis of the translation of Ronja Rövardotter into English

The aim of this paper has been to examine to what extent it has been possible for Patricia Crampton, translator of Ronia, the Robber?s Daughter, to capture and cling to the very personal style in which Astrid Lindgren writes. I also wanted to find out if any adaptations of the text were made and, if any, how they have affected the tone of the book. To fulfil this purpose a thorough comparison of the original text and the translation has been made. The first chapter consists of an introduction presenting the background to my choice of topic and giving a short presentation of Astrid Lindgren and her career as an author.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer och den religionslösa kristendomen ? eller att vara kristen är att vara människa

The overall purpose of the essay is to analyse what Dietrich Bonhoeffer meant by Religionless Christianity. For this I have chosen to use the substantial idea analysis.I first came across the concept of freedom of religion to Christianity and Religionless Christians, in the book Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Tankar om en 1900-talsmartyr by Martin Lind in which he discusses what Bonhoeffer might discuss with Religionless Christians. This book is therefore the origin of the selection of literature I have chosen to use in the essay. Bonhoeffer writes several letters from prison about the movement he sees towards a new phase in human history, in which man can no longer be religious. However, Bonhoeffer uses the word religion in such a way that its content cannot be clearly determined.

2001: ett e-äventyr : Implementering av e-böcker i det digitala biblioteket

Rapid development in the realms of electronic publishing has had a profound impact on information services in general and the academic library in particular. Since mid 1990´s an increasingly number of scholarly journals and other information resources have been made available electronically. Electronic books are the newest electronic service in the hybrid library and can be seen as the third wave in the digital library. Although electronic books have for a long time existed as electronic texts such as digitalized classics or other texts in the public domain, it is not until recently that e-books have been distributed and packaged in a commercial form. As more e-book models are being developed, libraries are being forced to take e-books into consideration when planning their information services.The aim of this master thesis is to describe the first stage of implementation of the new electronic media, the electronic book or e-book, in Swedish academic libraries.

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