

1556 Uppsatser om Word book - Sida 11 av 104

Bilderboken i förskolan : Högläsningens betydelse för barns språkutveckling och delaktighet

The purpose with this study has been to get a previous knowledge about how pre-school teachers look at the impact of the picture book for children and their language development and participation at the age of three to five years. The study was carried through inquiries at a pre-school in a west Swedish urban district. The study proceed from the sociocultural theory which means that children learn by teamwork with other more experienced individuals. The result shows that the pre-school teachers consciously let the interest of the children guide the choice of books. At the same time they push for the meaning of conversation with the children.

Att vara boknörd - identitetsskapande i ungdomars bokbloggar

The purpose of this study is to analyze how the blog as an arena is being used by youngpeople to discuss and reflect on reading and literature, and what purpose the blog as an arenahas for them in the forming of identity. The method used in this study is qualitative contentanalysis. Prior research is divided into two themes: young people?s reading, and young peoplein group constellations in and outside of the blogosphere. The theoretical framework is madeup of Louise M.

Bortom ?könet?? : om Simones förvandling, avslöjande och återställande i Ulf Starks Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984)

The aim of this paper is to analyse how subject, gender and sexuality is constructed in the book Dårfinkar & dönickar (1984), by Ulf Stark. In relation to this I have also analysed how the main character, Simone, develops from being a child into becoming a teenager.Queertheory is the theoretical basis of this paper. Queer theory questions heteronormativity and aims to dissolve conceptions and notions that function in an excluding and limiting way. Queer theory also questions conceptions that seem obvious and/or natural, for example ?woman?/?man? and ?homo-/heterosexuality?.I have chosen to focus the analysis on a number key events in the book and they are categorised according to Tiina Rosenberg`s three dramaturgic concepts: transformation, unveiling and restoration.

Alla vägar leder till fantasy: en studie av hur fantasyläsande BHS-studenter går tillväga för att få tag på skönlitteratur

Fantasy literature has a rather strong position in countries with an English-speaking population but not in Sweden. The supply of fantasy in Sweden is much smaller than that in for example United Kingdom. Does this affect the Swedish readers of this genre? If it does, how does it affect them? The aim of this thesis is to find out how a few fantasy-reading students at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science get hold of the fiction they want to read and who and/or what influence their decision of which book to read. In order to avoid confusion we are also going to try to find out how they define fantasy since it varies from person to person what is included in the genre.

Lokal konservering av bok med mögelskador Förstärkning med Klucel® G

The aim of this paper is to make a plan for local treatment with Klucel® G of a book with moulddamage. The biggest problem concerned handling the book without loosing fragments and tohandle pages that were stuck together. In some places as many as six pages where stuck togetherand it was not possible to separate them without loosing material or breaking them. The otherproblem concerned the use of waterbased adhesives that might cause tidelines and paperdistortions as seen in another volume. The use of Klucel® G dissolved in ethylalcohol functionedvery well as strengtheners and also as an adhesive for lamination.

Bokprat pågår. Läsmiljö vid bokprat i samband med ett läsprojekt i skolan

This masters thesis examines the reading environment during "booktalk", with special reference to a reading project in compulsory comprehensive and upper secondary schools in Stockholm. The main question is: What does the reading environment look like during booktalk? Three questions are asked: Which factors affect the reading environment? Which are the conditions concerning book selection and book availability? How do the librarians perform as enabling adults? Different groups of pupils, together with their teachers and the librarian, are studied during booktalks in five schools. The study uses a qualitative approach, which takes the form of open observations during 15 booktalks and one interview with the two librarians involved in the project and studies of literature. The theoretical framework is Aidan Chambers theory relating to reading environment and its effects upon the reading process.

UNDER TV? M?NAR En semantisk kartl?ggning av m?ne som ett kigo

This essay will examine the seasonal word known as kigo ?? which mainly appears in the japanese haiku. The purpose is to offer a suggestion of how a systematic explanation of the semantic peculiarities of kigo could be conducted. The object of this semantic analysis is the kigo tsuki ? (moon).

Bilderböcker utifrån ett genusperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to analyze picture books from a gender perspective. The books are found in a book box that the libraries send out to preschools. This study is based on the following questions:How are boys and girls portrayed in picture books?Do the picture books encourage or discourage the principles of equality found in the Curriculum for the Pre-School and the equality work conducted in the preschools?I performed a qualitative text and picture analysis of 12 picture books. I used Maria Nikolajeva and Kajsa Wahlströms schedule of typical masculine and feminine qualities and activities when analysing the picture books.

Utländska biblioteket i Karlskrona 1835?1864 : om högreståndskvinnors organisation och läsning

This master's thesis studies Utländska biblioteket, a 19th century foreign literature subscription library in Karlskrona, Sweden. The aim of the thesis is to investigate Utländska biblioteket between 1835?1864.The material consists primarily of primary sources from the archive of Utländska biblioteket. The main primary sources are the library's accounts book, its minutes, and two book catalogs. Using analytical tools from Jürgen Habermas, feminist criticism of his ideas and from Pierre Bourdieu, as well as results from previous research on older library forms and female organization in the 19th century, the thesis answers questions relating to the library as a society, its members and its book collection.The investigation shows that Utländska biblioteket was a subscription library as well as a book circle.

Barns språkutveckling : Arbete med språkutveckling hos barn

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

Semantisk särdragsanalys: behandlingsmetodens effekt på benämningsförmågan hos tre personer med ordfinnandesvårigheter till följd av afasi

Semantic feature analysis (SFA) is a treatment technique used foraphasic word finding difficulties after stroke. The method has earlier beenevaluated with positive outcome regarding words that have been trainedduring intervention while more varied results have been presented regardinguntrained words. The aim of this study was therefore to evaluate the effectsof the method on naming in untrained nouns and verbs, in both confrontationnaming and in discourse. The present study is the first to evaluate SFA withSwedish-speaking persons. A single-subject design was used.

Fastighetsmäklarföretagets marknadsföring och tilläggstjänster i tjänsteerbjudandet

En av de största affärerna vi gör i livet är förmodligen då vi köper bostad. Idag råder det en relativt hård konkurrens bland både fastighetsmäklarföretag och fastighetsmäklare. Det gäller därför att leverera tjänsten bättre än konkurrenterna, för att kunna bli ett framgångsrikt fastighetsmäklarföretag på dagens marknad. Ett lyckat koncept kan då vara word-of-mouth, det vill säga rekommendationer. Studier visar att rekommendationer påverkas av kundlojaliteten som i sin tur påverkas av kvaliteten som tjänsten erbjuder, tillfredställelsen kunden känner samt kundnyttan.

Inventering av sidoområden med hjälp av GPS

This thesis is about the public library of Ulricehamn and the cultural activities at the library during the period from 1960 to 1998. We have focused on the study of the cultural activities. It begins with the foundation of the library of Ulricehamn and a historical background to it. It follows with the definitions of the public library and a historical background to the public library in Sweden. Then we present the goal of the public library in general and the goal of Ulricehamn's city library.

"Men där kommer en liten skitig lastbil med flaket fullt av lådor. Det är Mehmet som kör" : En kvalitativ textanalytisk undersökning om hur den etniska mångfalden skildras i nio bilderböcker från 2010

In Sweden exist a Swedish institute for children?s book which is a national information center. They have an annual "Book tasting" where they present statistics and trends from the latest publications of literature for youth and children.In their ?book tasting?? from 2010 a number of picture books had, as they say, children who descend from non-Swedish culture (Swedish institute for children?s book, 2010). The aim of this thesis is to investigate how the ethnical diversity describes in these picture books from 2010. To understand how the ethnical diversity describes in these books I had two questions which helped me in my research.

Google digitaliserar bibliotekssamlingar En analys av hur biblioteksvärlden reagerar på Google Book Search

The wide spread of the Internet and new information technologies in recent years has come to effect how libraries manage and disseminate information. Search engines like Google are widely used by people who often find the information retrieval systems of libraries to be too complicated. In 2004 Google announced plans to digitise five major library collections. Organisations representing the publishing industry and authors have since then filed lawsuits against Google claiming that Googles scanning of library books infringe the rights holders copyright. Due to Googles potential impact on libraries this thesis aims to examine how Googles digitisation project, Google Book Search, has been received in the library community.

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