Kvinnliga och Manliga sysslor
- En undersökning utifrån de fem bäst sålda bilderböckerna skrivna av Astrid Lindgren
AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to study women?s and men?s place in the room, the public room or the private room, in the five best sold picture books written by Astrid Lindgren and the analysis was done with a feministic perspective. A lot of children read Astrid Lindgren?s picture books and therefore this might influence what?s female and masculine. The five best sold picture books written by Astrid Lindgren is: 1) Känner du Pippi Långstrump 2) Den där Emil 3)Visst kan Lotta cykla 4) Nils Karlsson-Pyssling flyttar in 5) Kajsa Kavat hjälper mormor. The women and the men on the pictures in these books was analysed through the categories ?female? ?masculine? or ?neutral?. In the essay there are quotes from each book in order to show the reader what the characters in each book were doing and how they did it. Feminism developed during the late 1900th century to the year 1920 as well as during the 1960s and the 1970s. Feministic geographers want to approve the life of women and they focus on gender. Gender is the cultural differences between women and men. Every individual is born with a biological sex, either female or male, and through this biological sex feminine and masculine is developed. Masculine is not necessary connected with a man?s body, masculine could be connected to a women?s body as well, likewise when it comes to feminine. This is the case with Pippi Långstrump, she has the biological female sex but in the picture book she?s more masculine than feminine. Therefore, this book is the only book of these five picture books where the woman is out of the ordinary women?s standard. The women in the picture books Kajsa Kavat hjälper mormor, Den Där Emil and Visst kan Lotta cykla are working inside the home, in the private room, while the men in these books are working in the public room. The women in these books are doing typical female chores such as cooking, cleaning and taking care of old people and kids. In Nils Karlsson-Pyssling flyttar in the woman is working outside the house together with her husband in order to support her family. But this woman is never seen in one of the pictures in the book but she is mentioned in the text.