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Köp av skogsfastighet : en fallstudie
The price of Swedish forest properties has gone up by 77 percent during the past five years. Amongst private forest managers the high price level signals optimism and confidence for the future.
Many forest owners manage large capital in the forest and a planned economy is to a larger extent demanded to achieve a positive economic result. Forest is long-term and to maximize a single year without planning for the years to come results in less optimization of the parameters available to achieve a favourable economic result.
This case study investigates the investment of two forest properties situated in Götaland.
The management of the forest has been planned for both properties during a period of ten years.
Skogsbruksplanens betydelse för aktiviteten hos privata skogsägare i Älvdalen :
The purpose of Älvdalens besparingsskog is to develop the district and most of all the forestry in Älvdalen. It's owned by about 2 300 private forest owners who's landed properties are located in Älvdalen. Every year the besparingsskogen gives out a lot of its profit in form different types of subsidies for agriculture and forestry. The owners can apply for subsidies for several of the costs that occur in forestry. During the period 2000-2003 the owners are offered forest management plans and pcSKOG-gård at no cost for their private forest properties.
The purpose of this master's thesis was to find out if the activity in the forestry changed when the forest owners got new forest management plans and the computer program pcSKOG-gård.
Beskrivning och analys av superovuleringsresultat och andra fertilitetsregistreringar vid Nötcenter Viken :
Recording and analyses of superovulation results and fertility records at the nucleus herd Viken
The development of different reproductive technologies aim at increasing the number of progeny per individual parent, and in that improving the possibility of genetic progress. One technique, embryo transfer, have facilitated genetic dissemination and shortened the generation interval also in females.
Nötcenter Viken is a company that run embryo collection and embryo transfer in the breeds Swedish Red and Swedish Holstein. It is located outside Falköping. Information is continuously gathered about cows tested at the nucleus herd.
"Jag tror att det är nåt vi talar om i skolan": Hur påverkas elevers attityder och beteende av projektinriktad undervisning om hållbar utveckling?
Arbetet syftar till att undersöka om och hur ett antal elever uppfattar att deras attityder till miljö och deras dagliga beteende har förändrats efter att under en period ha arbetat med hållbar utveckling i projektform..
Individuell tillväxt och substratval hos en lokalt differentierad population av Asellus aquaticus
Local differentiation may occur during a short period of time and is part of the formation of new species. The isopod Asellus aquaticus is an example of a species in which local adaptation has occurred during a short period of time. An establishment of stonewort (Chara spp.) vegetation in Lake Tåkern (in the 2000) resulted in two different Asellus ecotypes; a lighter pigmented, smaller one that lives among stoneworts grazing periphytic algae, and a darker, larger ecotype that feeds on decaying leaves in reed (Phragmites australis vegetation. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there are differences in growth between ecotypes, depending on whether the food was periphytic algae or leaves, and to study the choice of substrates between the two food types. For the study, animals from both habitats were brought in from Lake Tåkern to the laboratory.
Betydelsefulla faktorer för ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie om faktorer som påverkar ensamkommande flyktingbarns liv
The aim of this study is to examine which factors in the receiving-country that have had an influence on three now adult unaccompanied refugee children. The method used in the study is qualitative interviews with the three above-mentioned participants. The results show that some factors are perceived as helpful, having a positive influence on the participants life while other factors are perceived as worsening, having a negative influence on their life. Depending on the context some factors such as age, the Swedish language and housing arrangements have had both positive and negative influences on their life. Positive factors are among other things: access to good treatment and support, help with processing trauma and bad mental health, help with understanding coherence, access to a social network, family reunification, resilience and other internal factors.
Akutrumssjuksköterskan i den medicinska larmsituationen
Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.
Kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Nationell patientenkät på kirurgidivisionen på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige, 2012.
Aim: On the basis of the Swedish 2012 National Patient Survey and its open answers, study how patients experienced the quality of care during hospitalization in a surgical divisionMethod: In this study, 306 patients' responses was compiled and analyzed by qualitative content analysis and reported descriptively in running text.Results: The way patients were treated by staff was experienced by respondents mainly as positive. The staffs? courteous and sympathetic attitudes were appreciated. The food that was served was described as substandard, distasteful and dull. The cleanliness of the hospital departments were reported to be inadequate, particularly in washrooms.
Kalcium- och fosforsmältbarhet hos växande hästar
In the latest edition of NRC (2007) the feeding recommendations for Ca and P to growing
horses were increased with 35 and 25 %, respectively, based on results from a Canadian study
showing that daily endogenous fecal losses of Ca and P were greater than previously
suggested. A Ca absorption efficiency of 50 % is used for all horses. However, the true
absorption efficiency might be as high as 70 % in young horses. P absorption efficiency is
assumed to be higher for growing horses because their diets are often supplemented with
inorganic P. Thus, an efficiency of 45 % is used for growing horses as compared to 35 % for
mature horses.
Ungdomsvåldets utveckling i de tre storstadslänen : En statistisk jämförelse av ungdomsvåldets utveckling, nivå och trend i Stockholms, Västra Götalands och Skåne län, samt Sverige i sin helhet mellan åren 1995 och 2008
Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån befintlig officiell kriminalstatistik, självdeklarationsundersökningen i årskurs nio, SCB:s Undersökning av levnadsförhållanden och Brå:s Nationella trygghetsundersökning belysa och jämföra ungdomsvåldets utveckling i Stockholms, Västra Götalands och Skåne län mellan åren 1995 och 2008 och sedan jämföra de resultaten med statistiken för hela Sverige. Resultatet av dessa statistiska data ämnar jag analysera, diskutera och problematisera utifrån tidigare forskning i ämnet, sambandet mellan alkohol och våld och urbaniseringens inverkan på, och samband med våldsbrott.De frågeställningar som studien är tänkt att besvara är följande:- Hur har ungdomsvåldet utvecklats i Stockholms, Västra Götalands och Skåne län mellan åren 1995 och 2008?- Hur ser denna utveckling ut i förhållande till statistiken gällande Sveriges riksnivå under samma period?- Vilka skillnader eller likheter går att finna dels mellan de tre länen och dels mellan länen och hela Sverige under nämnda period?Sammanfattningsvis tyder studiens resultat inte på någon ökning av antal våldsbrott som begås av ungdomar under perioden 1995-2008. Utsattheten för våld eller hot bland ungdomar ser inte heller ut att ha ökat under samma period. Dessa resultat gäller för samtliga län och även för hela Sverige.
Immunokastrering av hangrisar :
Active immunization against gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is an alternative to surgical castration of male pigs to avoid boar taint. The aim of this study, including 128 pigs, was to evaluate the effect of a GnRH-vaccine Improvac® on performance and on social and sexual behaviour. Male pigs were assigned to three treatments; surgical castration at four days of age, immunization against GnRH and no castration. Vaccination was performed eight and four weeks before slaughter. Surgically castrated male pigs had significantly lower daily weight gain during the suckling period than entire male pigs (235 vs.
Arbetslöshet i Trollhättan 1880-1910 : en studie om de arbetslösas, arbetarnas, arbetsgivarnas och kommunens åtgärder angående arbetslöshet
This is an essay about unemployment in Trollhättan during the period 1880-1910. In my essay I write about what was made to help the ones who were unemployed. I ask the questions: What did the society, the workers and last but not least the unemployed themselves do?My conclusion is that some things were done. For example were The Labor Unions in their growth and economical support from them and the county could help some people.
Mjölkningsfrekvensens inverkan på mjölkfettets kvalitet :
The milk production has developed rapidly the last years. The milk production per cow is increasing and the production units are larger with an increasing number of animals and a decreasing number of workers. Many milk producers invest in automatic milking systems (AM) to meet this change. In these systems the cows can voluntary decide milking frequency and usually the milking frequency are higher than two times per day. But how does the milking frequency effect the composition of the milk?
The aim of the present study was to study the effect of milking frequency on the milk composition and the milk fat quality.
Hur påverkar naturvårdsåtgärder mängden av vedlevande insekter : Manuellt dödade träd vs självdöda
Today?s forest managers implement a large number of methods to increase the amount of dead wood in Swedish forests. They use everything from high cutting of trees to girdling trees and burning forests. However, implementation of these measures without proper knowledge of their consequences is a common problem. This study has been performed to increase knowledge about two of these measures, girdling and high cutting, and how these actions affect the number of wood-living insects living on dead trees.
Welfare impairment of lambs around weaning. Play and other behaviour indicative of affective state
The abrupt and early weaning of intensively kept lambs may have serious animal welfare implications, but relatively little is known about this. Weaning includes the breaking of the mother-young bond and abrupt replacement of milk by solid food, often coinciding with changes in the (social) environment. Altogether, these changes are likely to affect lamb welfare significantly. This study aimed to establish how strong and persistent lamb welfare is impaired following abrupt weaning by means of measuring behaviour parameters indicative of affective state. Also, we investigated the existence of a diurnal rhythm in play behaviour, which is considered an important indicator of positive affect and good welfare.