3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 31 av 219
Fisk- och fågelpredations påverkan på den bentiska makroevertebratfaunans sammansättning under tidig vår i Tåkern
Predation is one of many factors that form the structure of the macroinvertebrate community in lakes, wetlands and watercourses. Earlier studies lack an examination concerning how fish- and waterfowl predation affect macroinvertebrates during shorter periods in the spring. I performed an exclosure study in the shallow eutrophic Lake Tåkern which is located in the western part of Östergötland County, Sweden. The experiment was performed during a three week period (1-21 April 2012) when the water temperature was low and the density of migrating diving ducks was high. The experimental cages used included three out of four different treatments; general predation (open cages), bird exclusion (net with mesh size 90*45mm) and no predation (net with mesh size 1*1mm).
Validering inom omvårdnadsprogrammet på tre vuxenutbildningar i Östergötland
This study investigates how social interaction affects newly arrived pupils? views on their study situation in the Swedish educational system. The aim is to give a contribution to the discussion on the notion of including ?the Other? in educational practice in multicultural schools. Semi-structured group interviews were conducted to explore how the intercultural perspective and the theory of inclusion can be used to explain the dynamics of social interaction.
Kvinnors upplevelse av kroppsbild och sexualitet efter genomgången mastektomi : En litteraturstudie
Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.
UNIVERSAL: Beginning and End of the Classical Hollywood Horrors
Arbetet behandlar Universals skräckfilmsproduktion under dess så kallat klassiska period, från ljudfilmens genombrott fram till USAs inträde i andra världskriget i december 1941. Det inleds med en kort historik av studions utveckling, främst under Laemmle-dynastins ledning, samt med korta tillbakablickar på stumfilmsperiodens skräckfilmer. Syftet är att beskriva hur skräckfilmen utvecklades, konstnärligt, företagsekonomiskt och produktionstekniskt, under denna period. Tyngdpunkten ligger givetvis främst på Universal, som snabbt blev kända som de främsta skräckfilmsproducenterna, ett rykte som man fortfarande upprätthåller.Vidare beskrivs alla Universals skräckfilmer från och med Dracula (1931) fram till och med The Wolfman (1941), som väl kan beskrivas som den sista riktigt stora skräckfilmen, innan bolaget förföll till mer eller mindre obegåvade uppföljare..
Valpens utveckling : ur ett fysiologiskt och etologiskt perspektiv
The first two weeks in a pup's life is called the neonatal period. This period is dominated by growth and development of organs and senses. The puppy is born blind and deaf and the physiological disability makes it unable to move properly. The neonatal period is characterized by a lot of sleeping. The pup receives the important milk and warmth from the bitch.
Statusbedömning och förbättringsförslag för startkedjemaskineri, startkedja och linspel för stränggjutningsmaskin
The main goal with the master thesis has been to do a status evaluation of the chain machinery with its start chain and wire to secure the production on a short basis due to that a reconstruction is not planned at this time. An evaluation of the condition of the start chain and the rollers in the chain depository has been done. An offer has been requested for a new start chain and the evaluation of the start chains may be a basis for the decision taking. The production has been able to go on, although it has arisen some problems which have been difficult to find the causes for. There is no gathered ?picture? of the machinery status and a mapping of each machinery has been compiled of comprehensive logs.
Prestandaförändringen hos en bergvärmeanläggning efter fem års drifttid
The aim of this report was to do a case study at a geothermal heating system which has been in operation for about 5 years, and study if its performance has changed during this period of time. A literature study about the processes involved was also done in purpose of background knowledge.The tenant-owner?s association Duvan at Petterslundsgatan in Uppsala installed year 1999-2000 a geothermal heating system. The purpose of this installation was that they hoped it would lead to a smaller usage of district heating which would lead to a reduction of the heating expenses for their buildings. The geothermal heating system consists of 19 energy wells and 4 geothermal heat pumps, and it is one of the first systems of that size in the region of Uppsala.
Födointagets betydelse för muskelglykogeninlagringen efter arbete hos häst och människa :
Glycogen is the storage form of glucose and is used by the skeletal musculature as energy both for intense and endurance events. The glycogen content in the horse?s middle gluteal muscle is more than 600 mmol/kg dry weight, and almost 400 mmol/kg dry weight in the human?s Vastus lateralis. In some special occasions, for example in competitions with several moments on following days, there is a need of a fast muscle glycogen resynthesis. The feed intake is of importance for the velocity of the resynthesis.
Närståendes upplevelser av avlösning som stöd, vid demenssjukdom
The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of 16th century Flemish art by approaching paintings by artists Pieter Aertsen (1508-1575), Joachim Beuckelaer (1533-1574) and Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) from a different perspective. This is done by extending the discourse of art history, into a discourse of literary history and primarily 16th century novels by authors such as François Rabelais and Miguel de Cervantes. The paintings are studied in relation to these 16th century novels, by comparison and as a testament of this specific time period. A widening contextualization is also constructed in which a connection to the expression of the carnivals ambivalent form, as well as the notion of lower classes is explored.
Påverkan av probiotika på kariesbildande bakterier in vivo
Cavities used to be a very common problem but over time humans have learned to take care of their teeth. However, there are still many who have problems. This problem is due to microorganisms and in particular the various streptococci and lactobacilli producing acids which loosens up the enamel on teeth. These bacteria can be found at various places in the mouth and saliva. Besides being a discomfort it can be a major problems and the damaged tooth needs to be removed or make a dental filling.
The aim of the study was to see how intake of probiotic tablets containing Lactobacillus reuteri PTA ATCC 5289 and Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938 affects the levels of oral Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli over a three-week period.
Internationell Diversifiering - En studie om korrelationsmönster mellan tillväxtmarknader och utvecklade marknader
Purpose: We have three purposes that will answer our problem questions. Our first purpose is to identify how diversification effects for investors changed between emerging markets and developed markets in the period 1996-2010. Our second purpose is to examine the two crises, IT and financial crisis, and if the correlations between these two crises have changed. Our third purpose is to examine to what extent the Swedish stock market was influenced by other markets in the period 1996-2010, the IT and financial crisis.Methodology: The method is based on an analytic model consisting of two tools; Regression- and Correlation analysis. The Regression analysis will be used when investigating if a change in a foreign stock market affects a change on the Swedish stock market.
Synoptisk provtagning i vattendrag med eutrofieringsproblem : En studie för att identifiera områden för prioritering av åtgärder
In Halland, agriculture is the major source of eutrophication of water. In the study, synoptic sampling were performed in the three watercourses Nyrebäcken, Skintan and Vinån all located in the county of Halland. Sampling occurred during the period February to May on three occasions with different flow rates: high, low and base flow. Samples were taken in the mainstream and tributaries with intention to show how big the impact of eutrophication it is in the water and to assess the impact of the tributariesThe results show that all watercourses are affected by eutrophication. Nyrebäcken has the highest concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the mainstream, then Skintan and last Vinån.
Ordnings- och förteckningsarbete : Målaremästare C. E. Lindgrens stiftelses arkiv
The aim of this thesis is to expand the understanding of 16th century Flemish art by approaching paintings by artists Pieter Aertsen (1508-1575), Joachim Beuckelaer (1533-1574) and Pieter Bruegel (c. 1525-1569) from a different perspective. This is done by extending the discourse of art history, into a discourse of literary history and primarily 16th century novels by authors such as François Rabelais and Miguel de Cervantes. The paintings are studied in relation to these 16th century novels, by comparison and as a testament of this specific time period. A widening contextualization is also constructed in which a connection to the expression of the carnivals ambivalent form, as well as the notion of lower classes is explored.
Hjälmen under yngre järnåldern : härkomst, förekomst och bruk
Few helmets, dated to the Vendel period are known from Scandinavia and even fewer are known from the Viking age. Paradoxically, picture stones and sagas frequently tell about these objects as if they were very common, something that is contradicted by the archaeological material. The purpose of this thesis is to examine different literary sources and compare these to the archaeological materials and by doing so, gets a clearer picture about the emergence, use, function and of the late Iron Age helmets in Scandinavia..
Koldioxidutsläpp vid sticklingsproduktion av pelargonium x hortorum i Kenya jämfört med Sverige :
Long transport of products is an environmental issue discussed to an increasing extent. The consumers are increasingly aware of how far our comestibles really have been transported. The increasing levels of environmental emissions are something that concerns people. The question is nevertheless delicate and many choose to ignore it. This is no longer an option.