3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 29 av 219
Har antalet naturvärdesträd i Sverige förändrats mellan 1999-2009?
Forestry and forest products are vital components of the Swedish economy but the forest is also important for recreation, hunting, out-door life and conserving biodiversity. The Swedish Forest Act has two equally important objectives, production and environmental protection. Polytax is the Swedish Forest Agency´s inventory programme which monitors progress toward the two objectives in connection with regeneration fellings. It includes data on environmental protection measures taken in connection with regeneration fellings. 30 § of the Swedish Forestry Act and related regulations specify the demands for conserva-tion of nature.
Veckorevyns ambivalenta kvinnosyn : framställningen av kvinnor i Veckorevyn under tre perioder av 1900-talets kvinnorörelse
Den här uppsatsen ska undersöka hur tre perioder av kvinnorörelser i Sveriges historia avspeglas i framställningen av kvinnor i Veckorevyn. Syftet är att undersöka ifall framställningen av kvinnor förändras i förhållande till dessa tre perioder. Detta har gjorts med en kvantitativ innehållsanalys där ett kodschema använts. Det har också gjorts en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med kritisk diskursanalys och semiotisk analys av två nummer under respektive period. Teorier om veckopressens påverkan på läsaren har använts.
Long-term Storage of Starch Potato and its Effect on Starch Yield
Lyckeby Starch AB is a farmer-owned company that produces products based on potato
starch. In order to increase their production efficiency and their international competitiveness
the company is investigating the possibilities of keeping their factories open longer. To
achieve this, potato has to be stored for a longer period of time than what is practiced today.
Starch potato is usually stored in large piles covered by straw and plastic, either in the field or
on the farmyard.
The objective was to examine in what way starch yield (starch content*tuber weight) in
three different potato varieties was affected by storage in two different types of storage piles.
The potato was stored for three months in total and starch content and tuber weight were
controlled throughout the period. Stored tubers were also visually examined and prescense of
mechanical damage as well as wet rots and dry rots was recorded. Bacteria and fungi were
isolated and identified.
In general, varietal differences were greater than differences between the storage piles.
Produktionslogistik, effektiviseringav materialhantering
Atlas Copco Tools is a world leading company in tool manufacturing. The productionin Tierp works hard to improve their assembly to maintain its position. This thesis isa part of their improvement efforts to be a more Lean production.The main focus for this thesis was to identify the material flow in the kanban system,which used to supply the assembly groups, focusing on the material flow to assemblygroup 9 and the assembly group 3. Group 3's material flow within the kanban systemwas perceived to perform better than the group 9. The handling of kanban materialand their working methods in the two groups was identify those differences whichaffected the kanban system.As an alternative material supply a study were done in kiting.
Hur har utvecklingen av andelen pension?rer i befolkningen p?verkat Tysklands arbetskrafts storlek fr?n 2000 till 2022?
Germany has experienced low birth rates ever since the 1970s when they fell below the replacement levels of 2,1 children per woman. Since then, their birth rate has been around 1,5 children per woman, which has caused an overall aging population. The consequences of the declining birth rates is that the previous generations are becoming larger than the younger generations. This demographic shift raises concern about how its potential implications might affect different aspects of the country and its economy overall. The aim of this paper is to try to discern the dynamic between the share of the labor force in relation to total population, with the share of pensioners in relation to the total population.
Granföryngring på tallmark, hur ofta förekommer det? :
This survey was made during the summer of 2004 and the spring of 2005, on commission
from the National Board of Forestry.
The aim of this report was to investigate how often Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), is planted on poor Scotch pine (Pinus Silvestries) sites and if it affects the yield of Norway spruce? In order to investigate this, data from 29 stands witch had a lower site index than T24 was collected. The investigated stands were situated in the southern-eastern Sweden. In 20 plots in each stand, the highest tree, age, number of seedlings, site index and tree species per stand were measured.
Att bli subjekt i sin egen historia : En studie i Alice Lyttkens Flykten från vardagen och - kommer inte till middagen
Alice Lyttkens (1897-1991) was a very popular author in Sweden during several decades in the middle of the twentieth century. She was most famous for her historical novels. During her first period as a novelist in the 1930s, however, she wrote contemporary fiction, reflecting the situation of contemporary Women. The traditional view of the two sexes as ?complementary? permeated the interwar period.
Bokbussen kommer och går ? men består? En undersökning av hur bokbussverksamhet skildrats i Biblioteksbladet 1945-2006
The aim of this master?s thesis is to investigate a possible connection between the development of mobile library services in Sweden and the development of cultural policy during 1945-2006. Our main question is: is there a connection between the development of the mobile library services in Sweden, as described in Biblioteksbladet, and the development of cultural policy as portrayed by Anders Frenander and Dorte Skot-Hansen? In order to answer this question, we formulated two secondary questions: - How are the mobile library services described in Biblioteksbladet between 1945 and 2006? - Are there any similarities or dissimilarities between the development of the mobile library services and the development cultural policy as described in our theoretical models? If so, in what way? Our study covers the entire time period since the start of the mobile library services in Sweden in the late 1940s. The final year for our investigation is 2006.
Skolhuset - idéer, avsikter och debatter kring skolhusets fysiska miljö i tidskriften Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning 1962-1974
In this study I examine the debates, intentions and ideas concerning the physical and created schoolroom as they appeared in the journal Lärarnas Tidning - Svensk Skoltidning (Teachers Journal ? Swedish School journal) during the period 1962-1974. The built and created school building and its environment has been a relatively neglected topic in Swedish pedagogical research.When the Swedish comprehensive system transformed during the sixties, with new curricula and a common nine year school, many school professionals realised the need for a new and pedagogically adjusted schoolhouse.The early seventies marked a decline after a ten year period with an extensive building program affecting large parts of Sweden, and where schoolhouses had been an important part. The debate concerning the new Swedish school building was sometimes inspired and refreshing, but resistance and bitterness was also expressed. In part, this should be seen against the backdrop of the introduction of a new educational system, using new and sometimes untested pedagogical ideas, together with the fast transformation of the Swedish society.The research method is an exploratory textual analysis focused on five different issues: ideas concerning community centres and integration, participatory and democratic issues about the built environment, the school building as a pedagogical tool, aesthetic considerations, and the working environment.
Föräldrars upplevelse av att närvara vid sitt barns perioperativa period : En litteraturstudie med ett anestesisjuksköterskeperspektiv
SAMMANFATTNINGPå de flesta operationsavdelningar är det rutin att föräldrar är med sitt barn till och med anestesiinduktionen. Föräldranärvaron syftar till att minska barnets oro och för att undvika att barnet separeras från sin förälder. Fokus ligger på barnet och det är lätt att bortse från den medföljande förälderns upplevelser och känslor. Mot denna bakgrund var syftet med denna studie att kartlägga föräldrars upplevelser av att vara tillsammans med sitt barn i den perioperativa perioden och vilka vårdåtgärder som kunde underlätta för föräldrarna. En litteraturstudie genomfördes och 22 artiklar som behandlade detta ämne fanns och analyserades.
Höjdförändringar på Lomonosovfonna, Svalbard, 1996-2012
The climate changes and the global warming have a great impact on the Arctic environments. This partially depends on that the albedo is getting lower when snow and ice is melting and exposes more and more dark surfaces of the land and sea. This leads to a feedback effect; the melting accelerates because dark surfaces attract more sun radiation. Because of the heating the glaciers in Arctic retreat. The purpose of this report is to obtain an eventual change in elevation on the glacier Lomonosovfonna that is located on Svalbard by comparing elevation data collected by NASA and GPS data from 1996-2012.
Livskvalitet hos personer med Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Background:Incoming medical alarm is a common routine for emergency nurses. Working in these situations may represent a major burden on the individual nurse. Purpose: To investigate emergency room nurses' experiences in receiving medical alerts focused on education, safety, security, skills and experience, and andherence to guidelines. The purpose was also to investigate whether there were any differences in action between the emergency room nurses who had worked longer or shorter period than two years with this.Method:The design was quantitative, comparative and descriptive. Surveys were distributed to 30 nurses who worked in the emergency room at a Swedish hospital.
Att äta kakan och ha den kvar : En hållbarhetsprövning av John Haughts evolutionsteologi
From underwater boat to submarine ? The development of the Swedish submarine service 1945-1960 The scope of this essay is the development of the Swedish submarine service during the period 1945-1960. The aim is to answer the following questions:- What kind of new technology did Sweden acquire when salvaging the German type XXI submarine off Gothenburg at the end of World War II?- In what respect did this technology differ from that of the Royal Swedish Navy and did it subsequently contribute to the tactical and operational development?- What tactical and operational development was accomplished between 1945-1960?The timeframe, 1945-1960, was chosen since this is when the analysis of the salvaged type XXI submarine and related effects was conducted. Furthermore, it is also during this time that the Swedish submarine service is beginning to evolve as a result of the new knowledge mentioned above and the experiences made by both the allies and the Germans during World War II.The theoretical framework primarily refers to the theories on naval warfare by Sir Julian Corbett.
Allmänt säkerhetsvakuum under Irakkriget 2003 - en effekt av modern krigföring?
Irakkriget 2003 manifesterade evolutionen av den moderna krigföringen som gått emot enverklighet där politiska mål kan uppnås med allt mindre förband som kostar mindre resurser. Demoderna förbanden har ändock en allt större effekt i att kunna bekämpa en motståndaren påslagfältet och härigenom kan de bemannas med allt färre soldater som verkar på fältet.Efter en intervention i en främmande stat är det av största vikt att under den första kritiskaperioden efter sönderfallet att etablera säkerhet och stabilitet. Denna undersökning har somambition att svara på huruvida modern krigföring och moderna förband bidrog till ett allmäntsäkerhetsvakuum under Irakkriget 2003 under denna kritiska period.Undersökningens resultat är att förutsättningarna för ett allmänt säkerhetsvakuum fanns iIrak innan kriget 2003. Koalitionens förband och krigföringsmetoder var bidragande orsaker till attsläppa loss krafter som redan skapats av den forna regimen under lång tid.Den övergripande slutsatsen är att det centrala vid operationen av detta slag är attomedelbart ha förband med tillräckligt antal soldater på fältet för att kunna etablera säkerhet ochstabilitet i territoriet. Av detta följer också att planeringen av denna kritiska period måste görasinnan kriget börjar och det måste finnas en vilja att satsa de resurser detta kräver..
Vilken fond ger hög riskjusterad avkastning? : En empirisk studie mellan Svenska och Globala aktiefonder
Syfte: Syftet med denna undersökning är att göra en komparativ studie mellan Sverige-och global aktiefonder för att vidare analysera vilka aktiefonder som ger högst avkastning.Metod: Uppsatsen bygger på en statistisk analys vilket sekundärdata ligger till grund för våra beräkningar. Genom tillämpning av kvantifierbar hård data där bland annat historiska aktiekurser ingår, så har en kvantitativ studie använts. Befintliga teorier och modeller har tillämpats.Slutsats: Studien visar i stort sett att högre risk ger en högre avkastning. Under period 1 presterade Latin Amerika fonderna bäst varefter Sverige fonder presterade bättre under period 2. Dessa marknader kan vara väldigt oberoende av varandra och tenderar därmed inte att följa varandras kursutveckingen.