

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 29 av 76

PPM - Passivt Placerande för Många : En analytisk studie av premiepensionsspararnas avsaknad av strategier för fondval

Introduction: In 1998, the pension system was changed and the so called PPM system was introduced. The PPM system is partly fund-based, partly distribution-based. There are approximately 700 different investment funds to choose between, at a maximum five for each individual. For persons who are not familiar with the financial market, the choice might be difficult. The lions? part of the investors do not seem to have an active strategy.

Tillväxt hos inkubatorföretag - En fallstudie av SSE Business Lab

Incubators have grown more popular in recent years. Studies have shown that companies that have been part of an incubator grow faster and have a higher survival rate. The Swedish government realizes that this benefits the economy. Therefore they have started different funding programs in order to support the incubators. The thesis aims to explore the underlying reasons for why companies that have been part of an incubator often experience high growth.

Turbinkretspump system - Kraftvärmeverket i Borås

The Rya power plant in Borås produces district heating, district cooling and electricity. The plant is owned by Borås Energi och Miljö AB and is run by Dalkia Facility Management AB.In order to get the best heat exchange from the district hot water a pair of twin pumps and a turbine circuit pump are used as return pumps. Turbine circuit pumps are used to increase the pressure through the heat exchangers at the power plant. The pumps are in use when the flow is over 2 000 m3 h-1 and during the summer when re-cooling is used to improve the effectivens of the heat boilers.Since the pumps, that are parallel connected, rotating at a fixed rate per minute, the pressure is regulated with regulating valves. This report shows that during the 4,300 hours that the pumps where in use, energy corresponding to 590 MWh was wasted.

"Hjälper mig att förstår vad text handlar om" : en undersökning av två skolexterna läxläsningsverksamheter

?This is a study of two school extern homework activities dedicated to helping students with their homework. The questions at issue are 1) how are the homework activities organized when it comes to financing, planning, marketing and implementation? 2) Who participates as staff as well as students and what are the requirements for participants? 3) What are the reasons for students to attend school external homework sessions? Material was gathered by a survey among the students at the activities and by interviews with principals for each activity. Two main findings are that the homework activities are almost exclusively visited by students with immigrant background and that the main reasons for participating are difficulties with the Swedish language, and parents not being able to help their children with homework.

Kommer traditionell TV att dö och vad är egentligen TV? : En studie av hur företrädare för TV-branschen ser på play-tjänsternas betydelse för TV

Since a few years back television has been on a verge of an enormous digital change. Web-TV is now growing at an incredible rate and is said to completely change the way we consume TV. The purpose of this essay is to determine and gain an understanding of how representatives of the broadcast industry looks at the phenomenon of web-TV and especially the different kinds of online video services and how they believe this will affect the television. Methods used are qualitative interviews which we compared with previous studies on the subject and acknowledged communication theories. The respondents were people with good insight and understanding of the media and TV industry.

Bolagsstyrning : En kartläggning av styrelsers arbete med strategifrågori svenska börsnoterade bolag

Corporate governance intensified due to the corporate scandals in the USA which led to a new law the so called Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).In 2005 the "Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning" (The Code) was introduced. The main purpose of The Code is to strengthen the confidence in Swedish companies quoted on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The Code focuses on the working process of boards. The rules set by The Code places higher demands on the board.  Among many other duties the board has to establish long term operational goals and strategy.

Kombinationsträningseffekter på fysiologiska egenskaper relevanta för handbollsprestation på elitnivå. : En experimentell interventionsstudie på manliga elithandbollsspelare under tävlingssäsong.

Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka de fysiologiska effekterna av kombinationsträning, innefattande styrketräning, contrast complex training (CCT) kombinerat med intervallträning i form av upprepade kortare sprintar (ca 6 s) (RSE) eller längre (30 s) högintensiva intervaller (HIIT) hos handbollsspelare i herrelit, under tävlingssäsong.Metod: Under 12 veckor, i tävlingssäsong, genomförde 15 elithandbollsherrar, utöver sin vanliga handbollsträning antingen RSE (n=8) bestående av 10 repetitioner av shuttle sprintar (2 x 15 m) med start varje minut och med passiv vila eller HIIT (n=7) bestående av 5 reps av 30-s all-out sprintar med riktningsförändringar. Båda grupperna genomförde ocksåCCT bestående av 3 set med 3 övningar (3 x knäböj 90 % av 1RM, 6 x jump squat med 50 % av kroppsvikten, 6 x dropp jump från 30 cm Pre- och posttesterna inkluderade jump squat (JS) (RFD (Ns/kg)), 5 jump for distance test (5JT) (m), 30m sprint (5m (s), 20-30m (m/s), repeated shuttle sprint ability test (RSSA) (RSA Bäst, Sämst, Tot (s) samt beräknat trötthetindexFI (%), Sdec (%)), 1 RM knäböj (koncentrisk) (kg/kg kroppsvikt), Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test (YYIRT 1)(m) and maximal syreupptagningstest (VO2max) (l O2/min, ml·kg-0.75·min-1). Resultat: Båda grupperna ökade signifikant maxstyrkan i knäböj, RSE gruppen (8,8 %) mer än HITT (7,4 %) (p<0.01). I motsats visade HIIT gruppen större förbättringar i rate of force development (RFD) (63,3 %) än RSE (56,3 %) (p<0,05). VO2max ökade signifikant och likartat i båda grupperna (~2%).

Svarar människor mer eller mindre socialt önskvärt beroende på hur de genomför ett personlighetstest?

A personality test is a useful tool in recruitment contexts. Studies have shown that participants distort their answers in a socially desirable manner. The purpose of this study was to investigate if people respond more or less socially desirable depending on how they rate themselves in a personality test, based on the "big five" personality dimensions.Eighty people, (40 women and 40 men), 19-42 years, (M= 24,1 SD= 3,76) rated themselves on a personality test. Group one, (20 women and 20 men) completed the test on paper. Group two, (20 women and 20 men) completed the test verbally.

Enkätundersökning hos markägare inom SCA Skog Ångermanlands Skogsförvaltning

This report is a joint venture with SCA Forest, Ångermanlands forest man-agement area. The purpose of the study is that SCA Forest wants to know what the landowners in Ångermanlands forest management area think about SCA Forest and who they deliver their timber to. SCA Forest is the largest private landowner in Europe, with an area of about 2.6 million hectares. Today, SCA offers lumber, wood products, tis-sue and packaging and has factories all over the world. SCA Forest has five forest management areas in the north of Sweden, with the headquarters in Sundsvall. A questionnaire was sent to 265 landowners, where they had to answer 15 questions with possibilities to give comments. The survey was sent out on 21 of February with a response requested by 3 of March 125 landowners responded to the survey, giving a response rate of 47%.

Direktägande fastighetsfonder -En finansieringslösning till utvecklingen av miljonprogramsfastigheter

Idag finns det cirka en halv miljon bostäder från miljonprogrammet som är i behov av renoveringoch modernisering. Bostadsföretagen som äger dessa fastigheter har problem med att finansierarenoveringen som krävs för att höja standarden och förlänga livslängden på fastigheterna. Dennauppsats handlar om hur direktägande fastighetsfonder kan fungera som ett alternativ tillfinansieringen av renoveringen av miljonprogrammet.Fördelen med att använda direktägande fastighetsfonder som finansiellt verktyg tillupprustningen av miljonprogrammet är att kapitalet kan hämtas från den privata sektorn ochberoendet av en stark finansiär minskas. Genom fondstrukturen skapas möjligheter för ett mindresparande i bostadsfastigheter och gör marknaden för potentiella investerare större.Uppsatsen behandlar två områden i Stockholm och är belägna Rinkeby- Kista och Skarpnäck.Med hjälp av räkneexempel på en fiktiv fastighet utplacerad i dessa två områden har det visat sigatt det kan vara lönsamt ur en investerares perspektiv som vill köpa andelar i fastighetsfondensom används i denna uppsats. Exempelvis får en fondinvesterare 9,1 % per år i Skarpnäck.Med en upprustning av miljonprogrammet tillkommer kostnader för renovering samthyresökningar.

Självskadebeteende och riskbeteende för ätstörningar hos tonåringar: förekomst, samband och intervention med expressivt skrivande

The purpose of the present essay, as part of the project Self esteem and Life circumstances among teenagers, was to investigate the rate of both deliberate self-harm (DSH) and risk behaviour related to eating disorders in 14-year-old swedish adolescents, gender differences in DSH, and possible correlations between DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorder. In addition, the effects of expressive writing (Pennebaker & Beall, 1986) on DSH and risk behaviours related to eating disorders were investigated. Data from two pilot studies are included. In total, 198 14-year-olds from four different schools in southern Sweden participated. For the purpose of measuring the rate of DSH, a simplified version of Gratz's (2001) Deliberate Self-Harm Inventory (DSHI) was used.

Flödesoptimering i begränsande resurs

Most companies have a bottleneck in their production, that is a constraining re-source. When the demand is higher than the capacity in the constraining resource it is impossible to produce the demanded output. This problem leads to delayed deliveries, unhappy customers and ultimately to decreased revenue. Bottlenecks therefore has a significant role in production and must be handled thereof.MW Power in Sävsjö, Sweden designs and manufactures water and steam boilers for the customer's unique needs. MW Power invested in a new plasma cutting ma-chine but the machine has not reached the expected capacity.

Direktägande fastighetsfonder-En finansieringslösning till utvecklingen av

Idag finns det cirka en halv miljon bostäder från miljonprogrammet som är i behov av renoveringoch modernisering. Bostadsföretagen som äger dessa fastigheter har problem med att finansierarenoveringen som krävs för att höja standarden och förlänga livslängden på fastigheterna. Dennauppsats handlar om hur direktägande fastighetsfonder kan fungera som ett alternativ tillfinansieringen av renoveringen av miljonprogrammet.Fördelen med att använda direktägande fastighetsfonder som finansiellt verktyg tillupprustningen av miljonprogrammet är att kapitalet kan hämtas från den privata sektorn ochberoendet av en stark finansiär minskas. Genom fondstrukturen skapas möjligheter för ett mindresparande i bostadsfastigheter och gör marknaden för potentiella investerare större.Uppsatsen behandlar två områden i Stockholm och är belägna Rinkeby- Kista och Skarpnäck.Med hjälp av räkneexempel på en fiktiv fastighet utplacerad i dessa två områden har det visat sigatt det kan vara lönsamt ur en investerares perspektiv som vill köpa andelar i fastighetsfondensom används i denna uppsats. Exempelvis får en fondinvesterare 9,1 % per år i Skarpnäck.Med en upprustning av miljonprogrammet tillkommer kostnader för renovering samthyresökningar.

Efter krig kommer fred : att planera för återuppbyggnad i en krigsdrabbad stad

This paper intends to provide a better understanding of how to rebuild a crisis affected area and how to plan for the inhabitants of a wounded city. It will also examine the landscape architect's tasks in this work to provide a planning perspective. The discussion of reconstruction is significant because the insight and knowledge in the subject is needed in order to help nations after a disaster. Bosnia-Herzegovina's capital Sarajevo is a city recovering from a civil war where the city's situation was complicated by an ethnic conflict that has been segregating it. The restoration of the city's structure can free people from their tragedy and make them live again.

Jämförelse mellan BKR/BSK och Eurokoders behandling av utmattning i traversbalkar med tillhörande svetsfogar

This report has been performed for WSP Construction Design located at Arenavägen 7 in Stockholm. WSP Construction Design is one of the leading departments in Sweden in construction solutions regarding everything from building construction to industrial building. Great competencies regarding steel, wood and concrete constructions are available within the department which is well sought.Crane girders used in the industry are exposed to large loads that vary over time that includes instantaneous lifts and the crane girders movement which lead to the phenomenon fatigue in the crane girder and its ingoing welds. A control of fatigue needs to be performed after a certain lifespan measured in time which in turn is converted to a number of loadcycles. When the number of loadcycles amounts to a greater number the input welds resistance will have been reduced and the rate of utilization thereby increased.

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