2912 Uppsatser om Subject-hero - Sida 17 av 195
?Religion som vägledning, försvagad och problematiskt? : ? En studie om gymnasieelevers resonemang kring religion och religionskunskapsämnet
Abstract This essay has grown out of an interest for the subject of religion and religious education for upper secondary pupils in Sweden. Our society is characterized by cultural, religious and secular diversity, which also reflects in the classroom where individuals with different religious preferences share space and participate in discussions. One of my aims is that this essay can be a contribution for future studies in the religious field. Previous research has shown that Swedish pupils increasingly lose interest in the subject of religion (on a personal level but also more in general). There is a possibility that this picture might have changed since these studies where done, and that is what I want to investigate in this essay.
Kvalitetssäkring:En analys av egenkontroll
A degree thesis about quality control and assurance in construction. Made in cooperation with Wästbygg. An analysis was made of the self-monitoring control that is conducted during the construction. The data was collected from interviews from personnel employed by Wäsbygg as either work-leader, project-manager or quality- and environmental-coordinator. During the study there was also a review of the literature in the subject.
Matematiksvårigheter : Värför och vad kan vi göra
During my practical training period I observed that many of the students have a negative attitude against mathematics. I also observed that these students have a difficulty reaching the goals in the subject. In my opinion there are different factors that can be the reason to why these students experiences mathematics as a difficult subject in school. This is the reason why I wanted to find out which factors that lies behind the difficulties and how the pedagogues work to support these students. It is also significant that every single student get their rights to develop a positive attitude against mathematics and that the pedagogue supports the students in their development.The point with this degree project is to find out, with the help of three pedagogues, which factors that could lead to difficulties in mathematics with students.
Ljud och musik i varumärkesbyggande
This thesis aim to explain which part sound and music possess as a branding tool. We consider this to be of relevance since there is very limited reseach conducted on the subject. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis we have focused on three main issues. Our ambition is to describe this subject from a marketing perspective with the brand in focus.
Läromedel inom ämnet Teckenspråk för hörande : -
The aim of this study is to establish an understanding of how the concept educational materials can be interpreted, as well as to investigate how teachers describe their use of educational materials. The focus of this study is the subject ?Sign Language for the hearing?, at the upper secondary level. We, the authors of this essay, both have a great personal interest in this language. Swedish Sign Language is the sign language mainly used in Sweden.
Elevperspektiv på ämnet historia
The purpose of this study is to further understand swedish highschoolstudents perspective on the subject of history. In order to produce an answer a series of qualitative interviews were conducted with six students of mixed ages, ethnicity an gender. Their answers were evaluated using relevant didactic theories focusing on the use of history, historical consciousness as presented by Klas-Goran Karlsson. Motivationtheories according to the RISE model. By Edward Hootstien.
Kommunikation inom offshoring : Hur skapas och upprätthålls engagemang, sammanhållning och klarhet i offshoringprojekt?
This paper is about the importance of engagement, cohesion and clarity in offshore outsourcing projects. The focus is on how the communication is handled between co-workers in different countries. My research is based on qualitative studies of literature on the subject, along with interviews with leaders in various companies in Sweden that utilize offshoring to countries in Asia. This study shows that the companies interviewed who utilize offshoring are all taking care to create engagement, cohesion and clarity in their offshore offices. It also shows that companies can succeed with their offshore strategy without using agile development methods, contrary to what literature on the subject recommends.
Webbens klassifikationssystem. En komparativ studie
This thesis deals with subject-based hierarchical search-services on the World Wide Web. The purpose is to investigate how systems of this kind facilitate information retrieval through subject-based information seeking. Its starting point is taken from the study of texts and qualitative analyses of search-services on the World Wide Web. Important aspects and features of the Internet and the World Wide Web are explained as well. Three systems are examined: Mölndals Stadsbiblioteks Länkkatalog, Svesök, and Alta Vista.
Grönt resande : En studie om hur företag arbetar med klimatkompensation
Carbon offsetting means to offset those greenhouse gases that are caused by our actions. The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies are working with carbon offsetting. The focus of the research is how travel agencies and companies that provides carbon offsetting. The writers also highlight the problems carbon offsetting is facing. The study was performed with qualitative methods through interviews with three companies working with carbon offsetting.
?Seriously seeking comics? ? Ämnesbestämning, klassifikation och indexering av tecknade serier
The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how comics, here defined as a combination of text and images, are handled by the libraries in regards to subject analysis, classification and indexing. A comparative approach has been used in this study. First, common practices, methods and theories concerning subject analysis developed for documents consisting of text or images are presented. Then the current systems at two special libraries, specializing in comics and consequently dealing with both text and images, are examined and related to the above mentioned practices, in order to discover differences and similarities.
Indexering av skönlitteratur ? en konsistensundersökning
The aim of this master thesis was to measure the terminological consistency when indexing fiction. The study included ten participants, five librarians and five patrons who indexed two novels in three steps. Besides calculating the terminological consistency a typified index based on the term frequency was created.Subject heading list Att indexera skönlitteratur was used as a controlled vocabulary and to calculate the consistency the asymmetrical formula was used.The result showed that the study produced relatively high consistency values compared to other studies. The subject heading list increased the consistency value for all of the participants, for the patrons the increase was substantial. The librarians produced higher consistency values compared to the patrons in almost every step and they had in percentage lower amount of terms used only once..
Lärares åsikter om ämnesintegrering : En studie om ämnesintegrering mellan matematik och karaktärsämnena på de yrkesförberedande programmen
Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda vad matematik- respektive karaktärsämneslärare på yrkesprogrammen på gymnasiet anser att det finns för för- respektive nackdelar med en ämnesintegrering mellan deras ämnen. Med hjälp av en enkät har de två grupperna fått delge sina för- och nackdelar samt i vilken utsträckning de tillämpar en sådan ämnesintegrering. Enkäten användes också som underlag för en intervju som låg till grund för en beskrivning av hur ett ämnesintegrerat arbete kan gå till. Majoriteten av lärarna var positiva till att ämnesintegrera och ansåg att de tillämpade en sådan undervisning men endast ett fåtal samarbetade med sina kollegor över ämnesgränserna..
Mönsterframställning- en studie om processen från idé till produkt
ABSTRACTMusic and differences in knowledge ? a study of music teachers experiences with differences in musical knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to, out of a music teacher?s perspective, see if the differences in music abilities between 7th grade students are at all, or in some ways connected to the previous schools they?ve attended. I will also research in what areas, in the subject of music, students are differing more, as well as less, in their knowledge. The analysis is based on interviews with six 7th grade music teachers working in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school system.
Mellan A-traktor och skönlitteratur : Didaktiska metoder i undervisningen
The purpose of my project is to determine how a multimodal/intermedial text can be used when teaching in upper secondary school. Can using a text that to some point is current in the pupils? lives lift the interest for the specific subject? I opted to pick up Gunther Kress? research, Diana Laurillard?s book and Christina Olin-Scheller?s work on the subject. I have used several hours of lesson planning and the lesson itself with subsequent work consisting, among other things, of three qualitative interviews to achieve my purpose. Based on a qualitative approach, I discuss the results, which show that it is in fact very uplifting.
Motorinformationens roll i SPT-effekten
Det har visat sig vara bättre att öva in listor med handlingsfraser genom att utföra dem (SPT, subject-performed tasks) än genom att bara läsa dem (VT, verbal tasks). Vid ett återerinringstest visar sig SPT-effekten då försöksdeltagare med SPTs har ett mycket bättre minne av materialet än försöksdeltagare med VTs. En förklaring till fenomenet är att utförandet av handlingsfraserna förser deltagarna med motorinformation. I den här undersökningen testas motorinformationens roll i SPT-effekten på ett sätt som skiljer sig från traditionell SPT-forskning. Försöksdeltagare fick antingen cykla eller använda en joystick för att navigera genom en virtuell värld där ord fanns utplacerade.