

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 8 av 85

Könsroller och Härskartekniker i Twilight : (re)produktion av patriarkalgenusstrukturer genom smäktande kärlekshistoria?

This essay aims to describe and problematize gender roles and master suppression techniques in Stephenie Meyer?s Twilight Saga. This is done in order to enable me, in my future profession as a teacher, to start an emancipatory discussion in class where pupils can become conscious of different ways of reading the love story. I will use the following two research questions to fulfil the purpose: 1) investigate which gender roles that appears in the book?s main characters Bella and Edward and 2) which master suppression techniques that colours their relationship.To answer the questions gender theory and ideology-critics are used.

Konstruktion och utveckling av en självbalanserande robot

This project is part of the course MF10YX, introductory mechatronics. The purpose of theproject is to integrate modules from the group members previous specializations into amechatronic system in the form of a self-balancing robot. The prototype ?Charlie? should be ableto race along a 10 - 30 m line. It should be able to start manually and autonomously detect andstop after the finishing line.

Konstruktion av tvåhjulig balanserande robot

This report discusses the development of an autonomous system that can travel a distance of atleast 30 meters on two wheels. The system, the robot, detects black lines and stops if one isdetected. A remote control can be used to start and stop the robot. The robot is constructed ofmainly steel with smaller, more detailed, parts in plastic. A significant amout of time has beenused to enable the robot to balance on its own.

Visualisering av rotationer samt kvadratiska former i Linjär Algebra

Examensarbetet har genomförts på Campus Norrköping, Linköpings Universitet. Nätkursen och nätduggorna är ett samarbete mellan Linköpings Universitet (LiU), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) och portalen MATH.SE.Målet med samarbetet är att skapa och underhålla en webbsida (http://webcourses.itn.liu.se) i kursen Linjär algebra. Detta samarbete har skapats för att öka studenters intresse och öka deras inlärning i detta ämne. Anledningen till att dessa program behövs inom Linjär algebra är att det är svårt att förklara begrepp i tre dimensioner eller mer på en tvådimensionell tavla.Syfte med examensarbetet var att skapa en webbsida, som ökar förståelsen hos studenter som läser Linjär algebra. Med webbsidan skulle studenterna själva kunna interaktivt visualisera de moment i kursen som kan vara svåra att undervisa i ett klassrum.

EU-OPINION I TIDER AV KRIG I EUROPA En kvantitativ studie om hur attityder till EU och europeisk integration f?r?ndrats under krigstid.

In the early morning of February 24th, 2022, Russian troops crossed the border to Ukraine which started the full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia. Even though the war does not directly involve the EU or member states of the union, it affects the lives of the European people. While previous research has established that general attitudes towards the European Union and European integration has changed in some countries within the Union since the start of the war, the question remains how attitudes towards EU and European integration has changed across EU. A second unanswered question is whether populations in Western and Eastern Europe have responded differently, leading to a potential divergence or convergence in attitudes. The theory ?Rally around the flag? suggests that an outright war that border to EU will increase support for the political leadership in EU.


I have in my thesis produced a start of a multiplayer, voxel, strategy sandbox game withadvanced AI. The world is made out of voxels in the form of blocks that both the players andother units can affect and change. In a world where every block follows the laws of physicsfor both fluids and physics. The game is designed for several players that fights for controllover land and resources..

Att starta ett café

Regeringen stödjer startandet av nya företag och att starta ett café presenteras som en trend som lockar unga entreprenörer. Utformning och start av café kan ses ur olika perspektiv. Två modeller har valts, dessa berör huvudsakligen gästens perspektiv och handlar om måltidens fem aspekter; rummet, mötet, produkten, styrsystemet och atmosfären. Producentens perspektiv benämns i arbetet som ?Startmodellen för café? och är uppdelad i olika nivåer som täcker områden som planering av nya verksamheter, ekonomi, livsmedelsvetenskap, ledarskap och marknadsföring.

Skattning av prognostiska faktorer för gradering av smärtans komplexitet hos patienter i behov av multimodal smärtrehabilitering inom två vårdnivåer.

AbstractPURPOSE: The aim of this study was to describe and compare possible differences regarding selected prognostic factors for disability between patients with non-specific chronic pain who were about to start a multidisciplinary treatment program (MMR), either within primary care (MMR1) or hospital care (MMR2).METHODS: The study had a descriptive and comparative cross sectional design. Eighty-nine patients were recruited consecutively when they were about to start their team treatment (50 in MMR1,39 in MMR2). The measurements were; Evaluation of self-reported self-efficacy for eight daily activities (STIVA-8), The Pain Belief Screening Instrument (PBSI) and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).RESULTS: The study found some significant differences between the answers from patients in MMR1 and those from patients in MMR2. For instance, patients in MMR2 estimated lower self-efficacy according to STIVA-8 than patients in MMR1. Also, there were fewer low risk patients and more high risk patients in MMR2 than in MMR1 regarding pain intensity according to PBSI.

Implementering av Lean genom TAK och SMED

This graduation work is a result of implementing Lean Production using OEE and SMED at Enics Sweden AB in Malmö. Enics doesn?t have an established improvement concept and therefore should this work serve as an introduction to possibly start with Lean Production. A result in this report is that an OEE value has been identified within a common order at Enics. Other results are that an implementation of a Lean-board has been implemented and furthermore, within SMED, a flag that indicates changeover..

Skolgårdsutformning för Källöskolan

The first browser war took place during the second half the 1990s, and Internet Explorer cameout as the winner over Netscape Navigator. Today a new browser war is being fought withmany competitors and the future is uncertain. The purpose of the thesis is to find out how theweb browser market has developed since the start of the previous conflict, and we ask ourselveshow it will continue to develop in the future. This is accomplished with, among otherthings, interviews, tests and already existing statistics. The thesis' conclusions shows that theweb browser market has developed in a positive way from several perspectives, both for theusers as well as for the web developers.

Styrsystem : För en forskningsutrustning

The division of Engineering Materials at Linköping University, department of Management and Engineering, conducted a research project concerning Fatigue life of thermal barrier coatings during 2009. During this project equipment to provoke these fatigue failure by rapidly heating and cooling test subjects in cycles, was ordered.Design and manufacturing of the equipment was handled internally at LIU.The equipment was built using a furnace that is lowered and raised over the table where the test subject is placed. To keep the temperature of the furnace a lid slides in place to close the downward facing opening of the furnace when it is in the raised position. On this door there is nozzle that is used to cooling of the test subject by air.To make sure that the equipment can work independently you need an automation controller that can evaluate if movement can occur without danger of collisions. The control system also needs to monitor that all elements are performed according to plan.This degree project is based on a modular system from OPTO 22 and includes the configuration of a PLC that will be supplied with logic and a user interface.The degree project resulted in a graphic interface in which a user can set desired values for different parameters and get information about current values for them.

Melodibasens etablering och utveckling - reflektioner kring accordeon i undervisning

Title: The development of Free BassIn this work I will explain how the accordion with free bass was developed in Sweden. I will also describe how the people, teachers and musicians, did respond when it was introduced. In this study I investigate Swedish freebass teachers' reflections upon their educational issues. I want to look deeper at how they are reflecting over these two systems, and how they are using them in their daily work. By reading some accordion magazines from the era as a method, I did researching and then I analyzed the articles written about the subject.

Konstbok med känsla för Norrland

Norrland - en vacker, harmonisk plats med öppna vyer, fjälltoppar, ljusa sommarnätter, industrier och metertjock snö. Men hur kan man visa upp detta på ett nytt sätt? Syftet med vår konstbok är att visa upp Norrland på ett sätt som inte tidigare gjorts i hopp om att inspirera andra att se möjligheterna och skönheten i en del av Sverige som ofta är underskattad. Vi kommer under följande sidor guida er igenom en långdragen process, från start till mål, vid skapande av något nytt. En process fylld av samarbete, inspiration, fotograferande, illustrerande, poesi och glädje.

Friskis&Svettis London : ? en studie i internationalisering, entreprenörskap och organisationskultur

This thesis aims at; describing and creating an understanding of how Friskis&Svettis internationalization process, at the Start-up in England, can be seen as entrepreneurial, to describe and analyze how various cultural factors can be identified and the impact they have on the internationalization process. The empirical data were obtained through two interviews and it appears that both the organizational culture and national cultural differences can be identified and that these affected the process. The results show that the entrepreneur is both a starting point and a key driver of the process and because of this it can be considered entrepreneurial..

En onlinebutik till klädmärket Jungletree : Avvägningar för onlinebutiker inom mode

The term "Project" have become a growing work model that exist in almost all bransches. A project is a work effort made over a finite period of time with a start and a finish to create a unique product, service, or result. Science shows that time limitation has an impact on humans to perform under pressure, which challanges the contributor to deliver. This report contains an examination about project management, both coming from scientific results and an external business. The point of this study is to bring ideas of improvement, which can make the work method more effective in this company..

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