

1273 Uppsatser om Start-up - Sida 7 av 85

De bortglömda barnen : En kvalitativ studie om hur några lärare arbetar med de nyanlända eleverna i den svenska skolan och om de olika undervisningsformerna bidrar till integration

Children of school age, who have just moved to Sweden can either start in a preparation class or in a normal class. There is no Swedish law or national policy that determines how new children will start and continue their education in Swedish schools. The decision is up to the schools or the communes.This study investigates what kind of educational methods teachers, from a sample of two different schools, are using to educate the newly-arrived students and if these methods are making any contribution to integrating these children into the Swedish school system. The study will raise questions like, how are the new students introduced to the Swedish school, what is the purpose of having the children in preparation class as opposed to normal class, and what methods do the interviewed teachers use to integrate the new children into the school system?Interviews were conducted with four teachers, an associate professor and a senior lecturer in education, who has done several years of research about children from abroad coming in to the Swedish school system.

Effekter av nya PBL : En studie av processen från handläggning av bygglovsansökan till slutbesked

It has now passed two years since the new site- and construction law, PBL, went into force. It replaced the previous PBL applicable since 1987, and it involves relatively large changes in many different areas of the construction sector. The ambitions of the new law are for instance to simplify and clarify the legal text, increase efficiency in the permitting processes and improve the quality of construction. To achieve this, a variety of changes was made. Some of the most important are: inserted deadline in the processing of building applications, extended assessment of building applications, revised rules about controlplan and quality manager, a certificate is required to start and end the project, an additional meeting is inserted and the construction management of the municipalities will have to do a mandatory visit at the work scene.

Design av en användarvänlig Androidapplikation för trådlös kommunikation med Electronic Control Unit för bil eller testmiljö

Det här examensarbetet har utförts inom programmet högskoleingenjör datateknik vid Linköpings Universitet under våren 2015 och utförts på begäran av ArcCore i Linköping. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att skapa och designa en användarvänlig Androidapplikation som trådlöst kan kommunicera med electronic control units i bil eller testmiljö.Androidapplikationen består av fem huvudskärmar, fyra vars uppgift är att skriva ut informationen som åker över CAN bussen. De fem skärmarna är start, felkoder, sensorer, ECU extract och overview. Start tar dig vidare till de andra skärmarna, felkoder skriver ut alla felkoder, sensorer skriver ut alla sensorvärden, ECU extract skriver ut all information och overview visar en virtuell instrumentbräda. Användarutvärderingar har utförts för att ta fram både designen och layouten på applikationen.

Det tror jag är väldigt stort och viktigt - praktiken... : En kvalitativ undersökning där tre omsorgsassistenter får beskriva sina uppfattningar från omvårdnadsutbildningen och deras första år i yrket.

AbstractThis essay is an investigation where I try to gain an increased knowledge of the three assistants? (in the mentally disability profession) opinion about their education and their first years in their profession. I have also tried to answer the questions whether the course mentally disability/functional gives the students a good start in their profession, if there are any flaws or if something is missing in the course or if they can think of any improvements to make the course better.This investigation is performed as a qualitative interview study where three women were interviewed about their education and their first years as assistants? (in the mentally disability profession). All the interviewed women have been working in the care activity for two or three years since they graduated.

Nätverk och förebilder : en studie om betydelsen för entreprenöriella kvinnor

Background: Of those who start companies, only about 30 % are women. Women's companies also often have both fewer employees and lower turnover. Several efforts are therefore being made to try to influence and encourage more women to start businesses and to get them to expand. Two of these ventures are special network for women and about women entrepreneurs as role models, something that also the theories believe is very important for a more egalitarian business. While entrepreneurship is encouraged for growth in the community, it also has a male character, something that needs to be considered.Purpose: As both the EU and the Swedish government through measures such as Tillväxtverket, is investing large sums to promote networking and role models, we intended to analyze the importance of networking and role models for entrepreneurial women.

Finansiering av lantbruksfastigheter :

The purpuse with this work is to see if there is a possibility to buy a farm with a low amount of own capital. We have been doing budgets for five farms with different kind of productions. Some of the farms in this work are possible to buy with a low amount of capital but if you start without any money you will run into problems with the bank. The bank is not very pleased with fully financed projects; they would recommend an own capital of at least 10-20%. The farms with the best budgets were farms with animals..

Fallstudie av kostnader i tornsilo och plansilosystem på en mjölkgård :

I have through a case study looked on a milkingfarm in Dalarna and been counting on what it would cost to increase the silagestorage. Today they have to little capacity on the existing towersilo because they built a bigger farm with more cows. The reason is that two families decided to start having the production on one farm together and moved all animals from one of the farms to the other farm. So for that reason I have looked on the costs to build a new towersilo or levelsilo. The goal has been not only to look at the buildingcost but also which operatingcost that is included with the different alternatives. I have taken tenders from two different towersilocompany, Bjurenwall and Svenska Neuero and taken tenders from Abetong for a levelsilo with roof and one without roof. The overall feed requirements on the farm is on 240 tonnes dry extract and the old towersilo hold 110 tonnes dry extract so the need for a new foundation is on 130 tonnes dry extract. I have through cost estimate been counting on the specific buildingcost for each buildingaltenative.

Kartläggnng av patienters preoperativa fastetider, dryckintag och upplevelse av törst

Gällande riktlinjer för preoperativ fasta beskriver att patienter med liten risk för aspiration kan inta fast föda fram till sex timmar och klara drycker fram till två timmar före start av anestesi. Studier har visat att många patienter fastar längre, vilket kan ha negativ inverkan både fysiologiskt och på välbefinnandet som till exempel dehydrering, törst, illamående, huvudvärk och nedsatt insulinkänslighet. Syftet med studien var att kartlägga och beskriva preoperativa fastetider, dryckintag samt förekomst av törst hos patienter planerade för elektiv kirurgi. Strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes under fem dagar med 50 patienter som rekryterades konsekutivt på två preoperativa avdelningar. Resultaten visade att majoriteten av patienterna instruerats att inta klara drycker fram till två timmar före start av anestesi.

Svenska kärnvapenprogrammet under Kalla kriget : En studie av den internationella arena som påverkade uppstartandet och nedläggandet av Sveriges kärnvapenprogram

The purpose of this paper is to investigate possible reasons Sweden might have had to motivate the start and end of its nuclear program during the Cold war. This investigation will be conducted using a qualitative research method and making a comparison between the theories realism and liberalism?s ability to explain the decisions. The question this paper is based upon is as follows: Can Sweden?s creating and shutting down of a nuclear weapons program during the Cold war be explained by the international events and actions that were taking place during this time period? The result consists of liberalism pointing out several failures on the international level that might explain the cynical decision from Sweden to create the nuclear weapons. Realism considers the decision to make perfect sense at this point in time, to protect Sweden on the anarchy that was going on at that time according to this theory.The ending of the nuclear weapons program is being explained largely by the rise of the MAD-concept which renders the acute need of nuclear weapons in Sweden void.  Liberalism on the other hand considers this a logic step due to the better established UN that is playing a larger role now than in the 1940s. In conclusion, realism does a better job explaining the start of the nuclear weapons program, while liberalism explains the end of it more efficiently. The contribution this thesis has to the research of political science can be seen mainly in three areas.

Samband mellan högt hull innan könsmognad och mjölkkors förmåga att producera mjölk

Syftet med litteraturstudien var att utreda vilka kunskaper som finns rörande sambandet mellan högt hull hos kvigor innan könsmognad, och deras senare mjölkavkastning i första laktationen. Ekonomiskt sett så är uppfödningsperioden för kvigor en stor kostnad för mjölkföretaget och stora finansiella förbättringar skulle kunna göras på området. Stallplats och omvårdnad och kostnader för kvigan, foder är dock den största utgiften och står för 60 % av totala kostnaden för kviguppfödning. Genom en sänkning av ålder för könsmognad skulle även inkalvningsåldern kunna sänkas och föra med sig en kortare period som kvigan inte är produktiv. Könsmognadens start är sammankopplad med kroppsvikt och hull, inte ålder, så genom att höja utfodringsnivån kan inkalvningsåldern sänkas.

Husproduktion, kritiska skeden i produktion

As a newly graduated student in construction you rarely have as much knowledge as you wish you had. It is a complicated line of business that requires knowledge and understanding of both technical solutions and interaction between actors. It is impossible to be fully learned and with that much unknown it can be hard to know where to start. This report is one step in the right direction. It contains a planning that contains construction and installations for a one level house in Kiruna with its different choices motivated.

Kärnvapennedrustning i USA och Sovjetunionen : Åren 1960-2002

AbstractIII-essay in political science by Christoffer Harnell, autumn -08. Supervisor: Malin Stegman-McCallion. ?Nuclear Disarmament - USA and the Soviet Union 1960-2002? This essay is about USA and the former Soviet Union and their nuclear disarmament. The purpose is to explain why and when the two states begun their nuclear disarmament, as well as what caused the start of the process.

Vocal Free Improvisation

As a vocalist, Casey Moir wants more than to just express what is written on the page or that which the harmony allows. She wants to discover every aspect of her voice to see how she can express her musicality on a deeper, more personal level. Some of the questions that helped Casey start her journey are: Why is musical expression so important to her? Why improvise freely? What sounds can her voice make? Can she utilise these sounds in her music and how?.

Utfodring av föl före och efter avvänjning :

Swedish horse breeders have generally very few mares producing a few foals a year and the breeders have relatively few traditions, little knowledge and experience to breed foals successfully. It is therefore important to provide adequate information about new findings in horse nutrition. However, there is not much research about feeding the suckling foal to ensure a sound growth. Current feeding recommendations in the literature seems to be different. This gives a confusing message and the information is difficult to apply. This paper reviews some publications in the area of feeding the suckling and weaning foal. Most authors stress that it?s important to start feeding the foal early in life.

Vinylskivor på webben : en ny webbshop

This exam work has been done for an external client, Snickars Records a record shop specialized in vinyl records with a niches in dance music. The shop is located at Heleneborgsgatan 5A södermalm, Stockholm. The client was in a big need for a new webshop due to the old one was missing a lot of functionality. The project resulted in an almost complete product that?s ready to be implemented and was built after the specifications that was set together with our client.

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