

12515 Uppsatser om Social ljussättning - Sida 3 av 835

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Målkonflikt vid kreditbedömning : Bankens vinst- och miljömål

Fo?r att skapa ha?llbar utveckling kra?vs ett samspel mellan ekonomisk tillva?xt och miljo?pa?verkan. Banker har genom kreditverksamheten mo?jligheten att pa?verka hur ett fo?retag arbetar med miljo?fra?gor. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) innefattar hur ett fo?retag kan ta ansvar fo?r miljo?n.

Affärsmannaskap hos revisorer : Vilka effekter får det på revisionskvaliteten?

Bakgrund: Efter revisionspliktens avskaffande har spelplanen fo?ra?ndrats inom revisionsbranschen. Revisionsbranschen diskuteras sakna en fo?rma?ga att fo?rmedla sitt va?rde varvid ett ho?gre affa?rsmannaskap efterfra?gas. Samtidigt betraktar professionsforskningen traditionellt kommersiella va?rderingar som motstridiga professionella va?rderingar, vilka inom forskningen fo?rutsa?tts fo?r att revisorerna ska kunna tillhandaha?lla samha?llet med tillfo?rligtlig information.

Daglig verksamhet enligt LSS : Hur resonerar ett antal deltagare med intellektuella funktionsnedsa?ttningar kring sitt arbete?

This essay aims to examine the meaning work at daily activity centers gives people with intellectual disabilities and the questions these people consider necessary to ask in quality surveys. This has been done by interviews with twelve respondents in various daily activitiy centers within a private care company in the Stockholm area. The theories that has been used to analyze the empirical data is SOC - sence of coherence, stigma and empowerment. The result shows that the meaning of daily activity is to create and maintain social contacts, feeling important and needed by others and an opportunity to feel ?normal? and like everybody else.

Vad påverkar valet av insats? : Om socialsekreterares bedömningar i missbruksärenden

The purpose of this essay was to investigate affecting factors concerning social workers in social services assessments with cases of abuse. We wanted to see if social workers in social services tend to make different assessments of the need of substance abusers care. Our survey was carried out as a vignettesurvey with complementary interviews as means to deepen the outcome results.Our survey showed that the included social workers in social services in some senses make different assessments when it comes to choice of effort put in for the client. We shed light on different factors and circumstances, which could bear meaning for the social workers in social services assessments. Examples of factors were the social workers in social services age, gender, working experience and attitude towards substance abusers..

Lärobok vs Internet : En studie av elevsvar utifrån olika informationskällor

Syftet med denna studie a?r att undersoka de elevsvar eleverna ger na?r de anva?nder sig av en la?robok i svenska?mnet som informationska?lla eller av internet som informationska?lla. Dessa elevsvar sa?tts i perspektiv genom betygsa?ttning ba?de av oss samt av en extern la?rare. Studiens forskningsansats a?r en kvalitativ och kvantitativ undersokningsmetod med en experimentell tendens.

Vaddå socialt arbete? : socialarbetare och den vetenskapliga diskursen om begreppet och praktiken socialt arbete

Social work is a social phenomenon, existing in most societies, that has given rise to a multitude of special organizations and professions. For that reason social work is dealing with a complex identity. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how social workers and the scientific discourse interpret the concept of social work. In addition to that the study intends to show similarities and differencies. The research process containes two studies, one based on qualitative interviews with five social workers and the other consisting a surway of academic litterature.

Motiv till revision i sma? aktiebolag och revisorns roll i dessa

Den 1 november 2010 avskaffades revisionsplikten fo?r bolag under fo?rutsa?ttning att minst tva? av fo?ljande kriterier a?r uppfyllda tva? ra?kenskapsa?r i rad:En omsa?ttning som inte o?verstiger 3 miljoner kronorTillga?ngar som inte o?verstiger 1,5 miljoner kronorMax tre ansta?llda i medeltalAnledningen till revisionspliktens avskaffande var bland annat att sma? bolag ska ha mo?jlighet att la?gga pengar pa? verksamhetens a?ndama?l och intresse ista?llet fo?r att la?gga denna summa pa? revision. Trots detta va?ljer a?nda? en del sma? bolag att anva?nda sig av en revisor.Denna uppsats syftar till att ge en fo?rklaring till varfo?r sma? bolag va?ljer att anva?nda sig av en revisor trots att detta inte a?r na?got de beho?ver ha. Skillnader mellan bolag startade fo?re revisionspliktens avskaffande den 1 november 2010 och bolag startade efter detta datum kommer ocksa? att belysas.

Samspelet mellan en ledares personliga varumärke och medarbetarnas syn på organisationskulturen inom banksektorn

Sammanslutningar bildas fo?r att minska transaktionskostnaderna pa? marknaden, i fo?rhoppning om o?kad produktivitet. Fo?retagets uppgift a?r att generera o?kad vinst och aktiea?garva?rde, men separationen av a?gandet och kontrollen ger upphov till avvikande egenintressen inom fo?retaget. Ersa?ttning till VD:n och ledande befattningshavare blir ett instrument fo?r att koordinera gemensamma la?ngsiktiga intressen med aktiea?garna.

Social upphandling : Ett uttryck för public-private partnership?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how social procurement can be a further development of public-private partnership. This is done with interviews and a case study of the social procurement Mitt Gröna Kvarter and its labor effort Boendebyggarna. The theoretical framework used in the thesis consists of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility. It tries to answer the following questions:What does this social procurement mean by the concept of public-private partnership?What does this social procurement mean for the participants involved?How can social procurement be seen as a further development of public-private partnership?The thesis uses the theory development around the concepts of public-private partnership and corporate social responsibility and shows that social procurement does indeed have similarities to public-private partnership and could very well be a further development of it..

Det är ingen slump, det handlar om klass : Om klasstillhörighetens relevans för klientens möjligheter och begränsningar i den svenska socialtjänsten

The aim of this study is to illuminate social worker?s perception of social class within the Swedish social service system. This study therefor examine if social class contributes to the production and reproduction of the client and what impact social class has on the interaction between client and social workers. The study was conducted with qualitative semi-structured interviews with social workers from three different departments of social service. The theoretical approach is Yeheskel Hasenfeld?s theory about moral practices in welfare organisations, Michael Lipsky and Roine Johansson?s theories about client construction and Pierre Bourdieu?s class theory.

Förväntningar kontra upplevd verklighet : en studie om socionomstudenters syn på utbildningen och yrkesrollen i jämförelse med socialsekreterares syn på detsamma (Expectations versus expect reality)

Purpose: To compare the expectations of coming profession in social work with experienced social work. We wanted to compare the pictures between the students in school of social work studies with social workers. We also wanted to increase social workers as well as other readers? awareness of social work as a profession.Questions: What characterizes the school of social studies? How do students in school of social work view the coming role as a professional? How do students in school of social work view upon social workers as professionals? How do social workers view upon their own profession? How do social workers view upon the own role as a professional? How do social workers view upon the relation between the idea of the profession and the daily practice? How do the students in school of social work studies and social workers view upon professional social work?Method: Qualitative study with qualitative interviews.Conclusion: Social work is a low status profession. How to increase the status of social work is not easy.

Samspel i lagspel : lagidrottens sociala betydelse för personer med funktionsnedsättning

My big interest in sports was what shaped my choice of subject for the essay. The purpose of this study has been to explore the social meaning of team sports for functionally impaired persons. In order to fulfil the purpose of the essay I formed following questions: How do the actives experience their participation in team sports? And how important is the social intercourse in team sports to the individual welfare? The methods I?ve used have been qualitative with an ethnographic approach. I have used participant observations and field interviews to gather my empirical material.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och deras sociala ålder

This study analyses social age as a phenomenon and if unaccompanied refugee children has a social age that, according to the Swedish culture, do not correspond with their biological age and if so is, the reason for that. Furthermore, our study has discussed the potential consequences of the effects for the unaccompanied refugee children and the social age when interacting with Swedish society. According to our study, the social age is effected by other factors besides cultural norms, values and role expectations that a society has on a specific biological age. The results in this study shows that social age is a vital component to someone?s identity.

Social rädsla bland ungdomar

Social phobia is a fear which limits a person's capabilities in daily situations. The fear can be so strong that a person can distance themselves from all social situations, for example education, marriage, sports activities etc. The purpose of this study is to discover whether there are any correlations between social fear and choice of educational program, between social fear and sex, and between social fear and Internet use. Questionnaires were administered to 80 upper secondary pupils. Each questionnaire answer was assigned a certain score, which was then coded in SPSS, the highest scores corresponding to highest degrees of shyness.

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