

12783 Uppsatser om Social agent - Sida 5 av 853

Kunskap är makt, och med makt kommer ansvar? : En experimentell underso?kning om kunskapens betydelse vid tillskrivande av moraliskt ansvar

Det finns olika teorier om hur moraliskt ansvar bör tillskrivas, och hur människor faktiskt verkar tänka vid tillskrivande av moraliskt ansvar till andra. Denna rapport utreder vilken betydelse kunskapsvillkoret har vid tillskrivande av moraliskt ansvar. Hur medveten en agent måste vara om konsekvenserna av sina handlingar för att anses ansvarig undersöktes med en experimentell studie. Undersökningen genomfördes med enkäter och totalt 350 personer deltog. Resultat visar att agenter kan tillskrivas ansvar för konsekvenser av sina handlingar de saknar kunskap om dessa konsekvenser.

I Kölvattnet av IFRS 2: En Studie av Optioner som Incitament till VD i Svenska Börsbolag

The implementation of IFRS 2 led to significant changes in the accounting practices for corporations regarding stock related compensation. The new regulations required firms to account for the stock based compensation as an expense in the financial statements, rather than merely disclosing the information in the notes section to the statements. Following prior research on the area; specifically studies made in the U.S., where researchers find that companies change their use of stock based compensation due to the increased accounted expenses, this study hypothesizes that the same pattern may be found among companies listed on the Swedish stock market. The results of this study show that the use of option incentives has decreased during the studied period 2001-2008 and that the decrease in part can be derived from IFRS 2 and in part from other factors. The results are useful to future research, as they provide an overview of the effects that IFRS 2 had on companies, and various factors that influence the behavior of corporations, as well as in a larger perspective be a factor to take into account for future modifications of the IFRS..

Goodwillnedskrivningar i samband med vd-byten i familjeägda företag och icke familjeägda företag

I och med införandet av redovisningsstandarden IAS 36 år 2005 måste svenska börsnoterade företag årligen testa om en nedskrivning av den immateriella tillgången goodwill skall genomföras. Tidigare forskning tyder på att en nytillträdd vd utnyttjar denna standard genom att manipulera resultatet. Vidare visar forskning att ett företags ägarstruktur påverkar goodwillnedskrivningens storlek. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida nedskrivningar av goodwill påverkas vid vd-byten i familjeägda företag jämfört med i icke familjeägda företag.Undersökningen omfattar Nasdaq OMX Stockholm under tidsperioden 2005-2013. Resultatet visar statistiskt säkerställt att familjeägda företag gör lägre goodwillnedskrivningar samma år som ett vd-byte än vad icke familjeägda företag gör.

Sluta drömma, fram med vardagen! en analys av den realistiska strömningens idéer i fyra svenska barnböcker utgivna mellan åren 1965 1975

The aim of this Masters thesis is to investigate if the ideas of the realistic tale in Swedish literature for children can be identified by examining four books for children. The four books are all published between the years 1965 to 1975. The methods used to identify the ideas of the realistic tale are the concepts of alienation and antiestablishment. By using the theory of true and false consciousness represented by Diderichsen and the theory of Socialisation by Giddens, two questions are addressed. The questions are if the ideas of the realistic tale develop a true or a false consciousness.

VD:s incitament i form av rörliga ersättningar och dess påverkan på bolagets riskexponering: En empirisk studie av svenska bolag listade på Nasdaq OMX

The recent financial crisis has entailed in a fierce debate whether CEOs variable remuneration has caused unsound risk exposure in public companies. Hence it is considered as interesting to elucidate if this connection exists empirically. With grounding in principal-agent theory, and its implicit assumption of risk adverse agents, this study aims to find empirical evidence for a positively correlated relationship between CEOs variable remuneration and company risk exposure. Through a regression analysis of multidimensional data from 102 listed Swedish companies during the period of 2000-2009, we show that the relationship between CEOs variable remuneration and company risk, in contrast to our expectations, is significantly negative. The coherent result is interpreted as the inherent risk in companies seems to explain the usage of variable remuneration for CEO, rather than vice versa.

Vem är din coach? : Var i organisationens hierarki används coacher och vad är en coach?

Sedan år 2005 har det varit obligatoriskt för börsnoterade företag i EU att följa den internationella redovisningsstandarden IFRS 3 vid företagsförvärv. Vid ett företagsförvärv ska förvärvaren allokera kostnaden för förvärvet genom att först värdera de materiella tillgångarna till verkligt värde, sedan de immateriella tillgångarna och till sist allokera det som eventuellt blir över till goodwill. Att identifiera immateriella tillgångar och därmed skilja dem från goodwill anses vara en svår och komplex uppgift. Företagen har kritiserats för att generellt undervärdera immateriella tillgångar och övervärdera goodwill vid företagsförvärv, för att inte lämna tillräcklig information om hur de kommit fram till goodwillbeloppet och för att inte ta uppgiften att identifiera immateriella tillgångar på allvar.Om denna kritik är riktig, vilket mycket talar för, innebär det rimligen att företagsledningarna har ett intresse av att övervärdera goodwill. Detta intresse kan vara helt oegennyttigt, och enbart för företagets bästa, men det kan också vara egennyttigt.

Avlivning av smådjur på klinik

As a pet owner you are likely to someday face the decision to euthanize your pet and as a veterinarian or veterinary technician you are the one to perform this euthanasia. The reason for euthanasia may be depending on the animal, for instance illness, age and behavioral problems or depending on the needs of the owner or the society, so called convenience euthanasia. Many different euthanasia methods can be used when putting an animal to sleep. The method preferred in animal hospitals is pharmacological euthanasia either by inhalation of anesthetics or by injection of a euthanasia agent. If the pet owner wishes to be present during the procedure it is important to prepare him for what will happen. Many animals are sedated before the euthanasia in order to reduce anxiety and to ensure a softer transition between life and death. The euthanasia agent can then be administrated for instance intravenously or intraperitonealy.

Studie av skyddsavstånd mellan bergvärmeanläggning och skyddsobjekt i ett vattenskyddsområde

During installation and operation of a geothermal heat pump system leakage of an antifreezing agent can appear in a borehole and leak out in surrounding groundwater. To guarantee high quality drinking water for generations to come Sweden has dedicated some areas as water protection areas. The local authority gives permits for the installation of heat pump systems within water protection areas. Before giving a permit the local authority makes an evaluation of the risks involved in installation and operation of the system within the area. By keeping a certain distance between the protected object in the area and the heat pump system the risk of polluting the protected object with an anti-freezing agent can be reduced.This thesis makes a comparison between three different methods of calculating an appropriate distance between the protected object and the heat pump system.

An explorative journey in understanding Social Entrepreneurship

The aim of this thesis is to examine the theoretical developments on social entrepreneurship. Our purpose is to create a better understanding of the phenomenon leading to new insights. We have categorized the knowledge of the concept into social economy, social ownership, social innovation and social missions. Drawing from our theoretical review we have chosen four empirical illustrations, Grameen Bank, Wikipedia, Basta Arbetskooperativ, Jörn Hälsogemenskap, and we have shown how these fit into the general description of the social entrepreneur. With help of our illustrations we show that it is complicated to pin point the core of social entrepreneurship as they each have separate structures, innovations, social missions and operate close to different sectors.

Könsroller, sexualitet och exploatering: En feministisk diskursanalys av prostitutionen i Thailand

Vi behandlar prostitutionen i Thailand genom att undersöka hur den prostituerades roll har konstruerats i samhället. Empiriskt använder vi oss av en thailändsk statlig rapport, som svarar på FN-avdelningen CEDAWs antidiskrimineringskonvention. I denna rapport redogörs för kvinnorättssituationen i landet. Med feministisk teori gör vi en kvalitativ textanalys för att klarlägga den politiska diskursen kring den prostituerades roll och hur denna har formats. Utifrån vår analys konstaterar vi att den prostituerade hamnar i ett stigma där hon beroende på situationen identifieras som antingen en promiskuös agent med personliga ekonomiska incitament eller som ett hjälplöst offer.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld En studie om förhandlingsprocessen mellan offentliga och privata parter i Danmarks första Public-Private Partnership

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and to increase the understanding of the negotiation process between the public- and the private sector in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). I have chosen to explore the first ?real? PPP project in Denmark, the construction of Vildbjerg compulsory school in the municipality of Trehøje.This case study is based upon a qualitative method consisting of interviews with the leading negotiators from both sectors. Two different theoretical perspectives are used to construct the basis of the analysis - The Theory of Public-Private Partnership and Negotiation theory - and serve as a concept instrument.The result of the analysis indicates that the negotiators from the different sectors have problems to get out of their traditional roles as purchaser and contractor ? in PPP they should act like partners.

Institutionella ägares påverkan på VD-byten i svenska börsnoterade företag

Sedan början av 1990-talet har både antalet VD-byten och andelen institutionellt ägande konstant ökat. Tidigare studier visar på att ägarstrukturen i bolag påverkar frekvensen varmed VD:ar byts ut. Däremot har det inte genomförts någon svensk studie avseende sambandet mellan VD-byten och institutionella ägare. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka huruvida institutionella ägare i svenska börsnoterade bolag under tidsperioden 2001 till 2009 påverkar VD-byten. För att besvara syftet har en kvantitativ metod valts.

Mellanmannens strävan att uppnå kundtillfredsställelse : en studie i hur mellanmannen arbetar för att uppnå kundtillfredsställelse åt två parter

SUMMARYLevel: This is a final thesis for a bachelor degree in Business Administration. The thesis is oriented in the field of marketing and written at the University of Gävle.Author: Niklas EnlundDate: January 2014Tutor: Lars -Johan Åge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder - FrickTitle: Intermediaries pursuit to achieve customer satisfaction - A study in how the agent works with factors to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the intermediary perspective how different factors affect the intermediaries working method to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.Research question: How do real estate agents work with the four factors; informant, routines, intentions and competences? That is how real estate agents can work; like a good informant, after good practice, bringing together the parties intentions and with their skills. How does the real estate agent work with the factors related to the theories connected to the four factors? Are any of the factors more commonly used by real estate agents?Method: The thesis is based on a scientific theory in the field of marketing and focused on the topic how the agent is committed to achieve customer satisfaction against two opposite parties.

Dåliga mäklare, eller bristande kunskap hos konsumenten?

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to through a survey, gain information about the tenant owners knowledge concerning their own and the real estate agents rights and obligations, this to elucidate one of the factors we think play a big part in the general publics dissatisfaction about the real estate agents and the negative picture painted of them in media today. By throwing light on the assumed lack of knowledge in this area we hope to contribute to improve the information communicated to the customers so that they can feel safer when consulting a real estate agent in this matter.Our main question in this thesis is: How much knowledge does tenant owners and tenant owners to be have concerning the division of responsibilities when it comes to selling and buying a tenant owned flat and what problems can the presumed lack of knowledge in this area lead to?Method: We have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data has been collected through a survey which we have put together and analyzed both based on the results we got from the survey but also based on the reactions we received from the participants. The results are presented both in text and in diagrams.Result & Conclusions: The results we got from the survey indicate that the knowledge among our participants is much worse than what would be desired.

Att dras mot stadens ljusa lyktor - En undersökning om de kreativa näringarna i Göteborg

The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of cultural capital gives high status in the current field of ?the creative industry? ? a group which could be seen as a new power elite in Gothenburg ? and how people with the ?right? cultural capital is included in the field. The author is invited to several free events within this field, and is investigating the process of inclusion with an auto-ethnographic method. The study will show that the process of inclusion is working quite absolute in the field of the creative industry, and that the audiences are mainly homogenous: masculine, white, middle class, has a taste disposition of the ?eclectic omnivore?, has entrepreneurial knowledges and is an active social media agent.

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