

521 Uppsatser om Retail display - Sida 9 av 35

Inbäddade kartor för geografiska presentationer på webbsidor

This is a survey of different techniques that may be used for embedding geographicdata into web pages. Different models of GIS communication are examined and a testsubject in the form of an application is implemented and evaluated.The test application (?StudentKarta? eng. ?Student Map?) lets students submit theirresidential data and shows their position as pins on an embedded Map.An expire date is used to let the pins fade away and disappear.The application uses the popular Google map engines to display the geographicalpresentations.

Optimerad mätning av takplegel

Vårt examensarbete bestod i att för Kami AB i Kalix göra produktionsförbättringar i deras pressmaskin, som formar kuporna på takplåten. Kamis problem är att när plåten har matats genom pressen, ut på svängarmar för att sedan släppas ner på en rullbana, skadas plåten pga. den stora fallhöjden (ca 610 mm). Rullbanan har ej kunnat höjas upp därför att ett visst utrymme krävts för att operatören skall kunna utföra kontrollmätning av plåten dvs. mätning av kuplängd och kuphöjd.

Företags användande av kändisreklam

Celebrity endorsement has been a popular advertising strategy all over the world for the past few years. The purpose of this thesis was to find out why companies choose celebrity endorsement as advertising strategy and how the celebrity endorsement process appeared in companies. We choose to interview two companies in the retail business and the interviews were conducted with the marketing managers for each company. This study provided that companies utilize celebrity endorsement to increase their sales, and it is important that the whole company is in the celebrity endorsement process discussion before the company choose which celebrity they will work with. .

Kundnöjdhet och besöksfrekvens i ett handelsområde - en studie av Landskronas stadskärna och dess konkurrerande handelsområden

Syftet med studien är att med utgångspunkt från Landskronas kommuninvånare kartlägga och skapa förståelse för sambanden mellan framtagna faktorer, kundnöjdhet och besöksfrekvens. Undersökningssyftet är i huvudsak förklarande. Det finns sedan tidigare ett relevant beskrivningsspråk men det saknas data. Studieobjektet är cityhandeln i Landskrona och dess förhållande till två av dess främsta konkurrenter, cityhandeln i Helsingborg samt Center Syd i Löddeköpinge. För att svara på studiens problem och syfte har ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssätt tillämpats.

The Effects of Technology-Based Self-Service on Grocery Retail : A Swedish Case

Technology based self-service (TBSS) used in supermarket self-scanning checkouts is a relatively new phenomenon in Sweden. Studies on TBSS as a self- checkout device have been formerly carried out but with focus on the customer perspective. The authors therefore saw a challenge in covering the self-scan checkout concept, from a company perspective. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate, through a management perspective, the changes brought about by implementing an innovative TBSS system in Swedish supermarkets, and its effect on the competitiveness of the company. This is done by presenting and linking the theoretical framework and empirical study in the research.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Ett sätt för företag att uppnå legitimitet? : En fallstudie om Retail and Brands

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) är ett centralt begrepp som idag är välkänt inom affärsvärlden och har fått stor betydelse för vårt samhälle. Begreppet innebär företagets etiska, sociala och miljömässiga ansvar gentemot omvärlden. CSR har en stark koppling till legitimitetsteorin. Flera studier har visat att företag strävar efter legitimitet i sitt CSR-arbete.Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka genom en fallstudie om företag kan uppnå legitimitet hos sina kunder genom deras hållbarhetsredovisning. I den här studien har en kvalitativ metod används och undersökningen har begränsats till ett valt företag. Den svenska klädkoncernen Retail and Brands (RNB) är ett av de företag i Sverige som har tagit sitt initiativ till att redovisa sitt arbete inom hållbarhetsfrågor.

Kvinnligt ledarskap -­?i betraktarens öga

The purpose of this study was to examine how employees perceive female chief executiveofficers and if any significant differences between what leadership-skills female and maleco-employees choose to express about female leaders can be observed. The survey isperformed as a qualitative study where three companies within the retail marketparticipated. We collected our empirical data by interviews and observations and usedsocial constructivist theory to look at how individuals construct their subjective view ofreality. The result showed, among others, that female employees often use traditional maleskills to describe the strengths of their female chief, whereas male employees emphasizesmore female skills such as unpretentious and open-minded..

PresenteraMera : En rapport om skapandet av ett interaktiv presentationsverktyg

This report describes the background, approach, and the final results for the presentation tool PresenteraMera.PresenteraMera is an online-based, interactive presentation tool that is created to improve the quality of sales presentations and simplify the creation of presentations. The client for this project is Dempsey, a digital advertising agency and production company with headquarters in Stockholm. PresenteraMera consists of several features that make it easier for businesses to create, edit and display their presentations. The tool also allows the user to always be sure that the presentations created with PresenteraMera follows a specific design, based on their graphic manual for example..

Lätt och rätt, så blir kunden mätt - Kanalval och kontaktytor i kundresan för dagligvaruköp

The use of digital devices are widely spread among us. Children have an iPad in their hands before they learn how to talk and we bet you look at your smartphone more times a day then you would like to admit? Interaction through these devices have become so natural in our daily life that we get confused when a retailer does not offer a website or an app. The habit of searching for information in the most accessible channel and buying in the one that offers the benefit of convenience, and of course, saves you money and time, is a common way of shopping these days. This is referred to as multi-channel shopping.

Celebritet i marknadsföringen : Hur påverkas företaget?

The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company.

Shoppertainment : "Going shopping is the new going to church" - Mackereth S.

Over the past 20 years, retailers have embraced new international trends, which created a strong economic growth. Experiences are one of the trends that will be a significant part of future retail. The purpose of this thesis is to find components that can provide a positive experience in a clothing store to the customer. We have used a qualitative method with an inductive approach and the empirical data is collected through interviews. Literature we have chosen focus on how an experience is created in clothing stores.

Analys av varumottagningen och den interna logistikens effekter i Atollen

In central Jönköping, on Munksjöns northern waterside a shopping centre will be built, on the block Atollen. The construction will begin in autumn of 2007 and will be finished according to plan in 2009. Atollens goal is to counteract the competition from external retailers and strengthen the retail trade in the city centre, leading to more attractive and competitive city centre.Atollen will not be a shopping centre in traditional style and design, it will be focused on shopping and experience. The shopping centre shall be a natural venue with a wide and exclusive store mix, concentrated against trend conscious customers. This will be created with the help of a futuristic design and architecture, with light, open and transparent spaces.

Användargränssnittets positiva effekter på minnet

Studies in the field of interaction design and the human memory claim there can be positive effects on the memory when information is presented for the user as a graphical pattern rather than a series of numbers. This thesis aims to influence designers to choose graphical patterns as an interface for information display. Low-fi and hi-fi prototypes of graphical patterns were constructed and tested in a variety of configurations by two users. The users showed differences in the ability to memorize a sequence of digits depending on how this sequence was presented. This study suggests that users are more easily able to recall information presented via a graphical user interface than when the same information is only presented digitally..

Design Perception in Sweden and Turkey: A Comparison of Two Culturally Different Countries

The purpose of current paper is to identify the differences (ifany) between Swedish and Turkish consumers in terms ofproduct design perception and to identify the differences toproduct design in relating the four dimensions / characteristics:1.Aesthetical attractiveness, 2.Functionality, 3.Value and4.Quality.The findings of the study indicate the existence of a universal perception of design. Despite the culturally different countries that are examined the empirical material consistently display similarities between the two countries. Both the quantitative and qualitative data point to a very similar perception in terms of design. The possibilities of global design are discussed for companies as well as managerial implications and future research..

Warnit PMU

Warnit AB har under ett tidigare examensarbete vid LTU utvecklat ett intelligent larmsystem som känner av vibrationer och automatiskt sänder ett trådlöst larm till användaren via SMS eller e-post. För att utveckla ytterligare produkten har Warnits VD, Peter Stenlund kommit med ett förslag om effektmätning på trefassystem. Detta examensarbete har i samarbete med EISLAB (Embedded Internet System Laboratory) vid Luleå tekniska universitet resulterat i ett prototypeffektmätningssystem för aktiv, reaktiv och skenbar-effekt på symmetriska trefaslaster. Aktiv, reaktiv och skenbareffekt kan avläsas både på plats via en display och via Internet på en webbsida genom att använda WarnitBoxens trådlösa kommunikationsmöjlighet för att koppla den trådlöst till Internet..

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