
Celebritet i marknadsföringen

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The aim of this thesis is that through a case study, analyze and evaluate whether the customer is high - or low involved and connect with the choice of marketing strategy using a celebrity.This thesis is about how a celebrity can be used in marketing to affect a company's customers. The essay is facing the fashion retail industry, where three companies, Lindex, H&M and MQ, has been studied and compared. Lindex is using celebritiy Emma Wiklund by an internal collaboration within the enterprise. MQ is using various celebrities in various campaigns throughout the year and use them in external advertising campaigns. H&M is using interactive marketing with different celebrities in the form of, for example, guest collections for the company. The idea of the thesis is to see a connection between how the company uses celebrities and how much the customer is involved.


Linn Gustafsson Lina Sporre

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för ekonomi och företagande


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