

1345 Uppsatser om Post-stimulation - Sida 2 av 90

Folkbibliotekets plats i den sociala webbmiljön: En undersökning med fokus på litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine the function of public libraries on the social web, focusing on reading promotion and reading stimulation. For an understanding of the larger context regarding public libraries on the social web, we conducted online interviews via email with people in the Swedish library profession, together with a content analysis of various texts on the subject found in library journals and on the Internet. Furthermore to identify the public library's practice on reading promotion and reading stimulation on the social web, we did interviews with librarians at a public library on their use of a blog for this purpose, together with a questionnaire handed out to the library's users on their use and conceptions of the blog.The conceptual framework of this study consists of four key aspects in the theoretical and empirical definition of Library 2.0 presented by Holmberg, Huvila and Widén-Wulff. The results showed that the public library can create a substantial value through its use of the social web, but it?s necessary to have a clear vision of the desired outcome.

Barnbibliotekariers kompetens och kärnkunskaper på området litteraturförmedling och läsfrämjande arbete

This paper conducts a qualitative examination based on interviews with six childrens librarians. The purpose is to put a perspective on the librarians competence and focal knowledge within the area of reading promotion and reading stimulation aimed for children, and also to examine how this competence and knowledge is constructed. The work is based on the following questions: How do childrens librarians experience reading promotion and reading stimulation within their profession? Which competence and what knowledge do childrens librarians experience as most important in order to make their work with reading promotion and reading stimulation function? What can be concluded regarding the construction of their competence and knowledge? The analysis is carried out from theories about competence, tacit knowledge and reading promotion. Following primary conclusions are drawn from the study: The professional role is mainly experienced as promoting reading as pleasure, but also as an important factor for childrens language development.

Early immune responses to an adjuvant (AbISCO-100) tested in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cell

Immune stimulating complex (iscom) matrix is a formulation that is used as anadjuvant within research. The capability of the iscom matrix to elicit an immuneresponse when not present together with an antigen has not been extensivelyinvestigated. One way to evaluate the status of the immune system is to measure theamount of cytokines that usually are produced by various cell types during an immuneresponse. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the early immune responses inporcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) after stimulation in vitro with theiscom matrix, AbISCO®-100. The immune response was evaluated by measuring themRNA expression for various cytokines, a chemokine receptor (CXCR4) andregulator of G-protein signaling (RGS16) in porcine PBMC after stimulation withAbISCO®-100 or other inducers like a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a CpGoligodeoxynucleotide (ODN 2216) used as controls.

Koncentrisk hämning och stimulans av bakterietillväxt i agarkulturer

The aim of this study is to elucidate factors that effect growth of Sarcina lutea and Bacillus subtilis, exposed to the growth inhibitor SDS (Sodiumdodecylsulfat). Agar diffusion experiments revealed repeated, concentric zones of inhibition and stimulation upon exposure to Sodiumdodecylsulphate or to Amoxicillin. Temperature, nutrient concentration and inhibitor concentration were controlled. Formation of successively repeated zones of inhibition, stimulation, inhibition and stimulation is discussed: ? The extension of the primary inhibition zone is due to the concentration of applied Sodium dodecyl sulphate.? Immediately outside the primary inhibition zone the bacteria have access to diffusing nutrients that have not been consumed in the primary inhabitation zone.? In zones of dense bacterial growth the bacteria may produce inhibiting substances, affecting growth of bacteria in adjacent zones.? In zones of dense bacterial growth the nutrients will soon become depleted, thus affecting bacteria in adjacent zones..

Preoperativ SWAL-QOL och sväljningsfunktion hos Parkinson patienter selekterade till Deep Brain Stimulation

AbstractObjectivePatients with Parkinson?s disease often have symptoms of dysphagia. These swallowingproblems have consequences for quality of life as well for the physical wellbeing of thepatients. AimThe aim of this study was to describe and correlate Swallowing Quality of Life (SWAL-QOL)scores, self-assessment of swallowing function using a visual analogue scale and the resultsfrom a fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowing function in patients who had been selectedfor Deep Brain Stimulation in caudal zona incerta. A secondary aim was to correlate diseaseduration with results from SWAL-QOL and the fiber endoscopic evaluation of swallowingfunction.MethodTen male Parkinson?s patients (age 45-69 yrs, median 61.5 yrs) who were selected for DeepBrain Stimulation completing the Swallowing Quality of life form, as well as rating theirswallowing function using a visual analogue scale and undergoing a fiber endoscopicevaluation of their swallowing function.    ResultsThe median total SWAL-QOL score was 94% while the mean was 91%.

Ansvar och säkerhet för känslig information när den skickas med e-post

I uppsatsen diskuteras vem som kan anses bära ansvaret för känslig information och vid vilken tidpunkt detta ansvar kan anses gå över från en part till en annan när informationen skickas med e-post. I uppsatsen finns också en kort presentation av de Eg-rättsliga regler som finns på området samt en presentation av några tekniska metoder för att åstadkomma säkerhet för information som skickas med e-post..

Hur styrs kommunikation via e-post?

Under de senaste åren har e-post blivit ett allt viktigare verktyg för kommunikation och företag använder i allt större utsträckning sig av denna kanal. Användningen av e-post har även fått negativa konsekvenser, till exempel att en stor del av de anställdas arbetstid går åt till att hantera e-post. Detta har inneburit att e-postens roll, vilken är att underlätta arbetet och leda till bättre effektivitet, går förlorad. Syftet med vår studie har varit att undersöka hur kommunikation via e-post styrs och att skapa förståelse för behovet av styrning av e-posthantering i organisationer. För att kunna besvara syftet har vi utfört en fallstudie av tre företag.

Hur motiverar och stimulerar lärare de högpresterade elevernas utveckling inom matematiken?

This study is about the above-average pupils? situation in schools and how teachers work to encourage and motivate these pupils' development in mathematics. The purpose of this study is to find out how a group of teachers work with above-average pupils in mathematics. The study addresses previous research on these students' school situation and how teachers should work with them. There have been unstructured interviews with a number of educators to get a personal insight into how they work with above-average pupils.

Internt spam: en studie om dess påverkan på individens arbetssituation

E-post gör att det är snabbt och lätt att kommunicera och används därför i allt större utsträckning internt inom organisationer. Ibland är dock inte e-post den mest lämpade kommunikationskanalen och en del meddelanden kan vara direkt oönskade eller onödiga, internt spam. Vi har i denna uppsats undersökt hur internt spam påverkar individens arbetssituation, om det inte hanteras. Vidare har vi undersökt vilka åtgärder organisationer kan vidta för att hantera internt spam. Studien visar att individens arbetssituation kan påverkas på olika sätt beroende på kringliggande faktorer såsom hantering och organisering av e-post.

Vägledning eller information-En studie av olika åsikter angående vägledning via e-post

Denna studie redovisar ett antal åsikter angående vägledning via e-post. Vi har använt oss av intervjuer med ett fåtal vägledare för att närmare granska vad vägledare anser om vägledning via e-post. Teoridelen behandlar både vägledning generellt, samtalsfärdigheter, informationsbaserad vägledning, etik samt vägledning via e-post. Vi vill med detta belysa olika aspekter av ordet vägledning och klargöra vad begreppet vägledning kan innefatta. Genom det material vi har bearbetat och tagit del av kan vi se att vägledning via e-post är något som är på frammarsch, och som ökar avsevärt hela tiden. Det måste dock fortfarande utvecklas till att bli bättre och tydligare, likväl som att de som arbetar på detta sätt måste fortsätta att utveckla sig. Än kvarstår rädsla för det nya och okända för många vägledare, som gärna blir kvar i det gamla och invanda. Flera vägledare ser denna metod som ett bra komplement till vanlig traditionell vägledning, men anser att det fortfarande är något som är mer informationsbaserat än vägledningsbaserat. Men måste det ena utesluta det andra? Ett uttalande som vi fastnade för under en av våra intervjuer, och som vi anser att alla borde ha i bakhuvudet när det gäller vägledning via e-post, vill vi gärna återge här: ?Om folk själva väljer den här formen att rikta sig till mig genom e-post med funderingar?då skall jag kunna hantera det på ett bra sätt, därför att det är individens val??.

Det traditionella valdeltagandets moderna förklaringar - En undersökning om det post-industriella samhällets påverkan på förstagångsväljare

Valdeltagandet bland förstagångsväljare har i Sverige och många andra västeuropeiskaländer sedan 70-talet och framåt stagnerat. Samtidigt har det post-industriella samhälletoch dess värden fått en allt viktigare plats jämfört med mer traditionella värderingar. Jagvill undersöka huruvida det ökande gapet i valdeltagandegrad från valet 1973 och framåtmellan förstagångsväljare och resten av valmannakåren beror på en ökad grad av postindustriellavärden bland förstagångsväljarna. Detta görs genom statistisk analys avmaterialet Svensk valundersökning under åren 1973 och 2006 distribuerade av Svensknationell datatjänst (SND). Det finns en tydlig tendens att post-industriella värden i högreutsträckning har internaliserats bland förstagångsväljarna över tid.

Östeuropa som Den andre? En teorireflekterande uppsats med diskursanalys av intervjuer med svenska och tjeckiska UD-tjänstemän

In classic academic social studies of East Europe, terms as Communism and Post-Communism are commonly used to describe the main characteristics of this geographically imagined area. This paper makes a not so frequently seen attempt to apply Post Colonial Theory for the same field. With start point in Post Colonial theoretical writers, the author wants to find a East European Post Colonial version for the internal Europe which will supply tools for a discourse analysis of the European mind map divided into West and East. The material consists of interviews with three Swedish and three Czech officials, all working with European politics in their country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The analysis is carried out with inspiration of Ernesto Laclaus and Chantal Mouffes Discourse theory.

"Se mig för här är jag..." : Pedagogers syn på synsinnets betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande i förskolan.

AbstractThe signification of the eyesight for children?s development and learning- how do pedagogues support and stimulate children with defective vision in their development and learning in pre-school?These issues are based on my purpose of the field survey investigations, where I have interviewed three pedagogues and also performed an observation.My main conclusion and results describe that the vision is the high-powered engine in children?s development and learning. It also tells us that those around the children are very important for optimum development and learning, especially when it comes to supporting and stimulating children with defective vision in their necessities. Our other senses are a compensation to make it easier for children with defective visions in their lives. But all our senses are equally important for children with defective vision as they are for seeing children in their development and learning with their whole body in pre-school.Keywords:Eyesight, children with defective vision, development and learning in pre-school, pedagogues, pedagogical support and stimulation.

Förebygga läs- och skrivsvårigheter genom språkstimulerande arbete i förskolan

The purpose of my examination is contributing with knowledge about the relation between language- stimulation in preschool and read- and writes developing and teachers thought about that. In order to meet the purpose I read literature that deals with my matter and is based previous research. I also made qualitative interviews with three elementary school teachers and three preschool teachers who work within preschools that concentrate on development of language in a town in the middle of Sweden.  In this way I find out about their thoughts about what they think is important to work with about language in preschool and how the preschool teachers can work with the development of language to make it easier for the children in their read- and writes developing. The result shows that it is important to work with children?s development of language in preschool.

4-1BB is up-regulated in human mast cells, when exposed to tumor conditioned medium

Mast cells have for a long time been known to accumulate around tumors (Maltby et al., 2009). Studies show that they may be important and sometimes essential in tumor angiogenesis, tumor growth and metastasis of tumors (Soucek, et al., 2007; Xiang et al., 2010). In an expression array study (Wensman et al, submitted manuscript) performed on mouse mast cells exposed to tumor conditioned medium, the gene 4-1BB was among the most up-regulated genes compared to control medium. 4-1BB codes for a membrane receptor protein of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily and has been shown to be important in T cell regulation in tumor diseases. This study was performed to investigate if human mast cells up-regulate 4-1BB when they get exposed to tumor conditioned medium.

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