

8926 Uppsatser om Performance time - Sida 54 av 596

The effects of two light programs on sleep in dairy cattle

Sleep is a vital part of life. Even so a lot of the mechanics regarding sleep is unknown. The dairy cattle of today live a stressful life, as their high milk yields forces them to eat large amounts of feed and spend a great portion of the day ruminating. Do they have time to get enough sleep? Which factors affecting the need of sleep in dairy cattle are largely un-known.

När båtarna sattes i vattnet : Genus och klass i Svenska Dagbladets och Aftonbladets rapportering om Titanic-katastrofen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the image of the Titanic disaster in two Swedish newspapers reports of the disaster. By analysing various newspapers reporting of the disaster, we wish to investigate whether there are differences in reporting of gender and class in order to say something about the contemporary outlook and the prevailing social beliefs.The source material that the study is based upon comes from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Svenska Dagbladet and their reports from the 15 April to the 30 April 1912 and the reporting from the time of the sea-hearings completion (22 May and 31 July 1912).The study finds that news reporting follows the same standards, however, are different in style of performance because of the newspapers' differing positions.The study finds that a distinction is made between the reporting of men's and women's behaviour. Whether a man followed or violated norms leads him criticized or praised in the newspapers. Women's behaviour is hailed independent if they followed the standard of what was feminine or masculine behaviour in a disaster.The study also finds that a distinction is made between passengers of the various classes in the reporting. The majority of reports concerning individuals in the First Class are in positive terms.

Samarbete inom arbetslaget : -några pedagogers syn på samarbetet med sina kollegor

AbstractThe purpose of my essay is to describe how some educators perceive the cooperation that takes place every day in the team to wich they belong. To do this, I have implemented six qualitative interviews with educators at two diffrent workteams. I based my questions on three scientific questions:- How does the cooperation in the team work?- How has the cooperation between the various kind of educators developedsince the pre-school class and the leisure-time centres was integrated with the school?- Which conditions exist for a good cooperation?The result showed that there were both similarities and differences between the teams, but common to both teams was that the educators felt that there have been some major positive changes to the cooperation in the teams in the last few years and that they were fairly satisfied with how the cooperation of their teams function now. Mostly they cooperates during school hours with various school projects, but questions concerning the pupils wellbeing is also an important area of cooperation.Since the integration was implemented, the cooperation has become more equal and the various educators have found their respective roles.

Dexametasons effekt på trombocytaggregering och syreradikalproduktion

Platelets are important for the healing of damaged blood vessels since they have an importantpart to play in the coagulation process. At the same time, the blood must be kept fluid and notcoagulate at the wrong time. Therefore there are factors that effect the aggregation of plateletsin a positive or a negative way.Previous investigations have shown that platelets during stirring conditions produce reactiveoxygen species (ROS) that weaken the inhibiting effect of nitric oxides (NO) on platelets andthat the drug Dexamethasone (Dex) can reduce the ROS-production.The aim of this project was to investigate if glucocorticoids, in this case Dexamethasone,could restore the inhibiting effect of NO on platelets and if there was any decrease in ROS-production.The result of the ROS-measurements showed a great variance and it was difficult to draw anyconclusions from them, but a clear decrease in ROS, as previous reported, was not shown. In the aggregation experiments the inhibiting effect of NO was observed through the drug S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP), a NO-donator.From the aggregation experiments, the result seemed to be that SNAP during longerincubation time lost its inhibiting effect, probably because the cells become desensitized.With superoxid dismutase (SOD), the effect of SNAP increased, both in the experiment withlonger and shorter incubation times. Dex seemed to reinforce the aggregation in relation toboth SOD and SNAP.

Krubbitning hos häst på olika strömaterial :

By limiting our horse?s freedom of movement, we restrict their opportunity to forage, which is one of their most important needs. If their need of forage is not fulfilled it can lead to frustration, which might manifest itself in abnormal behaviour, like the oral stereotypies for example crib-biting. It is a held belief that the horse swallows air while crib-biting, which they don?t, and that swallowed air causes colic, and the belief that other horses can copy the behaviour, leads to the use of many methods to prevent the behaviour.

Ett tv-formats utformning mot publicering på webben: Skall television utvecklas, anpassas och förändras utifrån sin publik?

Watching television (TV) has been given a new meaning, you don?t have to book a specific time, a specific date if you don?t want to miss the program you were planning to see. In Sweden now days we can watch TV in lot of different ways, whenever we choose to do so. In this thesis I attempt to explain and document the process of shaping a tvformat, the development and adaptation to a time when the TV medium is in a change. Plus a look at how the television audiences relate to their use of it.

Social preference and diet learning in goat kids at pasture

AbstractHerbivores can be classified into either hiders or followers depending on their postpartum behaviour. The two behaviour types affect the spatial relationship between the mother and her infant. Goats are seen as hiders, although the environment plays a central role when it comes to the behaviour. Therefore, in the first part of this study the aim was to investigate how the goat kids? spatial relationship changed in the transition from indoor housing to pasture.

Terminalisering hos JM AB

During the last decade, the construction industry has focused on improving and optimising its production process. The construction industry is now facing larger changes regarding efficiency in their supply chain for the next decade. Many companies are now trying to optimise its supply chain together with its supplier. JM AB, which is one of the biggest construction companies in Sweden, is looking at different options to improve its own logistics together with their suppliers. One option is to use a terminal between JM and the suppliers to solve problems such as quality, custom service and inventory for the in production.

Kostnadsallokering genom ABC-kalkylering ? en empirisk studie av OMX

As IT service departments in organisations are becoming more complex and customised, the indirect costs are increasing in relation to the total costs. The difficulty of fully estimating and identifying the spread of the cost in the IT service department is increasing. As a result, firms tend to budget the business unit as a total cost rather than as a spread of defined costs. In order to deal with this challenge an ABC calculation will be applied. The Time Driven ABC model will be conducted in OMX´s Servicedesk unit within the IT services.

Dåtidens betydelse för nuet och nuets betydelse för dåtiden : Skildringar av påskupproret på Irland 1916

In this essay, I compare ten different depictions of the Irish Easter Rising of 1916. These depictions are all from books published between 1924 and 2000, which deal with a wider context of the history of Ireland or Northern Ireland. I relate the depictions to the point in time when they were written, the geographic focus of the book, and the views that the author expresses about the present and the future, and about the significance of history. The main result of my essay is that the depictions differ in a way that seems connected to whether or not there was an ongoing violent conflict in Ireland at the time the books were written. Texts written when the political violence was present, or close, in time and location, are likely to be written either in a neutral tone with concern about objectivity, or incorporating the Easter Rising events in context of an ongoing socialist struggle.

Utvärdering av ett system för Rapid Control Prototyping inom området robotstyrning

In this report a system for Rapid Control Prototyping, RCP, is evaluated through animplementation of the motor control methods Field Oriented Control, FOC, and Space VectorPulse Width Modulation, SVPWM. The evaluation emphasizes on time-consumption andresource utilization on the used hardware and on usability for of software.A new mechatronic laboratory is under development at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås. Itwill be used for both mechanical and motion control design using existing and new hardware.The control structure in a traditional robot system will be interfaced to a rapid prototypingsystem which should allow easy changes to algorithms at different levels in the system.The system designated for this project comes from National Instruments and constitutesLabVIEW Real-time and FPGA module as the software tools. The hardware is a NI Single-Board RIO (Reconfigurable Input Output), sbRIO, development board including a Field-Programmable Gate Array, FPGA, from Xilinx and a microprocessor from FreescaleSemiconductor. Graphical programming is performed in the LabVIEW environment, andthrough Xilinx tools the LabVIEW FPGA code is compiled to VHDL code.A pre-study was carried out to clarify the concept of RCP and investigate different systems forRCP and their traits.

Elever som hänger med : en kvalitativ studie om skolsituationen för elever som enkelt klarar skolans uppnåendemål

The purpose of this research has been to find out whether and how teachers stimulate and motivate well achievers in the elementary school to reach a higher level. To gather information I visited two different schools within the same county in Stockholm and on each school I met and interviewed with two teachers. The answers received from these interviews are presented in this study as my results. I found that the teachers feel that students that do well in the classroom many times work as role models for the other students. Often these students require extra material as they usually finish their workload ahead of others.

Hedgefonder : En empirisk studie om olika hedgefondstrategier och deras påverkan på avkastning

Investment in hedge funds is a relatively new phenomenon for investors compared with other forms of savings. In recent years, the interest has increased among investors in investing their money in hedge funds, given the protection against declines in the market they are aiming for. Their main purpose is to generate a high return at a low risk regardless of market trends. This they can achieve by having fewer restrictions that offer more flexible investment strategies and freer investment opportunities.The purpose of this paper is to identify how the selected hedge fund strategies have performed during the recent economic downturn. We also want to clarify the claim that hedge funds exhibit a positive absolute return regardless of what the market is performing.In order to answer the purpose of the essay and its problems, we have used a quantitative method with a deductive approach in the processing of data.

En undersökning av Quicknets Customer Relation Management

This report is focused on a research to find out if the Customer Relation Management (CRM) of Quicknet AB works and if their customers are satisfied with it. During this investigation I tried to see if the customers had a need for taking the CRM and use a tool called Social CRM. The report will conclude if the clients of Quicknet think that there is something that can be done in the relation between both parts and how it can be improved. At the same time I am going to build an application which relates to the problems of this report.To solve the problem I am going to do a survey which will include the CRM and also try to find out if the customers of Quicknet share the same thoughts about having a Social Customer Relation Management. Also if this survey shows what the customers think about the CRM, it could improve the relation between Quicknet and themselves. The result from the survey showed two things.

Fysisk aktivitet för elever med koncentrationssvårigheter

Abstract This examination work is about the role of physical activity for students with concentration difficulties. The purpose of this work is to describe educators experiences of how students with concentration difficulties are affected by physical and motor activity during school-time in primary school. In the work I assume from my questions that are: How do educators experience students with concentrations difficulties? Do educators think physical and motor training during school-time matter for the students learning processes? How? Do students with concentration difficulties have other possibilities than other students regarding physical and motor activity during school-time? I am using a qualitative interview method for answering my questions. The interviews are conducted in collaboration with three educators in a medium-sized Swedish F-6 school.

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