

4559 Uppsatser om Mathematics in everyday life - Sida 21 av 304

Matematikundervisning i två olika länder : En jämförelse mellan polska och svenska pedagogers arbetssätt på lågstadiet

Mathematics is a central topic in today?s society. There are many different approaches each teacher has their own way. In this essay, I compare four teachers? mathematics teaching in two different countries with regard to ways of learning, particularly in the four operations.

Individualiserad matematikundervisning : en kvalitativ studie om lärares arbete med individualisering i förhållande till högpresterande elever

The purspose of this study is to investigate how teachers are working to individualize mathemathics education relative to high-performing students and how they define the therm individualization. According to the Swedish curriculum the teaching process should be based on the students prevoius knowledge and experiences. The teachers should in their preperation take every student in to consideration. To be able to investigate these subjets I prepared following questions:What does the concept of individualization in mathematics mean for the teachers?What does it mean to work with an individualized mathematics teaching?How does teachers individualizes teaching mathematics relative to high performing students?This study is based on a qualitative method with both interviews and observations.

Attityder inom extrem kampsport : En undersökning om Mixed Martial Arts inverkan på utövaren

There have been debates on the big differences in mathematics knowledge concerning pupils in Sweden and Finland. Especially, one common issue in the discussions of education is the Pisa test results, which take up in the media. In the Pisa research the Finnish pupils get through well year after year. Because of the discussions about the distinct school systems in Sweden and Finland, I found it interesting to investigate the divergence of the curriculums in these two countries. The main research questions asked were, what are the main differences and similarities in the Swedish and Finnish curriculums in primary school? Such as, is the assignment of primary school similar in Sweden and Finland?In my study I analyzed and compared by means of the curriculum especially mathe-matics teaching in primary schools in grade three in Sweden and in grade two Fin-land.

Elevprestationer och lärstilar : En intervju- och observationsstudie i matematik med lärare i år 4-6

This study investigates the teaching strategies of four teachers, and determines which teaching strategies give better results in mathematics at the middle school level? Result here means the knowledge level of the students. The result has been measured through leave out a mathematical test, which I leave out designed. Teaching strategies have been assessed through interviews with teachers and observations of their lessons.My study shows that to go through the lessons thoroughly in the traditional way, and open discussions with the whole class are best for students achievements.The information available, however, is too limited to draw some general conclusions, but my study can be seen more like a counter-example to the general praxis that is short lectures and individual assessment with one to one communication when teaching mathematics..

Arbetsminneskapacitet: relation till verbalt flöde och indirekt minne för inhiberat material

Processing information in complex everyday life recruites different abilities than limited storage capacity. Working memory, the central executive and inhibition are constructs that have been used to describe this ability of adaptation. This paper investigates the connection between working memory capacity and performances in tasks closely associated to real life situations, i. e. verbal fluency tasks.

Att bemästra sin vardag : Om den psykiska ohälsans inverkan på det dagliga livet

Alla ma?nniskor har en vardag, med rutiner, vanor och fo?rpliktelser som upptar va?r tid. I denna uppsats underso?ker jag hur fyra personers vardag formas och pa?verkas av psykisk oha?lsa. Den vardag de beskriver handlar i fo?rsta hand om att bema?stra den psykiska oha?lsan och ta kontrollen o?ver hur de ma?r.

Elevers uppfattningar om laborativt material i matematikundervisningen

Syftet med denna studie var att ta reda på elevers uppfattningar om laborativt material i matematikundervisningen. Även hur liknande form av undersökning kunde gynna läraren till att få reda på vilken typ av undervisning som eleverna föredrar. Motivationen som låg till grund för studien var erfarenheter utifrån VFU (verksamhetsförlagd utbildning) samt erfarenheter av forskningslitteratur. En stor del av forskningen har påvisat att elever som arbetar med laborativt material i matematik presterar bättre än elever som inte arbetar med laborativt material. Därför förespråkar forskningslitteraturen inom detta område att lärare borde arbeta med laborativt material under alla åren i skolan.

Grundskolans nya kursplan för matematik : en jämförande analys av den nu rådande och den kommande kursplanen för matematik

The purpose of this study has been to compare the present with the future syllabus of mathematics. With a text analytical approach has questions about how the structure is different, how the look at knowledge has changed and which learning theory that characterizes the two syllabus been answered. As a theoretical framework I adopt three different learning theories, behaviourism, cognitivism and the socio-cultural perspective. The pervious research I have looked at is the concept of knowledge an the underlying theories to previous curriculum. During the increase results in the greatest difference seen in the structure.

Barns utemiljöer i Hebron : gestaltningsverktyg för barnperspektiv implementerat på Al Ibrahimyye plats

This is a final thesis for the Master?s Programme in Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Landscape Planning, Horticulture and Agricultural Science. The subject of the thesis is the outdoor environment of children in Hebron.The thesis aim is to investigate children?s basic needs and desires in their outdoor environment, and how these can be met in the design of a site in Hebron. A starting point for thesis is that children?s environments in the city should not be separated from city life in general, so that children and adults can meet in the city outdoor environment.The ongoing political conflict between Israel and Palestine is presented in the thesis by describing its consequences for the city of Hebron and the lives of its residents, with a particular focus on the everyday lives of Hebron children.

Sjung i kör och håll dig frisk! En studie om hur körsång kan påverka körsångares emotionella och fysiska hälsa

Choir singing is one of the most popular national movements in Sweden but the knowledge of the meaning of this activity for health and well being from the choir singers? own experiences is limited. The purpose of this study was therefore to develop useful knowledge about the meaning of choir singing for participating persons from a health perspective. The data was collected through qualitative interviews with six different choir singers and went after that through a comprehensive analysis which resulted in four main categories: an oasis in the existence; possibilities of meetings and solidarity; goals and musical development; and physical and emotional well-being. The results showed that the choir activity represents a place where the singers can escape the demands and the stress factors of everyday life and where they get the opportunity of meaningful relations with other people.

Varannan-vecka-liv En studie om växelvis boende och barns familjeskapande

Title: Every second week. A study on how co-parented children do family. The aim of the study is to explore children?s day-to-day experiences of co-parenting. It focuses on how the children actively participate in the process of shaping family life and their own childhoods in the context of family change.

Ett elevperspektiv på ämnet livskunskap och dess relation till maskulinitet

The paper will clear out the student perspective in order to examine students' attitude towards what would be important to touch on a matter of life. The essay will explore what is important for students to discuss and respond to their environment in schools and perceived to be relevant to talk about in life skills. There is an object which deals with gender and masculinity in the study. The study would examine whether a student perspective on life can affect the current knowledge of gender structures in the school. Qualitative research interviews were carried out in seven students in grade 9 at a school located in inner suburbs of Stockholm.

Matematikboken ? betydelse och kvalité : En studie av matematikbokens betydelse för elevers resultat i matematik samt utvärdering av matematikböckers kvalité

Det verkar råda stor konsensus om att matematikundervisningen är viktig för att Sverige skall kunna hävda sig och kunna konkurrera i en global värld. Samtidigt visar det sig att eleverna i allt större utsträckning har svårt att nå målen för undervisningen. En undervisning, som forskningen visar, är hårt styrd av den matematikbok som används.I Finland har det visat sig att vilken lärobok som används i undervisningen får statistiskt signifikanta konsekvenser för elevernas resultat. I uppsatsen undersöks om samma statistiskt signifikanta samband även föreligger i Sverige. 149 skolor omfattande 13 408 elever ingår i den statistiska kvantitativa studien.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården. En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården : En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

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