
Grundskolans nya kursplan för matematik

en jämförande analys av den nu rådande och den kommande kursplanen för matematik

The purpose of this study has been to compare the present with the future syllabus of mathematics. With a text analytical approach has questions about how the structure is different, how the look at knowledge has changed and which learning theory that characterizes the two syllabus been answered. As a theoretical framework I adopt three different learning theories, behaviourism, cognitivism and the socio-cultural perspective. The pervious research I have looked at is the concept of knowledge an the underlying theories to previous curriculum. During the increase results in the greatest difference seen in the structure. The next syllabus structure is based on one level as opposed to before when it was built on two levels of objectives, which makes the upcoming syllabus clearer and more concrete than the current syllabus in mathematics.


Malin Flygare

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Lärarutbildningen


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