

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 53 av 1091

Skillnader mellan män och kvinnor i arbetsterapi för personer med makuladegeneration : En journalgranskning

Tidigare forskning har visat att kvinnor är förfördelade i vården i jämförelse med män. De får till exempel sämre vård vid symtom av hjärtinfarkt. I hälso- och sjukvårdslagen står det att alla människor ska få likvärdig vård oavsett kön. Studiens syfte var att ta reda på om det fanns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor gällande problem i aktivitetsutförandet och i arbetsterapeutiska interventioner hos patienter med makuladegeneration. Metoden som användes var journalgranskning där journaler med 30 män och 30 kvinnor granskades.

Erfarenhetsåterföring :  

This thesis has been done in collaboration with Peab Stockholm Building 3, which is a region within the Peab Sverige AB. The report is based on a survey and studies of Peab business management systems and production literature. For general information gathering has literature from well-known sources collected in libraries and through the Internet. It shows through the work that Peab has routines for experience feedback in the construction process, but that these procedures work in a small scale and the practical work experience feedback does not work at all. This is also something the construction industry in general also perceived as problematic. The questions in the report are of a wide scale and concerns construction errors cost, how the employees perceive that the company takes advantage of the skills and the mental stress in production line. The goal is to find how Peab Stockholm Building 3 will work on the experience feedback to allow for better productivity. In conclusion, the report author tries to demonstrate what can lead to increased productivity and improved work experience..

E-learning inom franchise : Ett verktyg för utbildning och erfarenhetsutbyte

Utbildning och erfarenhetsutbyte inom franchise är ett lagstadgat krav och nyckelfaktorer för en fungerande och framgångsrik franchiseverksamhet. Franchisegivare försöker därför ständigt förbättra utbildningen och erfarenhetsutbytet och frågan är om e-learning kan vara ett lämpligt verktyg för detta. Denna uppsats syfte är att undersöka möjligheten att komplettera utbildningen av franchisetagare och erfarenhetsutbytet mellan franchisegivare och franchisetagare med e-learning. Vidare att presentera en rekommendation för den mest lämpliga e-learningplattformen. För att uppfylla syftet valde vi att kartlägga hur utbildningen och erfarenhetsutbytet går till idag och vilken kunskap som förmedlas, intresset för att komplettera dessa aktiviteter med e-learning samt vilken e-learningplattform som är lämplig för detta.

?Nej, men jag söker väl tills jag hittar?: En studie av discoveryverktyget Summon utifrån ett användarperspektiv.

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how students at Högskolan i Borås experience the web-scale discovery service Summon, based on the theoretical model of ?The Five Dimensions of Usability?, defined by Whitney Quesenbery. The study aims to answer the following research questions: How do the students execute search assignments in the Summon interface? How intuitive and easy to navigate is the system from a user perspective? What are the students? opinions about Summon, regarding usability?Five students with varying information seeking skills are asked to perform search assignments during controlled observation, followed by semi-structured interviews. Our findings are presented in the context of previous research and show correspondence with the results of related studies.

Seniorer och internet : En studie om hur PROs medlemmar använder sig av internet

Since the Internet was introduced, it has taken over faster than anyone was ever expected it to do. It has taken over how we, humans, today live our life and is expected to accomplish our errands, such as paying our bills, ordering clothes and looking up information about travelling.With that said it is important to remember and have in thought that not everyone has the knowledge and skills to use the Internet, this because of the extreme development that the Internet brings.As mentioned above there is one group of people that has been called the ?forgotten group? when it comes to the expansion of Internet, and those are the seniors. Most of the seniors today have difficulties using the Internet due to either lack of knowledge or due to the size of the text on the websites, as well as the different color combinations. Since the seniors today have special needs on how to easily use a website, they are forgotten since most websites aren?t developed for seniors.However, sometimes appearances are deceiving and that is what this study has shown us.By questionnaire and interview study, the result of this study has showed us that the majority of the informants do use Internet, but they have special needs when it comes to the design on a website, and that includes color combinations, sizes of the text as well as on how to navigate from one page to another..

Att arbeta med konflikthantering : implementering och undersökning av en form av fokusgruppsamtal i skolan

I have chosen an action research approach for this essay. I want to incorporate a method of conflict management in the work of the personnel at a school and also discuss their thoughts and experience in conflict management. I wanted to incorporate modern knowledge about constructive conflict management for everyday use and I stress that if we can evolve these skills among the personnel in schools then we have a better chance of helping children with deviant behavior which often end up in conflict because of it. This will also help all the other children and personnel to manage conflict situations in a better way. I want to introduce a new way of thinking about conflict management which in many ways is different from how it is today. Briefly the method which I advocate revolves around paying attention to every ones basic needs and says that everyone can win and no one has to loose. he main purpose of this essay has been to find out if focus group conversations is a viable method for improving conflict management in the school system. Several of the participants has in their evaluations written that it was a rewarding and interesting way to work.

Alkoholrelaterade problem och hållning i alkoholfrågan : En kvantitativ undersökning

Syftet med studien är att undersöka om individer med en liberal hållning i alkoholfrågan löper en större risk att råka ut för olika alkoholrelaterade sociala problem än individer med en restriktiv hållning. Då tidigare forskning om relationen mellan hållning i alkoholfrågan och sociala problem är svårhittad, fokuseras resultaten av tidigare forskning på de enskilda variablerna. Resultaten kopplas sedan ihop för att härleda uppsatsens hypoteser. Tidigare forskning pekar också på att kön, ålder, inkomst och konsumtionsnivå är variabler som kan ha direkt inverkan på alkoholrelaterade problem. Datamaterialet som används är sekundärdata från Monitorstudien 2009 som bearbetades med hjälp av binär logistisk regressionsanalys.

Kommunikationen mellan läkare och patient under det svåra samtalet

Vårt sätt att kommunicera med varandra är i hög grad situationsberoende. Ett tillfälle när samtalets form kan ha stor betydelse är i kontakten mellan läkare och patient och då speciellt när läkaren behöver förmedla tråkiga nyheter till patienten. I denna studie undersöktes faktorer som påverkar hur läkaren upplever sin förmåga att genomföra samtal med ?bad news? för patienten. Nio läkare på två sjukhus i Mellansverige intervjuades.

Collaborating for Corporate Social Responsibility : the case of conflict minerals in global supply chains

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to adjusting corporate goals so that they are not only based on maximizing corporate profits, but include ethical standards on socially desirable behavior (Boatright, 2008). Even though many companies have integrated CSR into their business operations, there are still many issues that are difficult to tackle. Especially Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in the global business environment face many challenging situations due to the fact that they often have linkages to countries where the local government is either unwilling or unable to take care of its responsibilities. MNCs often find themselves with increased responsibilities when they start solving some of the issues that earlier have been the sole responsibility of states. A specific case situation discussed in this paper is related to ?conflict minerals?.

Utveckling av en ytmonterad fördelningsmätare som underlag för individuell debitering av vattenförbrukning i fastigheter

The master thesis, conducted at Metrima AB, concerns the development of a non-intrusivedistribution meter as a basis for individual tap water billing in apartments.The project is conducted in response to the market interest in individual tap water billing inapartments as an answer to environmental concerns regarding water consumption. Due to thehigh installation cost of traditional water meters, a new method of determining waterconsumption, without having to cut water pipes, is proposed.The proposed method distributes the total water consumption for an apartment complex toindividual apartments according to distribution meters, measuring water run-time, in eachapartment. The water run-time is estimated by measuring the water pipe?s outward vibrationsand temperature changes.A test environment was established and a prototype built, using a tilt- and vibration sensor forvibration sensing and a precision temperature sensor to measure temperature changes. As bothsensors work well in the test environment, further testing was done in 3 apartments for aduration of 5 days.

Kvalitetschefens Roll och Kompetens Inom Svenska Organisationer och Företag

The role of the quality manager has evolved from being a quality controller to work with a more global business. Within many organizations in Sweden, however, the traditional role of the quality manager's remains and the tasks categorized as quality control still takes up most of the quality manager's time. The survey conducted as part of this master thesis shows that the quality manager in most businesses has multiple roles in addition to the role of quality manager, which can create a role conflict. One consequence of this is that each improvement is not given priority due to time constraints. Although the importance of a clear and committed leadership is the key for succeeding as the quality manager.

Flexibel IT : En studie av problem vid implementering av tjänsteorienterad

Tjänsteorienterad arkitektur innebär nya möjligheter att implementera IT-system till lägre kostnader och på kortare tid. Detta sker genom att direkt representera affärsprocesser i verksamhetens IT, i s.k. tjänster. Området är dock nytt och kunskapen begränsad. Detta arbete identifierar problem vid implementeringar av tjänsteorienterade arkitekturer.

På grund av dålig arbetsmiljö?

The purpose of this report was to investigate what characterizes a good psychosocialwork environment, and whether it may have impact on a vessel's safe voyage. Thisreport is proposed to increase the understanding of what creates a good psychosocialwork environment and its potential effect on safety at sea. In order to find out thesuccess factors for a good work environment group interviews were conducted in socalledunstructured focus groups. During these conversations, the participants discussedfreely by the question "what is a good psychosocial work environment for you?? Thesuccess factors were thereafter applied on selected accident reports, to investigate theextent to which they were represented and taken into account.The results of the study show three categories of factors: colleagues, communicationand competence, where colleagues are the main contribution to a good psychosocialwork environment.

Problemlösning i skolorna : En undersökning om lärarnas syn på problemlösning

Det här arbetet tar upp vilken syn på problemlösning som arbetssätt som lärare i de tidigare skolåren har ute på skolorna. Arbetet behandlar även hur och i vilken utsträckning problemlösning används i lärarnas undervisning. Metoden som används i arbetet är en i huvudsak kvalitativ intervju med sju lärare från lika många skolor. I vissa fall har även observation och kompletterande samtal använts. Undersökningen visar att både lärare och forskare är tämligen överens om vad ett problem är, de menar bland annat att ett problem ska vara en utmaning och kräva en ansträngning av eleven.

Social kompetens - What?s the point? : En kvalitativ studie om hur begreppet används inom bemanningsbranschen.

The term ?social competence? is widely used by organizations in job advertisements, despite the problems of making a unified definition of it. The purpose of this study is to investigate which features the organizations require, why organizations require them and how the assessment is implemented for recruitment. To answer the purpose of this study, eight qualitative interviews conducted with recruiters from four different staffing agencies. Further a literature study was performed to define the concept of ?social competence? and its meaning, in order to later connect this to the result.

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