

16365 Uppsatser om Mathematical problem-solving skills - Sida 52 av 1091

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Lyrik i skolan : Hur lyrik i skolan kan utveckla barns kreativa skrivande

AbstractWhen I was a child my mother and I wrote a lot of poems, but in school we didn´t write poems at all. As a teacher I want to show the children the joy and happiness of writing poems, stories and fairy tales.The purpose of this report was to investigate the work with poetry and creative writing in my class and how the pupils experienced their own work/writing. I began with asking the pupils in my class a few and simple questions about poetry, then we made a diffrent kinds of poetry writing and a finally I repeated the interviews with the children. The poetry writing took place during six weeks under the spring semester.I found that as a teacher it is possible to work with creative writing and poetry in diffrent ways. The pupils enjoyed the writing and their opinions were that they had increased their skills in rhyming, writing and spelling, that they had learnt new words and to use their fantasy and that they had learnt a great deal of how to cooperate.KeywordsCreative writing, fantasy, poems..

Problem i Ajax-utveckling

Utvecklingen av webben har från att vara statisk i sin presentation och förmedling av informationövergått till att vara mycket rikare på funktionalitet och interaktionsmöjligheter. Ajax är ett begreppsom relaterar till en samling tekniker som när de används i kombination ger möjligheten att skapawebbapplikationer som sett till effektivitet och interaktion kan jämföras med lokala applikationer. Igrunden ger Ajax möjlighet till asynkron kommunikation vilket ersätter den traditionellawebbmodellens synkrona beteende. Detta leder till webbapplikationer kan inta en nyinteraktionsform där innehåll inte behöver laddas i form av hela sidor. Webbutvecklare ställsdärmed inför en rad problem när dessa webbapplikationer skall skapas i jämförelse med dentraditionella webbutvecklingen och syftet med denna uppsats är således att kartlägga problem ochproblemområden som finns vid webbutveckling med Ajax.

Problemlösning i grupp i matematik

Syftet med studien var att undersöka om grundskoleelever lättare löser matematiska problem i grupp än de gör enskilt. Undersökningen genomfördes i en årskurs 8 med 19 elever, varav 10 flickor och 9 pojkar. Som undersökningsmetod användes enkäter. Hela undersökningen genomfördes under en tidsperiod på sex veckor. De första tre veckorna löste eleverna matematiska problem enskilt och sedan svarade de på en enkät, för att se hur eleverna upplevde arbetssättet.

Informationssäkerhet: problem med informationssäkerhet ur användares synvinkel

Det finns åtskilliga faktorer som medför svårigheter när informationssystem skall bli säkra. Bland dessa faktorer finns bland annat att säkerheten inte är användarvänlig. Vi har därför i denna uppsats undersökt varför användare upplever problem med en höjning av informationssäkerhet. För att undersöka detta har vi stu-derat ett projekt som heter FSA (FörbättradSäkerhetsArkitektur) och som genomförs på Luleå tekniska universitet. Utifrån denna undersökning kan vi konstatera att användarna upplever flera problem som en följd av FSA-projektet.

Akustisk mätning av U-värde

This pre-study investigates the possibility of U-value measurements through an acoustic method. A hypothesis about an acoustic model built on acoustic theories combined with U-value theories is presented to answer the questions: ? Can U-value theory be combined with acoustic theories? ? Can the coefficient of heat be affirmed trough an acoustic measurement? The idea for this dissertation begun with a logical idea in mathematical similarity, between the coefficient of heat transmission units and sound intensity units. The U-value theory is based on assumptions such as initial resistance for inner walls and initial resistance for outer walls. The resistance in the material is interpreted through sound intensity theory. The argument is built upon mass law theory, which means if the frequency or thickness of the material layer doubles it implies an increase of sound reduction by 6 dB.

2000-talets jämställdhetspolitik - ett avpolitiserat politikområde? : En diskursanalytisk studie om den svenska jämställdhetspolitiken

This discursive policy study has its starting point in the criticism of the Swedish gender-equality policy is depoliticised. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the Swedish gender-equality policy was problematised and designed during the 2000s. The purpose of this paper is also to investigate whether the Swedish gender-equality policy can be defined as a depoliticised policy or not. The research questions of this study are: What´s the problem of gender-equality represented to be in the specifics policies and what effects are produced of this representation? Can gender policy, as it is designed in the various policy documents, be understood as a depoliticised policy, in the sense that sex is not articulated on the basis of a conflict dimension?To find the answer of theese questions I use the method ?Whats´s the problem represented to be", which is an inductive approach where the researcher sets selected questions to its material.

"Det skall vara roligt och spännande!" En studie av 9-12-åriga flickors fritidsläsning.

This is a thesis about 9-12-year old girls and their leisure reading. The purpose of this study is to examine their reading experiences. The method we use is a combination of qualitative interviews and studies of literature. The thesis shows that there seem to be four basic needs in girls that can be satisfied by leisure reading; the need to develop language skills; the need to be entertained; the need to gain knowledge of the world and the need to get help to resolve personal issues. The interviews with nine girls show that they primarily read for fun and that the knowledge and insights that are conveyed in literature come in second place.

Första linjechefers förutsättningar för att utöva ett hållbart och hälsofrämjande ledarskap

Background: First Line Managers are expected to create a health promoting work environment. Research has shown that the prerequisites for accomplishing a health promoting leadership are not always the best. Aim: The aim was to elucidate the prerequisites for a health promoting leadership as First Line Manager at a University hospital in Sweden based on competence, role, support structures and own durability. Results: First Line Managers at the chosen hospital seems to have rather good conditions for conducting a health promoting leadership. All respondents did have a university degree and most thought that their competence corresponded well with the role.

A-bok = B-bok? : En jämförande textanalys av två läseböcker för årskurs 2

Developing good reading skills is crucial for all pupils in school, and the reading bookis a tool for achieving that. Pupils are entitled to good reading instruction, regardless ofwhich reading level they are at, and regardless of the level of the reader they have beengiven. The aim of the study is to examine a particular teaching material and describe thedifferences that exist between a simpler and a more difficult variant of the same reader.The study is a textual analysis focused on the two readers for grade 2 from the materialDiamantjakten (The Diamond Hunt). The study shows that the two books display greatdifferences. Reading the simpler book involves a smaller amount of text, fewerdescriptive expressions, and a smaller number of words, but it does make demands onthe reader?s ability to read between the lines.

Läsinlärning : Hur kan processen organiseras?

The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers choose to work with the teaching of reading and writing skills, how teachers justify their choice of teaching method and how the documentation of student development is being used. This paper also discusses the definition of reading and writing, phonological awareness and how different reading- and writing educational methods can be combined. The gathering of information has been done through a literature review in which I have looked at past research on reading and writing. I have also conducted qualitative interviews with teachers involved in literacy learning. The result of my research shows that it is not possible to determine which literacy learning methods that are most effective.

"Det bästa med skolan" : En elevinriktad studie om motiv och attityder till internationella utbildningsutbyten.

In Sweden, little research has been done on the topic of international exchange programs that various schools offer to their pupils. This study investigates how pupils view these exchange programs, and how in their opinion it affects their learning and their level of motivation. The study also investigates the motives for taking part in or declining an international exchange. To answer these questions a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews with pupils with and without experience respectively was carried out.The study indicates that pupils that have not taken part in an exchange believe that it is a time consuming quest that may affect the student?s results in other courses, which is not a belief shared by the other group.

Matematikverkstad : -ett förhållningssätt

SammanfattningDenna uppsats har sin bakgrund i fem ord som kan ses som en kort sammanfattning kring vad matematikundervisningen bör innehålla enligt Lpo94 och kursplanen för matematik. Där står att matematik bör pratas, undersökas, upplevas, skapas och utforskas. Om dessa ord får finnas med i undervisningen så bör man kunna göra matematiken roligare och mer intressant. Att finna glädje och lust till matematiken är väldigt viktigt för att fånga barnens uppmärksamhet och rapporten Lusten att lära?med fokus på matematik diskuterar just vikten av lusten till matematik.  Baserat på vad som står skrivet kring matematikverkstäder så borde pedagoger kunna jobba i enlighet med vad Lpo94 och kursplanen i matematik förespråkar.

?Det behöver inte vara värsta Rihanna för att det ska vara ett A? ? : Om betyg och bedömning i sång på grundskolan.

Uppsala University Library owns eight volumes of manuscripts attributed to the academy equerry Johan Leven Ekelund (c.1701?1775). In this thesis, I apply methods from the field of material culture studies in order to establish which of the volumes that formed the donation from Leven to the library mentioned in his will. By mapping certain markers such as places, names and dates I am able to identify to some extent where Leven gained his practical skills and which writers influenced him. By analysing the texts, I draw the conclusion that the manuscripts can be divided into groups aimed for different audiences.

Vilka problem upplever projektledare att användare kan orsaka vid implementering av affärssystem?: en fallstudie i tre organisationer

I dagens allt hårdare konkurrens bland företag implementerar många organisationer en mängd olika affärssystem. Dessa affärssystem krävs för att förtagen skall kunna konkurrera på allt mer globala och flexibla marknaden. Projektledare ser dock ett antal problem relaterade till den blivande användaren som måste lösas för att implementeringen av ett affärssysystem skall lyckas. Studien har genomförts med teorier om användarproblem, lösningar och affärssystem. Data har erhållits genom personliga intervjuer med tre olika projektledare vid tre olika organisationer.

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