9739 Uppsatser om Management accounting control - Sida 24 av 650
Den moderna flerenhetsfranchisetagaren: En studie i utformandet av kontrollsystem hos växande franchisetagare
Franchise theorists have to a large extent failed to keep up with the actual development in global franchise chains. The recent emergence of fast growing multi-unit-franchisees has fundamentally been ignored, and it has been claimed that the new phenomenon can be regarded as a mere replication of the franchisors? structure and control system into sub hierarchies. This study however, suggests that the reality is more complex. Through conducting case studies of two Nordic multi-unit-franchisees, new theories are built explaining how and why control systems are designed the way they are.
Att dela eller inte dela kunskap - En multipel studie om utmaningar med Knowledge Management på svenska advokatbyråer
The law firm industry has during the last years met new demanding conditions and one tool to handle these new conditions has been to implement a Knowledge Management system. Large investments have been made in these Knowledge Management systems but the implementations have met many challenges from within the organizations.With a multiple study, based on interviews with Knowledge Management Managers included in a Knowledge Management network, this thesis aims to study the challenges with Knowledge Management and the underlying causes. The result, based on McDermott's theories shows challenges within technical, personal, social and management areas where the law firm need to shift a focus from Information to Knowledge Management, create a culture of trust and integration and use the informal powerbase.The causes for these challenges are found in the base of Mintzbergs theories of Professional bureaucracy where the Knowledge Management is affected by strong self-regulated individualist, a divided organizational structure and industry conditions..
ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care. Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.
Tid är dyrbart och det gäller att göra det bästa möjliga av det man har : Utvärdering av en ledningsgrupp baserad på intervjuer, enkätundersökning och observationer.
The purpose of this study was to identify the positive and negative aspects of the work and dynamics of a management team and from that recommend how the team can improve. The aim was also to investigate whether there was a gap between how the members of the management team comprehend themselves and how the project, section and team managers comprehend the management team. The management team contains of seven core team members and is the head function of a research and development site in central Sweden. The results are based on interviews with the present members of the management team and three former members, a survey among the project, section and team managers and by participating observation on meetings with the team. The results show that the management team is an overall well-functioning team that with some changes and improvements, especially concerning communication and information, can reach even further.
Uppföljning inom ett vårdvalssystem - En fallstudie av uppföljningen av husläkaruppdraget i Stockholms Läns Landsting
This study aims to examine the effect the evaluation system used by the Stockholm County Council, has on how the healthcare providers themselves conduct the evaluation regarding their own operations. This is done through a qualitative case study of the evaluation systems of the Stockholm County Council and of four primary healthcare producers concerning one primary healthcare contract. The evaluation systems were analysed using Merchant and Ver der Stede's (2007) framework for different types of control. In order to give a more detailed picture this framework was complemented with different types of performance measurement. The evaluation that the Stockholm County Council conducts was found to have little influence on the providers own evaluation with the exception of the quality indicators that are rewarded with a monetary bonus..
Miljö- och Personalreglering i Förvaltningsberättelsen : - En studie av Svenska Börsnoterade Företag
The environmental work of companies has become an incredibly important factor in achieving reduced levels of environmental pollution. For companies the work on environmental issues began in the 1980s. During this time companies also began to show interest for the personnel, an interest that was shown in the form of attempts to disclose personnel information in economics. Earlier this information was separated from the financial information, despite the fact that the revenues are created by the employees.The purpose of this paper is to examine how well companies with a notification or a permit today account for environmental- and personnel information in their director?s report.
K1-reglerna - Vad har redovisningsprofessionen för uppfattning om förenklingsreglerna K1?
SAMMANFATTNING Under det senaste decenniet har utvecklingen inom svensk lagstiftning gått oerhört fort fram. Anledningen är att de svenska redovisningsreglerna har anpassats efter de internationella som i första hand är avsedda för större bolag. Konsekvenserna blev ett allt för stort och komplext regelverk för de mindre bolagen. Bokföringsnämnden inledde därför arbetet med att ta fram förenklade redovisningsregler för de allra minsta företagen, de så kallade K1-företagen. Även regeringen har uppmärksammat de ökade kostnaderna för redovisningsarbetet vilka i dagsläget uppgår till 1 645 miljoner kronor för svenskt näringsliv.
An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor ?. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab control and Medinor control.
Ekonomistyrning i förändring - Lunds Energi AB
Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva och analysera en traditionell, resultatansvarsindelad ekonomistyrning, samt att sätta den i relation till en modernt orienterad styrning. Metod: Vår uppsats är en enskild fallstudie med en kvalitativ ansats av enheten Energiprodukter inom Lunds Energi AB. Vi har genomfört ett antal intervjuer i fallföretaget. Empirin är analyserad med hjälp av relevant teori, främst Lindvalls Verksamhetsstyrning, Källströms Uppdrag Styreffekt och Anthony & Govindarajans Management Control Systems. Slutsatser: Lunds Energi AB har flera inslag av modern verksamhetsstyrning i sin traditionella, resultatansvarsindelade ekonomistyrning.
Verkligt värde i praktiken : En studie av tillförlitligheten vid fastighetsvärdering till verkligt värde
The ongoing harmonization process aims to incorporate IFRS regulations into the Swedish accounting. As a consequence investment property?s starting from 2005 may be valued using the fair value method, in accordance to IAS 40. This involves major changes for listed property enterprises that from now on can value a large extent of their assets to fair value. All parties don?t appreciate this progress, opponents to fair value have expressed great concern that fair value don?t work in practice.
Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp
Titel/Title: Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till
sina mål och hur dessa följs upp./ How government authorities define their
performance indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals.
Författare/Author Almaliki, Rayya; Hulaj, Anita; Nepola, Fisnik
Handledare/Supervisor: Gyllberg, Henrick
Sektion/Section: Sektionen för Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola./ The
Section of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology.
Kurs/Course: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi (FEC007), 10 poäng./Bachelor?s
thesis in Business Administration (FEC007), 10 credits.
Syfte/Purpose: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur statliga myndigheter
definierar och följer upp sina prestationer, i förhållande till uppsatta mål
för verksamheten./ The main purpose with this thesis is to research how
government agencies define their performance indicators and measure them up in
relationship to the goals.
Metod/Method: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie, där vi har utfört sex
semistandardiserade intervjuer på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och Boverket. Det
material som vi har fått från intervjuerna samt annat sekundärt material, utgör
grunden för vår analys och slutsats./ We have done a qualitative case study,
where we did six semi standard interviews at Blekinge Institute of Technology
and Boverket. The material we got from the interviews and other secondary
material make up the ground, for our analysis and conclusion.
This report describes the design and construction of a prototype that automatically aims a microwave link towards a target. The link, that is located on a mobile aerial mast, is used by Saab Training Systems as a part of an infrastructure network. The report also discusses the development of a GUI that communicates with the control unit by Bluetooth.The control unit, called Pan/Tilt-controller, controls the position of the link by stepping motors. One motor controls the azimuth angle and the other one controls the elevation angle.By a GUI the operator enters the coordinates on its own position and the targets position. Hereafter a bearing is calculated and it will be sent up to the control unit.The control unit will sense its own direction by a magnetic sensor that works as an electronic compass.
Carnegie: En studie av tillämpningen av "verkliga värden"
A recent development in the field of accounting has been an increasing use of fair values in financial reporting. In 2005, this development was reinforced in Sweden by the adoption of the International Financial Reporting Standards. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the problems related to the use of fair values, through a case study of the Swedish investment bank Carnegie. In May 2007, Carnegie announced that the result had been overly stated by 630 MSEK, due to the valuation of derivatives within the trading department. The empirical material consists of documents produced in the legal process between Carnegie and the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.
Att genomföra projekt - Två teoretiska perspektiv på ett problemfyllt projekt i ett kunskapsföretag
This thesis examines a project that has been conducted at a software development company. The aim is to investigate which problems firms of this kind faces performing projects. We choose a theoretical frame consisting of a modern view on how to manage projects. The view argues that the management of each project has to be adapted to the situation at hand. This theory is divided into two separate streams of reasoning; one emphasize learning, delegation of responsibility and flexibility, while the other argues for control, time planning and the importance of keeping to the plans.When we compare the theories to the case we draw three main conclusions: A thorough phase of investigation is required to produce the necessary planning documents.
Uppdragsbrevets funktion : Vilka intressen påverkar upprättandet av uppdragsbrevet?
AbstractAuthors:Stefan Harrå and Magnus BjörkAdvisor: Markku PenttinenTitle: Accounting Consequences of the change in pension accounting Background to problem: When the revised IAS 19 comes into force January 1, 2013, it means that two of the three accounting principles for defined benefit pension plans are disappearing, including the corridor method. The corridor method has made it possible for companies to defer its actuarial gains and losses. Now that the corridor approach abolished then the unrecognized actuarial gains and losses immediately be covered by equity, which involves very large amounts of some companies. Why the amounts have grown so big is much because of the discount rate. The discount rate is a controversial parameter, and there is disagreement on how it should be fixed.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the accounting implications this will have for the company applied the corridor method, and if there is some parameters in the actuarial assumption that is more important than others.Methodology: The thesis has mainly been based on a qualitative research through qualitative interviews with a small sample that is affected by this change.