9739 Uppsatser om Management accounting control - Sida 25 av 650
Implementering av TPU : En fallstudie om implementeringen av TPU på ABB Cewe-Control i Nyköping
If Swedish companies are to compete with companies in low-cost countries they have to achieve a more efficient production. The purpose of Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) is to increase the company's profitability by increasing the productivity. TPM is a method that involves all employees and aims to prevent failures in order to increase the availability of existing equipment.The aim of this paper is to evaluate the implementation process of TPM and give recommendations for the further implementation process. The conclusion and the analysis are based on a case study done at a production department at ABB Cewe-Controls facilities in Nyköping. The case study consists mainly of qualitative data from participation observations, surveys and interviews.Commitment of the management is a key factor in the implementation process of TPM.
This document is a summary of my work to create a project management system for
a small firm working with computer graphics. The intention is to manage
customers, projects, images and invoices in the easiest possible way. To make
the system as flexible as possible a web-interface was chosen which makes it
possible to access the system from any computer, making it independent of any
particular operating system. The only requirement on the user environment is
that the computer must have a connection to the Internet to be able to access
the system. The different techniques that have been used to develop the project
management system is primarily Ruby on Rails and a MySQL database.
Although Ruby on Rails was completely new to me, I decided to use this
framework instead of PHP, which I
already have a good knowledge of, because of the benefits Ruby on Rails
Personlighet och konflikt - En studie om chefers personlighet, konfliktstil och Locus of control
Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i personlighet och val av konfliktstil beroende av vilken placering respondenterna hade i syskonskaran samt om Locus of control skiljde sig mellan olika åldersgrupper. Samband mellan chefers konfliktstil och personlighet undersöktes också. De 103 respondenterna som var mellan 25-75 år, 63% män och 37% kvinnor, besvarade en enkät som bestod av demografiska frågoroch arbetsrelaterade frågor om chefskap. Tre test användes; ett personlighetstest, RottersLocus of Control och Thomas-Kihlman?s konfliktstiltest.
Skiftarbetets påverkan på den upplevda stressen : - en undersökning inom vården
AbstractThe purpose with this study was to get knowledge if there are any possible differences in, and correlation between, experienced stress, experienced demands, experienced control and experienced social support in correlation to shiftwork.The study was made at two central hospitals in south of Sweden and had 90 participants (78 women and 12 men) that answered a questionnaire in the current variables. The result in experienced stress showed that there were no differences between shift workers. The results showed a difference between the day- and the nightshift in the correlation between control and stress. The writers speculates that the reason why the nightshift experience high stressvalues with high control can depend on the lack of presence by higher managers, compared with the dayshift. .
Främjande av egenvård för patienter med typ 2-diabetes inom primärvården - diabetessjuksköterskans upplevelser
ABSTRACTBackground: The incidence of type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. Early intervention in form of medication, advice on self-management and lifestyle changes is necessary to avoid complications. Few Swedish studies are made on the diabetes nurse?s views on promotion of self- management.Purpose: To examine the diabetes specialist nurse?s experience of promoting self-management to patients with type 2 diabetes in primary care. Method: A qualitative explorative study where eight diabetes nurses were interviewed. The interview guide consisted of semistructed questions concerning the promotion of self-management.Results: The diabetes nurse?s role in promoting patient self-management is significant, if resources are available in the form of adequate time for the patient and good team work.
Diagnostikmetoder för ångreglerventil med servomotor
In this bachelor thesis, diagnostic methods for one of Siemens stem inlet control valves have been developed. The work has taken place during ten weeks at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB in Finspång. The company produce steam- and gas turbines and also provides service and maintenance. The purpose with this project has been to develop diagnostic methods that oversee the health of the control valves. By using the developed methods you will know when it?s time for maintenance.
Transparens inom PR-verksamhet : En studie om PR-företagens förhållanden till öppenhet
AbstractTitle: Transparency within Public Relations ? A study about PR-companies understanding of opennessPages: 71Authors: Olof EhrsTutor: Virginia MeliánCourse: Media and Communication Studies, Bachelor Degree.Period: Autumn 2011.University: The Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, JMK,at Stockholm University.Background and aim: The PR-industry is continuing to grow in Sweden. The increase of working consultancies has made it more difficult to define what PR-activities really are in Sweden today. This exam reviews the presence and lack of transparency within the PR labour. The aim of the essay is to inspect the PR-companies relation to transparency and non-transparency.
Användning av redovisningsinformation vid beslutsfattande och styrning i små företag
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva om och hur små företag använder sig av redovisningsinformation vid utövande av styrning och beslutsfattande, samt vilka faktorer som påverkar användningen av redovisningsinformation. Små företag har begränsat med resurser för att kunna tolka och analysera redovisningsinformation, samtidigt som företagsledarens intresse, kunskap och erfarenhet påverkar hur informationen används. För att genomföra denna studie har empiriska data samlats in genom intervju med fyra små företag. I denna studie har det framkommit att redovisningens viktigaste funktion är att fungera som beslutunderlag och underlag för styrning av verksamheten. Detta sker genom att väcka uppmärksamhet för avvikelser mellan kalkylerat och verkligt utfall.
Manipulation eller social kompetens? ? Rekryterares upplevelser av impression management i anställningsintervjuer
Introduction: A job interview is for both the candidate and the company involved, an importantsituation. It might be tempting for the candidate to adjust the answers to the job in question or what heor she thinks the recruiter wants to hear. This behaviour is a part of what socialpsychology would callimpression management. This term means that you try to control the impressions you send out andaccordingly adjust your behaviour for the current situation.Purpose: Candidates usage of impression management is a widely debated subject where theresearch mainly has focused on the candidates, their strategies and the efficiency of impressionmanagement. Our purpose with this thesis is therefore to see how recruiters experience candidatesimpression management in a job interview, how they handle it and what level of acceptance they havefor it.Theoretical perspectives: The theories and previous research used as models for explanation andbasis for discussion is mainly Erving Goffman´s (1974) dramaturgical perspective and thoughts aboutimpression management and Mark R Leary´s (1995) theories concerning impression managementtactics.
Jag gör som jag vill och du gör som du vill
Kandidatuppsats i kulturgeografi och geografi med kulturgeografisk inriktning.
Informationskompetens som mål i högskoleutbildningen: Inställning hos ledning, lärare och bibliotekarier vid en mindre högskola
The aim of this Master thesis is to study how management, teachers and librarians at the university college Swedish school of sport and health sciences (GIH) view information literacy (IL) as a standard in higher education. I have used a sociocultural theoretical perspective, as the focus being on co-operation within the institutional context. The following questions are focused on: Of what importance are the control documents concerning IL as a standard in the educational program? How do the respondents view the value of, and the responsibility for, IL as a standard in the educational program? What are the conditions for co-operation at GIH to reach the standards of the higher education act? The methodology used is qualitative case study. Six qualitative interviews were carried out in order to describe the attitudes of the management, teachers and librarians related to this subject.
8263 kilometer: En studie i avståndets påverkan på styrsystem
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the effects that geographical distance have on the control systems in a scattered organization and how this, ultimately, affects the employees in terms of loyalty and motivation. In order to do this, a case study has been conducted on a multinational travel group and its local branches in Thailand. The study is based on a selected number of theories focusing mainly on control systems in multinational contexts as well as on theories regarding communication and autonomy. The conclusion of the study is that geographical distance has led to a rather large autonomy for the local branches and that the headquarter to a large extent rely more on formal control.
Reglering av veka strukturer med multipla sensorer
In this master thesis, control algoritms using arm side sensors are investigated for an industrial robot. The sensors can be position encoders placed after the gearbox and accelerometers on the robot arms. Control strategies are discussed and evaluated for different models of the robot, after which chosen strategies are applied to a realistic model. Control algoritms using arm side sensors (LQ, dual-loop and PD-PID) are compared to a PID-controller that only uses measurements of motor position for feedback control. The comparison are done with respect to disturbance rejection, oscillation damping, robustness and tracking performance of a reference trajectory.
Avskaffad revisionsplikt för småföretag : Konsekvenser och möjligheter för redovisningskonsulter och revisorer
Background for the research problems: Small companies are very important for the economic stability and development, something which the economic crises in recent years have underlined. Therefore it?s important to minimize administrative costs for smaller companies and also in other ways facilitate their further development. For these reasons accounting has been simplified and auditing abolished for smaller companies in many countries. In Sweden auditing for small companies was abolished nearly three years ago.