

1431 Uppsatser om Intra-organizational outsourcing - Sida 47 av 96

Mitt i skärningspunkten finns pedagogen : Lärarrollen inom kriminalvårdens klientutbildning

The purpose of this study was to investigate the teacher?s situation in the correctionaltreatment?s client education. The paper examined teachers? experiences of their professionalroles as well as their perception of the students? situation. The study wasbased on telephone interviews that were recorded and analyzed afterwards as well asan analysis of texts that affect the teachers? work.

Identifiering av det logistiska förpackningssystemet En studie av teleutrustningsindustrin

Background: Due to outsourcing, the material flows in the telecom equipment industry have undergone major changes, which in turn has imposed new challenges for packaging supplier Nefab who delivers to the industry. In order to achieve market intelligence, Nefab wants to map the material flows, and investigate possibilities of further reusable logistical packaging systems.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe the typical features of the logistical material flows in a technically based, rapidly growing industry, and analyze the driving forces and obstacles, which influence the selection of logistical packaging system. Procedure: After developing a theoretical framework consisting of general logistical theories and theories related to logistical packaging, we have interviewed companies in the logistics channel of Ericsson Radio Systems.Results: We have found the main characteristics of material flows in our investigated industry to be Variations in Demand, Focus on Time-to-Customer, and Globalization of Logistics Channels. Regarding driving forces and obstacles in the selection of logistical packaging systems, we have identified Transportation Characteristics, Customer Demands, Quality, Handling & Administration, and Current Packaging System as important factors..

Affärssystem som molntjänst - En studie om vilka för- och nackdelar företag upplever med affärssystem som molntjänst

Studien beskriver de för- och nackdelar som företag upplever med affärssystem som molntjänst. De avgränsningar som gjorts är dels att jag valt att endast använda tre företag, dels att jag haft som krav att endast använda företag som har ett heltäckande affärssystem som molntjänst. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ metod genom att göra en fallstudie där jag intervjuat fyra personer på tre olika företag. Syftet med intervjuerna var att få en god inblick i vad de tycker att affärssystem som molntjänst har för för- och nackdelar. Frågorna till intervjuerna har valts ut med underlag från den relaterade forskningen jag samlat in genom vetenskapliga tidsskriftsartiklar, böcker och populärvetenskapliga artiklar inom ämnet samt från föreläsningar som getts på det systemvetenskapliga programmet i Göteborg.Studiens slutresultat visar att respondenterna anser att fördelarna är betydligt fler än nackdelarna.

Social Construction of Crisis: The Constructed Realities of SAS Ground Service Employees Regarding the Preparatory Period of Strategy 2011 Organizational Development Program.

The thesis explores an ongoing dialectical process between different levels of employees including top management to workers of Scandinavian Airline Service (SAS) regarding a new change program and to find out the possible social construction among them. In particular, it searches for the constructed reality of SAS ground service employees at Malmö Airport with regard to the preparatory stage of SAS Strategy 2011. A possible ambiguity in dialectical process is explored as it relates to an organization?s ability to effectively influence the understanding and identity of its employees through discourse.

Organisatorisk förändring och omladdning av varumärke

Abstract Uppsatsen behandlar ämnena organiatorisk förändring samt varumärkesladding. Även identitet, profil och image diskuteras. I arbetet har vi använt oss av Lindex som fallföretag. Omladdning av ett varumärke blir aktuellt när märkets brand equity stagnerat eller när företag önskar förändra de värden som är kopplade till varumärket. Detta tillsammans med en organisatorisk förändring har varit aktuellt i vårt fallföretag Lindex.

Medarbetarskap ? en studie av medarbetarskap i en arkitektbyrå

Companies and organizations recognize the importance of collaboration to develop responsibility and ability of change in the workplace. The concept of collaboration was a relatively new idea in business in the late 1980s. In a Nordic context, collaboration is a traditional approach that companies use successfully for competition, survival and development. Collaborative organizational efforts cover management of committed people who can help companies achieve flexibility, customer loyalty, innovation and economic success on a challenging and competitive market. Many theorists believe that collaboration is the key to integrating technology, financial competence and innovation.

Passiv face time - En studie av passiv face time på ett företag med flexibla arbetsförhållanden

The purpose of this study is to examine how employees in an organization using flexible work practices, experience that passive face time influences the evaluated of them. Further, the study aims to understand to what extent that perception of passive face time motivates the employees to spend more time at the office than is necessary for their work situations. The study concludes that employees in general perceive that passive face time does influence how they are evaluated and that this perception motivates employees that are relatively newly employed by the company to spend more time at office..

"Som politiker ska man vara noga med att inte lägga sig i"- Om politisk påverkan i socialt arbete

This study is about the perception of politics in social work. The aim of the study was to seehow people working with social work in municipalities describe their perception of how politicsaffect their work. The study was conducted in two municipalities in middle Sweden,which had a transfer of power in the 2006 election. Six people; two social workers, two executivedirectors and two politicians was interviewed about their perceptions about politics, ifthe ideological direction of the municipal matters, and how politics effect social work and theorganization. As analyze method organizational theory with focus on change and power wereused.

Att anlita ett rekryteringsföretag - som att ingå ett äktenskap?

Syftet med studien är att söka förståelse för hur rekryteringsföretag och kundföretag kommunicerar för att rätt kandidat skall bli anställd. Frågeställningarna som vi avsåg besvara var hur kommunikationen sker mellan rekryteringsföretag och kundföretag, hur respektive part säkerhetsställer att de har förstått varandra samt vilka störningar som kan finnas i kommunikationen mellan parterna. Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av två rekryteringsföretag samt fyra kundföretag i Halland. De rekryteringsföretag som valts arbetar enbart med rekrytering.

"IT är inget som vi ska hålla på med!" - En studie av drivkrafter och upplevda risker vid organisationers val att använda SaaS.

Möjliggörandet av molntjänster har bidragit till att Software as a Service (SaaS) blivit allt mer aktuellt. Detta är inte någon ny teknik, utan den har funnits en längre tid men har nu kommit att aktualiseras genom olika tekniska framsteg. I och med detta har företag börjat intressera sig för denna teknik som ett alternativ till egen lokal drift av IT-system. Vår studie behandlar faktorer i form av risker och drivkrafter som företag ser vid valet att använda tjänster genom SaaS. Dessa faktorer har vi funnit genom relaterad litteratur och andra studier inom området.

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

Utvärdering av informationssystem vid företagsförvärv: Synergiers påverkan på informationssystems integrationsroll

The numbers of mergers and acquisitions have increased significantly in the last period of time. Although this popularity for mergers and acquisitions, most of the mergers and acquisitions fail to create value. One explanation to this failure of value creation is, according to several studies, how companies treat integration of information systems in the pre-merger evaluation. The research within the field argues that information system integration should have a proactive role in mergers and acquisitions, meaning that information system integration should support the organizational change and normally be considered in the premerger evaluation. The aim of this thesis is to study issues that affect whether companies choose to consider information system integration proactively, when involved in mergers and acquisitions.

Gapet mellan en ledares självuppfattning och medarbetarnas uppfattningar

Leadership is about synchronizing people into doing actions together to reach a common goal. To be able to do such thing you have to be a good leader. A mutual feature between good leaders is a good self awareness in order to be able to lead others. By letting others evaluate the features of a leader it can give a good self image of the leaders? leadership.

Fallet Linné : Påverkan av motivation och arbetsglädje i anslutning till organisationsförändringar

This empirical study aims to determine whether Linnaeus University's formation in 2010 and subsequent reorganization has affected the employees' perceived motivation and job satisfaction.A combined approach was used in which both quantitative and qualitative questions were asked in the survey form. 101 survey responses is the basis for the analysis and these have been associated with SDT-theory in order to draw further conclusions.The study shows that among the respondents, there is a frustration that is possibly related to the two organizational changes. They feel that they have lost confidence in management as a result of not being part of decision making. The study also conveys a very fragmented picture, members of the organization perceive that they have very different possibilities to peform well, participate and have clear goals to work towards..

Mot en ny (kr)istid? : En studie om hur svenska förvaltningsmyndigheter arbetar för att utveckla en proaktiv krishantering

Det a?r inte la?ngre en fra?ga om huruvida en organisation kommer att drabbas av en kris, utan det a?r snarare fra?gan om na?r. Det har skett en utveckling inom diskursen fo?r kriskommunikation. Fokus ligger nu vid hur organisationer fo?rebygger och fo?rbereder fo?r dessa extraordina?ra ha?ndelser snarare a?n att reagera na?r krisen va?l har intra?ffat.Denna studie syftar till att vidga diskursen inom krishantering i en svensk kontext genom att underso?ka svenska myndigheter och deras fo?rma?ga att vara proaktiva na?r det ga?ller krishantering, det vill sa?ga arbeta redan fo?re en kris.

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