18669 Uppsatser om Information services - Sida 63 av 1245
Screening, intuition och erfarenhet; Nordiska barnavårdscentraler, mödravårdscentraler och gynekologimottagningars arbete med att identifiera och hjälpa kvinnor och barn som utsätts för våld i en nära relation. En litteraturbaserad studie.
Introduction: Domestic violence is a big public health problem and the hiddennumbers over victims are big. There is a lack of scientific research in the Nordiccountries when it comes to how the health- and medical care identify and care for thevictims of domestic violence. Aim: This literature review has two aims: To investigatewhat kind of methods maternal health services, child health services and gynecologyclinics in the Nordic countries use to discover women and children exposed to domesticviolence and to investigate if there are any guidelines to go by when a victim ofdomestic violence is identified. Method: A literature review. 12 articles were found inPubMed, Scopus and Cinahl and three more were included after a manual search.
Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet : En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stad
Titel: Internprissättning inom offentlig verksamhet - En studie om Konsult och Service i Västerås stadProblem: Konsult och Service är en serviceförvaltning som tillhandahåller stödtjänster till kommunens förvaltningar. I dagsläget genomför de en förändring av sitt interna IT-pris. De forskningsfrågor vi ställer oss är:Vad använder Konsult och Service för internprissystem och varför detta system?Anser Konsult och Service att internprissättningen har medfört minskat resursslöseri?Ger internprissättningen en rättvis kostnadsfördelning, enligt Konsult och Service?Varför och hur förändrar Konsult och Service sitt interna IT-pris? Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att studera Konsult och Services internprissättning och den eventuella förmågan att minska resursslöseri och skapa en rättvis kostnadsfördelning med internprissättning. Syftet är även att beskriva den pågående förändringen av Konsult och Services interna IT-pris.Metod: En kvalitativ fallstudie har genomförts som bygger på sekundärdata samt intervjuer med tre personer som vi anser har bra kunskaper om internprissättning.Resultat och Slutsats: Konsult och Service använder sig av självkostnad, för att prissätta den interna handeln mellan kommunens enheter.
Behovet av normalisering av avvikande ungdomar: en kvalitativ studie om eftervård
The society has always tried to get rid of those who do not "fit in". They doesn't follow the normal behaviour and rules and have to be "dismissed". The community has developed different kinds of institutional care for individuals with dysfunctional behaviour. Those institutions are mental hospitals and prisons. Many of these institutions put the individuals in an extreme situation since they loses their independence and freedom.
Man behöver inte vara officiellt deprimerad Om biblioterapi som biblioteksverksamhet, med Kirklees i England som exempel
The purpose of this thesis is to examine if and how bibliotherapy can be part of ordinary work in Swedish libraries. Questions: what is bibliotherapy and who can work with it? What are the conditions required? What does it mean to people taking part and to libraries? In this study bibliotherapy is delimited to fiction and activities including discussions, excluded are self-help books and the individuals private reading. The study is based on four qualitative interviews with librarian and bibliotherapists in Kirklees, England, partaking in nine bibliotherapeutic sessions and a literary survey, together forming a case-study. Conclusions: There is not a single answer to the question what bibliotherapy is, but if one puts stress on the biblio- part of the word, seeing reading as a normal activity it can be part of library work, whereas the therapy- part should be dealt with by professionals outside libraries.
Ger systematiskt kvalitetsarbete bättre resultat i årskurs 9? : En studie av två skolor som fått kvalitetsutmärkelsen Bättre Skola
The management of information is a significant competitiveness in companies. Companies stored and save information every day, and it is very common to save de information in different sources. This makes de management of information complex. To mange, monitor and analyze the information, companies can use a system called Business Intelligence. BI system is an analytical system that extracts and converts data into useful information that helps employees to make informed decisions.
Patienters upplevelser av information inför en koloskopiundersökning
Patientinformation är en viktig del i sjuksköterskans dagliga arbete. Det är av betydelse att ge lämplig och förståelig information inför en undersökning, allt för att få en lugn och förberedd patient. Det är viktigt att kunna anpassa informationen till varje patients behov. Syftet var att lyfta fram patienters upplevelser av information av vårdpersonal inför en koloskopiundersökning. Frågeställningar; Hur upplever patienten informationen som ges innan en koloskopiundersökning? Vad önskar patienten att få för information innan en koloskopiundersökning? Metoden utgick ifrån analys av materialet med en fenomenografisk ansats för att ta reda på skilda upplevelser av ett fenomen.
Information Audit inom Svenskt Näringsliv : en fallstudie av hur organisationen Svenskt Näringsliv hanterar sina informationsresurser
Today every organization is committed to some kind of environmental scanning in order to get necessary knowledge of the world around them. The acquisition, organization and storage of information in combination with a strategic use, is today an important factor for a successful organisation in any sector of our society.In this Master thesis I have studied how an organisation such as The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) handles its information resources. I have also looked at the flow of information within the organization. The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise is Sweden?s largest business federation representing 50 member organizations and 55 000 member companies.
Hur nya företag skapar konkurrensfördelar på marknaden för fordonsbesiktning
The Swedish market for vehicle inspection is re-regulated since June 2010. More than four years after the re-regulation there are eight companies in the market. Two of these companies are a result of the former monopolist's owners divided the business among themselves. The remaining six companies have entered the market through acquisitions or by building up their business from scratch, these are known as new entrants in the study. The competition has developed slowly and the former monopolist still has the highest market share.
Användarspridd reklam på Facebook : En kvalitativ studie om hur användarspridd information på Facebook uppfattas av användarna
In this Bachelor?s essay we discuss whether eWOM (electronic word-of-mouth) is perceived as advertisement or as normal information, which is not influenced by any company, on the platform Facebook. The information which we were interested in is the one spread by normal users, and user?s perception of it. To find our results we have conducted a study in which we have used the method interview, which gives qualitative results.
Aktörer, nätverk & information : Om informationsförmedling i det akademiska biblioteket
This study focuses on the encounter between the academic librarian and the academic library user with a specific need for information. The aim of the study is to examine the process of mediation of information and to uncover any inherent problems or systemic inertia that may occur within that process.Special attention has been given to information-seeking behaviour in the digital age and the possibility of viewing information literacy as a meta-literacy. The difference between the surface web and the academic invis- ible web is also investigated. Empirical data was collected by the use of ethnographic fieldwork at the Karolin- ska Institutet University Library over a period of five weeks. The data is analysed using actor-network theory as a point of departure.
En analys av TPL-företag och deras samarbete med kunder
AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to analyze TPL companies, and their collaboration with their customers from a TPL perspective. The paper intends to get a bigger understanding of their collaboration, advantages/disadvantages and how the collaboration can be improved. The foundation for the paper is obtained through questions that have been created from the chosen theories about supply chain, third part logistic (TPL) and lean production. We have had open interviews with five different conveyers where we have had our questions prepared and during the interviews asked new questions to get more distinct answers. When we subsequently analyzed the empirical material and by chosen theories we have been able to confirm that the collaboration between the TPL companies and their customers is more of a partnership character.
Att organisera kunskap på ett företag : en fallstudie vid Ecophon AB:s utvecklingsavdelningar
Organising knowledge in a corporate environment : a case study at the development departments of Ecophon ABThe purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate how three development departments of a technical firm could organise their collection of documents and information resources to improve their management of information. Three sets of questions have been posed: 1) How does the target group of engineers deal with information, and what problems can be identified in this process? 2) What does their collection of resources consist of, how is it organised, and what problems are apparent? 3) How can principles of knowledge organisation be applied in a corporate environment?The investigation has been carried out as a case study. Three main methods of collecting empirical data have been used: surveys, unstructured interviews and collection observations. The results of the study have highlighted three major problem areas: the collection's lack of structure and searchability, the absence of policy regarding how employers should deal with information, and the inadequate knowledge among staff on how to search for, use and disseminate information.By looking at previous research on knowledge organisation, we have been able to draw conclusions regarding how the target group could organise and manage its information and knowledge in order to achieve greater efficiency in dealing with information and carrying out work tasks.
Den mångskiftande mångkulturalismen : En kritisk diskursanalys av mångkulturalism i bibliotekskontext utifrån ett intersektionellt etnicitetsperspektiv
The purpose of this thesis in Library and Information Science (LIS) is to examine concepts related to multiculturalism in Sweden. It aims to look beyond the rhetorical construction of these concepts, in an attempt to clarify the actual purpose of commonly emphasizing the importance of mulicultural library services. Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis (CDA) as well as theories on ethnicity and intersectionality constitute the theoretical frame. The material consists of selected anthologies, handbooks and articles in Biblioteksbladet from 1974?2014, as well as a small case study.
Personalens upplevelse av informationsspridning inom en organisation
Ett problem för dagens organisationer är hur information sprids och vem som tar del av denna information. Detta informationsöverflöd innebär att den information som sprids inom en organisation måste ha mening, syfte och vara av relevans för personalen och för att kunna begränsa informationsmängden måste personalens upplevelse av informationen tas i beaktande. Studien har genomförts med teorier om informationsspridning och kunskapsutbyte. Inriktningen på arbetet har varit mellan ansvarig chef och anställda inom en organisation. Den informationsspridning som sker inom den undersökta organisationen är i grupp, individuella träffar samt virtuella forum.
Informationskompetens: En undersökning om högstadielärares och skolbibliotekariers uppfattningar
The aim of this study is to examine how teachers and school librarians view the concept of information literacy in relation to their students, and to find factors that affect their undertakings to make their students information literate. In order to accomplish this, qualitative interviews have been carried out with teachers and school librarians at four Swedish junior high schools. The theoretical framework of this study is the seven faces of information literacy developed by Christine Bruce. The empirical material has been analysed firstly by finding themes that are of importance for the work with information literacy, and secondly by placing the interviewees? commentaries on information literacy in Bruce´s seven faces of information literacy.