

9410 Uppsatser om Human resource management (HRM) - Sida 26 av 628

Vänner med förmåner : positiva effekter av interaktion mellan människa-hund

The aim of this review was to examine scientific literature to determine what kind of physiological and psychological benefits derive from human-dog interaction, as well as attempt to uncover a possible mechanism behind these benefits and whether or not they are mutually beneficial. A growing body of research indicates there are physiological and psychological benefits associated with human-dog interaction. Significant cardiovascular benefits have been linked with human-dog interaction, as have lowered blood pressure, cortisol and heart rate. Interaction with dogs is often associated with a feeling of social support and well-being, and dogs also seem to facilitate social interaction between people. Dogs? ability to buffer and reduce stress is also well documented. A strong indication was found regarding a relationship between physical contact and benefits associated with human-dog interaction.

Auditsystem - intressenter och medvärden

This report aims to identify and categorize suitable audit users and furthermore establish with values these users experience. The aim of the report has been fulfilled by analyzing interviews carried out with several companies using audits as a part of their risk management process. In addition to this, theories concerning management have been studied..

"Vi ska gå bra och må bra"

Working with health-management has become something most organizations would describe as essential for being legitimate today. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how this subject is handled in an existing company and how this work is percieved by the employees in the organization. Due to the fact that limited research has been conducted on this issue, we see this thesis as a potential for increasing the understanding of how health management is articulated in practice. Our results show that health management in our studied organization is far reaching in comparison with most organizations, but has room for improvement according to the Integral Theory. The consequence of differences in perceptions between management and employees could result in that health management does not become an integral part of the company and its daily operations to the potential extent..

Staters förhållningssätt till Human Security i teori och praktik : En jämförande fallstudie om kriterierna för verkställighetshinder till Syrien hos Sveriges och Norges migrationsverk

Den här uppsatsen handlar om staters förhållningssätt till human security i teori och praktik. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka om den kanadensiska definitionen av human security används som referensobjekt i policydokument från Norges och Sveriges nuvarande regeringar samt hos ländernas kriterier för verkställighetshinder av syriska medborgare. Uppsatsens metod är en jämförande fallstudie där verkställighetshinder och utvalda policydokument utgör analysenheterna. För att analysera dokument och ställningstaganden används kvalitativ textanalys.Fallstudien visar att båda länderna ser sig själva som föregångsländer inom human security, bland annat genom skapandet av strategier och handlingsplaner. Vidare visar studien att migrationsverken har olika tillvägagångsätt för verkställighetshinder till Syrien.

Belöningssystem som motivationsfaktor : - En studie om lågkonjunkturens inverkan på belöningssystem och dess effekter på bankpersonal i Umeå.

Problemformulering: Hur påverkas och anpassas bankernas belöningsstrategi till deutmaningar och svårigheter som uppstår i samband med enlågkonjunktur, och vilka effekter har bankernasbelöningsstrategi på medarbetarnas motivation och prestation?Teoretisk referensram: Studiens teoriavsnitt innehåller teorier inom områdena; Ledning, Strategi och Personal. Kapitlet inleds med teorierinom Human resource management (HRM), vilket kandefinieras som ett strategiskt synsätt för att hanteraarbetsrelationer, inom vilket belöningssystemen spelar en roll.Vidare behandlar vi teorier kring motivation och olikamotivationsfaktorer, ledarskap i en kris och internkommunikation och knyter an dessa till den insamladeempirin.Metod: Denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ metod med kvantitativainslag, vilket beror på att vi i denna undersökning valt attinkludera både ledning och medarbetarnas uppfattning ombelöningssystemet och dess effekter i en lågkonjunktur. Vi hargenomfört intervjuer med personalchefer på tre olika banker i Umeå, vilka representerar ledarskapssidan. Dessa intervjuerkompletteras av enkäter till medarbetarna på de olikabankerna, vilka alltså representerar medarbetarsidan.Slutsatser: De slutsatser vi kunnat dra med hjälp av denna studie är att detinte är belöningarna och motivationsfaktorerna i sig som varitden avgörande faktorn för medarbetarnas motivation ochbankernas förmåga att hantera och ta sig genom krisen på ettbra sätt.

Dataspel, en naturlig del av folkbibliotek? ? En fallstudie på Helsingborgs stadsbibliotek

This paper aims to investigate how Helsingborg?s city library?s visi-tors feel about computer games being available for lending and in which way computer gamers see Helsingborg?s city library as a resource. This was examined first with a study of 100 of the library?s visitors and then with five interviews with computer gamers and an interview with the librarian responsible for purchasing games.The study showed that most visitors were neutral to having games at the library and of the ones that were not neutral many more were positive than negative. Of the five gamers who were inter-viewed, there were several who had borrowed games in the past.

Metodutveckling av självskattningsformulär för prestationsmätning av flygledare innan skiftstart

This paper was part of the ongoing cooperation between the Swedish Civil Aviation Authority and the Department of Psychology at Lund University. The purpose of this study was to develop a self-report measure regarding human factors, for the air traffic controllers to fill out before they start their working shift. This in order to aid the team leaders in their judgment regarding the air traffic controller's ability to perform at the right safety level. The self-report measure would also serve as an aid for the air traffic controllers who have a responsibility regarding their own performance. If successful this self-report measure would make it easier for the air traffic controllers to be alert regarding certain factors that can have a large impact on their performance.

Mission och mänskliga rättigheter : Svenska Missionsförbundets missionsverksamhet i Kongo-Brazzaville 1909-1961 ur ett ma?nniskora?ttsperspektiv

This paper?s purpose is to examine a Swedish missionary activity from a human rights perspective. As a scope I have chosen the Swedish evangelical mission to Congo-Brazzaville, from its establishment in 1909 to the congolese church's self-determination in 1961. I consider certain elements of the missionary activity that affect human rights, to discover wether the activity was in order with modern day human rights standards or not. During these years, Congo was part of the French colony Equatorial Africa, so the missionaries? part in the colonial discourse is taken into consideration.

Papperskorgen eller sändning? : En studie av nyhetsvärdering och nyhetsurval i två regionala kanaler

Human Resources (en benämning för personalarbetet) är ett yrke som idag blir allt populärare. Trots detta visar statistik att en majoritet av kvinnor både studerar och arbetar med personalfrågor. Studien har därför som syfte att undersöka varför Human Resources branschen har en ojämn könsfördelning. Detta görs genom en historisk inblick i branschens utveckling i relation till samhällets förändringar, där en analys av texter ger en bild av dagens personalarbete. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna består dels av socialkonstruktivism och dels av begreppen mjuk och hård Human Resources Management.

Landskapsplan för Tosthult : en småskalig studie och skötselplan

The aim of this dissertation is the production of a landscape management document to protect and improve elements of biological, cultural and economic value found within the site at Tosthult. The study involves both analysis of the current grazing regime, comparison of today?s flora with flora collected in the fifties and a SWOT analysis of inhabitants? views on Tosthult?s landscape and neighbourhood. The resultant landscape management document applies to an area over 134 ha and is valid for thirty years. The proposal contains 26 separate management units, each with necessary information on the area, definition of management goals and the mix of management procedures to undertake.

Verksamhetsstyrning i grundskolan - En väg till goda förutsättningar för inlärning

This study investigates how performance management in primary schools can facilitate learning, relating to theories of efficient schools. This is done through a qualitative study of the performance management systems in two public primary schools in Sweden. The schools selected were similar in all major aspects, except pupil grades, where there was a clear difference between the schools. The analysis revealed differences in how the schools handled the process of management by objectives, the professional development of teachers as well as routines, rules, and policies. We conclude that having a rooted process for management by objectives, professional development of teachers, and clearly formalized values, gives a school a good foundation to support a pupil's learning and development..

Examining the social component of sustainable forest management in Prince Albert and Vilhelmina Model Forests

Due to the forest industry downsizing, many communities in rural forest regions in Canada and Sweden are facing problems to survive. In order to create community sustainability, resilience and well-being in remote forest regions, the view on the forest resources has shifted towards multiple use, through the concept of sustainable forest management (SFM). Beside the economic and ecological elements of sustainability, the social forest values are needed, contributing to the human well-being, local participation, stakeholder collaboration, human rights and cultural connection. In this thesis the embodiment of the social component of SFM within Prince Albert Model Forest (Canada), and Vilhelmina Model Forest (Sweden) will be examined. Being partners and facing similar challenges as rural boreal forest regions, the two model forests are compared through analysis of projects and activities, conducted interviews and organization documents. Looking at projects mentioned as successful by the interviewees, they all have elements from the social values of SFM. The direction can be explained by the introduction of the Forest Communities Program in Canada, demanding the Model Forests to work towards community stability and resilience, the Model Forest organization concept itself and the way global focus are increasing around social forest values. In the future, it may be important that the role of the MFs enable some kind of political authorization and legitimacy in order to improve conflict solving and indigenous rights equality.

Nyttan av kurserna på naturbruksprogrammets djurvårdsinriktning

The aim of this study is to find out if the former students think that they have made use of the courses they have taken at the Natural Resource Use Programme specialised in Animal Husbandry at Lillerudsgymnasiet or if the courses should be exchanged. In the study it is assumed that a course can be useful professionally, for further studies and in private life.The main questions are: Have the former students made use of the courses they took at the Natural Resource Use Programme specialised in Animal Husbandry at Lillerudsgymnasiet? Was it the right decision to replace the course Horses?I have sent a questionnaire to all the students who graduated between 2003 and 2007. Out of 107 questionnaires I received 66 replies (62 %). All students have studied the same mandatory courses but different eligible courses.


Personer som arbetar med human resource (HR) har ett samarbete med cheferna i organisationen. Föreliggande studie är kvalitativ, där personer som arbetar med HR beskriver bra ledarskap och hur de verkar för bra ledarskap inom organisationen, vilket även var studiens syfte att undersöka. Resultatet baserades på halvstrukturerade djupintervjuer med sex HR-personer. Resultaten tolkades genom en kombination av deduktiv och induktiv tematisk analys. Studien resulterade i åtta teman gällande beskrivning av bra ledarskap, vilka i diskussionen strukturerades upp till tre faktorer; personlig mognad, social kompetens och chefsförmåga.

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