

2924 Uppsatser om Control - Sida 6 av 195

Förändring av styrning inom en offentlig stödverksamhet: En studie över hur styrningen förändras inom en offentlig serviceenhet påverkas av en privatisering

The purpose of this study is to perform an in-depth analysis of what effects a privatization of a service organization has on the management Control system within the organization. The paper studies a service organization which provides service for the county council in Östergötland, Sweden. The result is based on interviews with several people, both within the acquiring private company and also within the county council in Östergötland, and analyzed using Samuelson?s (2005) framework from his study ?Organizational, Governance and Control ?. The major finding in the thesis is that the factors that have had the largest impact on the changes in management Control are the new owner demands and the degree of operationalization of the overall goal..

Barn och smartphones - En studie av föräldrars attityder kring integritetsaspekten när det gäller barn och smartphones

The purpose of this essay was to sort out parents attitudes concerning children and their use of smartphones, primarily in regards to the integrity-aspect. I have studied if parents believe that their children should have smartphones, if they want to Control their use, how they want to Control their use and what implications this might have. I've chosen two methods for my research, one quantitative, online questionnaires, and one qualitative, semi-structured interviews. My base has been previous research in the area, to the extent it existed. My findings suggest that parents, on the whole, are positive to letting their children use smartphones but that they?d like some sort of Control over their use.

Internal Control - Efficiency in the Audit Process

The purpose of this research is to examine the implications of the provisions in the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) concerning auditor attestation of the internal Control report. We will focus on how the auditors? augmented responsibilities will affect the efficiency in the audit process.Our research indicates that the main benefit from reviewing the internal Control report is achieving more reliable internal Controls, which results in greater prevention of misstatements in the financial statements. This will affect the efficiency in the audit process since the auditor can place more reliance on internal Controls when performing audit procedures. This implies that the benefits of preventing misstatements could outweigh the efforts and resources spent on reviewing the internal Control report..

Att inte såga av den gren man sitter på : En studie av styrning i interorganisatoriska samarbeten

Background: Despite the time and money invested in relationships with other companies, it is a fact that many of them fail. Considering this, remarkably little research has been done regarding how inter-organisational relationships are Controlled, given that Control can function as a solution to the problems involved with collaboration, which arise since such a relation exists in the interface between organisational boundaries, where the companies? often conflicting interests and points of view meet. If one part is stronger than the other in a relationship, the weaker however tends to give way for the stronger?s will.

Kontrollerad verksamhet? Vilka faktorer påverkar utformningen av intern kontroll i kommunal verksamhet?

The purpose of this essay is to examine which factors that influence the design of internal Control in municipal context and how well it works. We choose seven municipals, where we interviewed the administrative managers, the chairmen of the committees and two persons of the staff in each activity unit. The interviews were performed by telephone, due to the keeping of the essay?s timeframe.The theory in our essay comprises eight hypotheses. These hypotheses were operationalised into different variables aiming to make statistical tests possible.

Att lösa reglertekniska problem med Modelica

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and present the oportunities of solvingControl problems using Modelica. This is done by creating some demonstrationexamples with exercises. These examples should cover as many types of Controlproblems as possible. The exercises are aimed for people with basic knowledgein modeling and automatic Control engineering but with little or no knowledgein Modelica. There are different types of Modelica implementations and the onesused in this thesis are OpenModelica and MathModelica..

Interorganisatoriska relationer i filmbranschen: En fallstudie i samproduktioners påverkan på svenska

This paper investigates and explains the existence of different governance structures in the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of transaction cost economics, it is shown that trust follows from frequent production projects, affecting the distributors? Control of producers, cinemas, video retailers and television. Control becomes more flexible, informal and less time consuming. Furthermore, the Control of the distributors? relationship with television and cinemas proves to be multidimensional and affected by transaction activities, as well as by demands from previous parties in the value chain.

"Vi kunde ha varit bättre..." : En fallstudie om internkontroll i Sverige

???This study has been made with the purpose of gaining an understanding of how a Swedish company may think and act concerning their internal Control. An American body, COSO, have for some time published documents containing guidelines for how companies should go about this process, however, when conducting this study we were not aware of the extent to which companies in Europe and mainly Sweden used them. In order to learn about this, and also to gain an understanding of when these guidelines are appropriate, we conducted a case study with a large-sized, multinational Swedish company. We also conducted an interview with an expert in internal Control monitoring, Anna-Clara af Ekenstam of Pricewaterhouse Coopers, in order to get the perspective of the evaluators in this process and to gain some insight as to whether our case is typical in Sweden or not. We found that our company disregards certain aspects of internal Control condoned by COSO, while performing better on other dimensions.

Den moderna flerenhetsfranchisetagaren: En studie i utformandet av kontrollsystem hos växande franchisetagare

Franchise theorists have to a large extent failed to keep up with the actual development in global franchise chains. The recent emergence of fast growing multi-unit-franchisees has fundamentally been ignored, and it has been claimed that the new phenomenon can be regarded as a mere replication of the franchisors? structure and Control system into sub hierarchies. This study however, suggests that the reality is more complex. Through conducting case studies of two Nordic multi-unit-franchisees, new theories are built explaining how and why Control systems are designed the way they are.

Struktur och styrning med balanced scorecard som styrverktyg : En studie inom Västra Götalandsregionen

BackgroundThere are different organizational structures and Control and it has been proved difficult to find a combination between these that leads to goal congruence and improved efficiency. An organization can be structured according to hierarchical levels and the decision making can be either centralized or decentralized. Organizational Control can be classified according to the amount of rules and balanced scorecard can be used to weld together the structure with the Control.PurposeThe purpose is to create an understanding of how two types of structures and Control in an organization appears and also to investigate how these differ from one another concerning the balanced scorecard as a Control system. We will also investigate how the variables goal congruence and efficiency are affected by the implementation of the balanced scorecard.MethodTo answer the purpose of this thesis we have mainly used the qualitative method since we have studied two organizations thoroughly through interviews on different levels of the organization. The study also has some quantitative elements since we wanted to get a more truthful picture of the organizations.


An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor ?. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab Control and Medinor Control.


This report describes the design and construction of a prototype that automatically aims a microwave link towards a target. The link, that is located on a mobile aerial mast, is used by Saab Training Systems as a part of an infrastructure network. The report also discusses the development of a GUI that communicates with the Control unit by Bluetooth.The Control unit, called Pan/Tilt-Controller, Controls the position of the link by stepping motors. One motor Controls the azimuth angle and the other one Controls the elevation angle.By a GUI the operator enters the coordinates on its own position and the targets position. Hereafter a bearing is calculated and it will be sent up to the Control unit.The Control unit will sense its own direction by a magnetic sensor that works as an electronic compass.

Att balansera Management Control Systems - En fallstudie av ett litet svenskt IT-företag

This thesis studies the concept of balance in the management Control systems (MCS) of a small Swedish company within the IT-sector. The aim is to evaluate the importance of balance and dynamics in MCS and investigate which factors affect them. The frameworks used are Simons (1994) four levers of Control, and the five-factor model for balance and dynamics by Mundy (2010). The small IT company - the object of the case study - has grown extensively in the last years and needs to develop more formal MCS without losing efficiency and creativity in their fast-moving industry. The case study reveals that balancing MCS is important also in smaller companies with less formal MCS.

Personlighet och konflikt - En studie om chefers personlighet, konfliktstil och Locus of control

Studiens syfte var att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i personlighet och val av konfliktstil beroende av vilken placering respondenterna hade i syskonskaran samt om Locus of Control skiljde sig mellan olika åldersgrupper. Samband mellan chefers konfliktstil och personlighet undersöktes också. De 103 respondenterna som var mellan 25-75 år, 63% män och 37% kvinnor, besvarade en enkät som bestod av demografiska frågoroch arbetsrelaterade frågor om chefskap. Tre test användes; ett personlighetstest, RottersLocus of Control och Thomas-Kihlman?s konfliktstiltest.

Skiftarbetets påverkan på den upplevda stressen : - en undersökning inom vården

AbstractThe purpose with this study was to get knowledge if there are any possible differences in, and correlation between, experienced stress, experienced demands, experienced Control and experienced social support in correlation to shiftwork.The study was made at two central hospitals in south of Sweden and had 90 participants (78 women and 12 men) that answered a questionnaire in the current variables. The result in experienced stress showed that there were no differences between shift workers. The results showed a difference between the day- and the nightshift in the correlation between Control and stress. The writers speculates that the reason why the nightshift experience high stressvalues with high Control can depend on the lack of presence by higher managers, compared with the dayshift. .

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