
Barn och smartphones - En studie av föräldrars attityder kring integritetsaspekten när det gäller barn och smartphones

The purpose of this essay was to sort out parents attitudes concerning children and their use of smartphones, primarily in regards to the integrity-aspect. I have studied if parents believe that their children should have smartphones, if they want to control their use, how they want to control their use and what implications this might have. I've chosen two methods for my research, one quantitative, online questionnaires, and one qualitative, semi-structured interviews. My base has been previous research in the area, to the extent it existed. My findings suggest that parents, on the whole, are positive to letting their children use smartphones but that they?d like some sort of control over their use. That the parents need for control has to be weighed against the children's need for privacy and freedom. That parents with younger children to a larger extent feel the need for monitoring than those with older and that there are some possible functions that parents believe to be crossing the line and violates the children's privacy.


Oskar Wennersten

Lärosäte och institution

IT-universitetet i Göteborg/Tillämpad informationsteknologi


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