2924 Uppsatser om Control - Sida 5 av 195
Konkurrensens och marknadstypens påverkan vid utformning av styrmedel
The purpose with this study is that examine if the contingency factors as sort
of market and competition can affect the companies, which means of Control they
Inkongruenta styrmodeller: En fallstudie av reparation och underhåll i ett industriföretag
In theory, the management Control of maintenance functions is described as problematic due to the nature of the work performed in the unit. The purpose of this thesis is to examine these predicted problems in practice. Further,the thesis aims at identifying how these Control problems may affect the relationships between the maintenance department and its internal customers. A case study has been conducted in one of Sweden?s largest industrial companies to investigate the said Control problems in practice.
Effekten av klimatförändringar påkontrollbehovet av åkerogräs
With a changing climate, we can expect higher temperatures and more precipitation in Sweden.As the temperature increases, new weed species are expected to migrate in from more southerlylatitudes, resulting in requests for new techniques for weed Control. In addition, we might see agreater number of weed species and higher biomass production due to increased concentrationof CO2 in the atmosphere.Increased understanding of the biology of specific weed species will become more importantin future weed Control. This will help to Control the weeds more efficiently. Higher prices onpesticides and a public demand for reduced use of pesticides make growers more inclined to usemechanical weed Control on a larger scale and to a greater extent prevent weed establishmentbefore sowing. A well-planned crop rotation is the most important preventive measure, whichmight also include delayed sowing, and dark harrowing and sowing.Research takes place on many levels within the weed area and several alternative methodsare being developed.
Att styra och att genomsyra - en fallstudie av hur The Body Shop använder organisatorisk styrning för att hantera sin höga varumärkesrisk
By the year of 2007, 97 % of all listed companies in Europe had a CSR strategy described on their website. As the concept of CSR during the last decades has increased rapidly in popularity, a need to understand how such a strategy can be implemented has followed. While working with CSR in an integrated manner shows similarities to other popular management ideas, such as Lean and TQM, companies applying to a CSR strategy has been shown to be under higher scrutiny from media and NGO:s. Through a case study this thesis examines how these special circumstances of a CSR strategy makes The Body Shop use organizational Control to avoid being subject to scandals due to not fulfilling the promises made to its customers. The results show that The Body Shop's commitment to CSR creates a need for a stringent bureaucratic Control system that highly restricts the freedom of action for its employees.
Slack på mellanchefsnivå : Ger budgetstramhet och budgetdelaktighet önskade effekter på slack?
The function of budgetary Controls is to Control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and Control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary Control function is used to measure and Control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary Control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary Control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Modellbaserad drivlinereglering
A cars powertrain consists of everything that is needed for its propulsion. The components in the driveline that transfer the power from the engine to the driven wheels are not absolutely stiff, hence they will wind up due to the torque and act as torsion springs. If you suddenly demand a bigger torque by stepping on the accelerator pedal, a so called tip in manoeuvre, and that torque is acquired from the engine as quickly as possible, the driveline will not be able to transfer that fast torque change due to its weakness and as a result it will start to oscillate. These oscillations will be transferred to the driven wheels and make the car to accelerate jerkily which will be experienced as uncomfortable by the passengers. Furthermore, there is a backlash in the driveline that will make the weakness in the driveline even more excited than it should have been if the backlash did not existed.To avoid too big problems with these oscillations there is a Control system that Controls the demanded torque.
Studie samt reglering av luft- och massflöde för en barkpanna
This report treats two assignments that concerns the biofuel furnace at Billerud Skärblacka AB and how these assignments were solved. The assignments were: reducing the number of CO-spikes and tuning the overfire air Control loop. To reduce the number of CO-spikes the possibility that skewness in mass distribution affects the number of CO-spikes were study. The skewnwss of mass distribution was Controled and adjusted with two experiments. The conclusion that was made is that the skewness of mass distribution were not sufficient enough to affect the number of CO-spikes.
Åkertistel : biologi och icke-kemisk bekämpning
A growing problem in Swedish herbicide free agriculture, the Canadian thistle has been the object of several new trials, seeking methods for non-chemical weed Control. The new trials have mainly confirmed earlier experiences; that the most successful methods of Control are springtime ploughing, repeated cutting and competition from a stout crop. Row hoeing has also been proven effective. As opposed to earlier recommendations, half season fallow has shown to be a risky and often ineffective method of Control. Trials regarding biological methods have shown that above others thistle rust (Puccinia punctiformis) may have the potential of Controlling Canadian thistle the future.
Informativiteten kring finansiella instrument : En studie om hur informativt företag framställer sina instrument i årsredovisningen
The function of budgetary Controls is to Control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and Control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary Control function is used to measure and Control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary Control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary Control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Miljonprogrammets omfattande upprustningsbehov : Vem tar räkningen?
The function of budgetary Controls is to Control the resource allocation within companies. It can also be an instrument for measure and Control subordinates and/or business units? performance (Van der Stede 2001). This paper concerns the latter; when the budgetary Control function is used to measure and Control subordinates performance based on budget. Previous research in this area has not yet accomplished to explain the effects of tight budgetary Control which Hartman (2000) considers as the main issue to be concerned about in management accounting research.Previous research has presented contradictory findings regarding tight budgetary Control explained by positive effects as well as negative effects during the last decades.
Sambandet mellan kontroll i arbetet, psykologisk flexibilitet och välmående
The work organization variable Control and the individual characteristic psychological flexibility are two concepts that affect employees? well-being at work.This cross-sectional study examined the extent to which these variables correlated with burnout, mental health and job satisfaction among homecare workers in Sweden (N=68). As hypothesized, results showed that both Control and psychological flexibility were associated with burnout and job satisfaction. Findings also showed that psychological flexibility was associated with mental health. Moreover, the results indicated that there is an interaction effect between Control and psychological flexibility in relation to these variables.
Design och implementering av styrlagar för generisk flygplansmodell
For research purposes Saab has developed a generic mathematical model denoted VEGAS of an aircraft with a configuration similar to JAS 39 Gripen. Today parts of Gripen backup Control system are used also for VEGAS making the system subject to both corporate and defense secrecy. The main objective of this master thesis is to design, verify and implement public pitch axis flight Control system for VEGAS. Furthermore, simplifications regarding the design process is to be examined. Design of pitch axis flight Control system for the entire flight envelope has been carried out.
Private equity företagens styrning av sina portföljbolag.: Två fallstudier av relationen mellan private equity företag och portföljbolag.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyze the characteristics of the management Control system private equity firms use to manage their portfolio companies. The thesis takes a share holder value perspective, and it is assumed that the goal of the management Control system is to increase the shareholder value in the portfolio company. In a qualitative study two private equity firms and two portfolio companies, one for each private equity firm, were studied in detail. In total, nine in debt interviews were completed. The results from this study suggest that the characteristics of the Control system are dependent on the surrounding context; the focus on shareholder value and the specific characteristics of the private equity industry shape the characteristics of the management Control system.
Styrning Mot Högre Motivation: En fallstudie av ICA Kvantum Flygfyren
The aim of this paper is to examine how the design of management Control in a retail trade company affects motivation among its employees. Our purpose is to identify what actions create motivation and how management can benefit by developing and promoting such activity from its high-performing employees. Motivated personnel have become increasingly important in companies today, and companies are increasingly reliant on individual employees? capabilities. The study covers all parts of the management Control system, to see how these align to create goal congruence in an organizational context.
Karriärcoaching och dess påverkan på den prestationsbaserade självkänslan.
Karriärcoaching är en tjänst som ökat kraftigt på den svenska marknaden. Tidigare studier inom området har visat att en stark självkänsla stärker en persons hälsa och underlättar för denne att hantera problem. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om karriärcoaching har någon påverkan på prestationsbaserad självkänsla, känslan av kontroll (Locus of Control) samt självbemästring av tankar och känslor (Self-Efficacy). Genom en enkätundersökning har en grupp som genomfört karriärcoaching jämförts med en kontrollgrupp som ej genomfört karriärcoaching. Ett oberoende t-test gav en signifikant skillnad i Locus of Control (p<.05).