2924 Uppsatser om Control - Sida 7 av 195
Diagnostikmetoder för ångreglerventil med servomotor
In this bachelor thesis, diagnostic methods for one of Siemens stem inlet Control valves have been developed. The work has taken place during ten weeks at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery AB in Finspång. The company produce steam- and gas turbines and also provides service and maintenance. The purpose with this project has been to develop diagnostic methods that oversee the health of the Control valves. By using the developed methods you will know when it?s time for maintenance.
Effektiv prestationsmätning : en studie av prestationsmätning i kund-leverantörsrelationer
Background: Performance measurement as a management Control tool has received considerable academic attention. As the number of inter-organisational relationships, such as customer-supplier relationships, increases, there is a new scope for performance measurement as a management Control tool. In order for a company to assess the effectiveness of its supplier relationships it has to define, measure and evaluate variables that are critical for the success of the relationship. The role of management Control, and thereby of performance measurement, has increasingly been discussed in theory. However, empirical research in this area is still somewhat limited.
Ekonomistyrningens påverkan på MRP-implementering: en fallstudie av ASSA AB
The implementation of a material requirements planning system is a complex and demanding task. There has been much research into what factors are important in such implementations, but seemingly very little about the links between critical success factors and management Control systems. This thesis attempts, through a case study, to answer the question of how management Control systems affect the implementation of an MRP system in ASSA AB, a Swedish manufacturing firm. Data is primarily collected through interviews. Theory regarding implementation success definitions, critical success factors as well as management Control systems is presented.
8263 kilometer: En studie i avståndets påverkan på styrsystem
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the effects that geographical distance have on the Control systems in a scattered organization and how this, ultimately, affects the employees in terms of loyalty and motivation. In order to do this, a case study has been conducted on a multinational travel group and its local branches in Thailand. The study is based on a selected number of theories focusing mainly on Control systems in multinational contexts as well as on theories regarding communication and autonomy. The conclusion of the study is that geographical distance has led to a rather large autonomy for the local branches and that the headquarter to a large extent rely more on formal Control.
Kvalitetssäkring:En analys av egenkontroll
A degree thesis about quality Control and assurance in construction. Made in cooperation with Wästbygg. An analysis was made of the self-monitoring Control that is conducted during the construction. The data was collected from interviews from personnel employed by Wäsbygg as either work-leader, project-manager or quality- and environmental-coordinator. During the study there was also a review of the literature in the subject.
Publika private equity-bolags påverkan på styrningen av sina portföljföretag. En fallstudie av styrmekanismernas utveckling under ägarperioden.
Recent years have been very turbulent for most private equity firms. Especially the financial meltdown in global economy has affected the industry, but also the public pressure has made private equity houses change their Control strategies towards more conventional methods used in public companies. This thesis aims to put light on the Control methods used in listed private equity houses which use a buyout strategy. The paper describes how the Control methods change over the different phases the asset experience and how different value generating strategies use altered Control methods. Using Merchant's (2003) framework for management Control systems and Berg and Gottschalg's (2004) research on value generating strategies in buyouts the thesis shows that action Controls as designing instructions for the board and a business plan, together with goal alignment is the commonly used Control strategy directly after the acquisition.
Reglering av veka strukturer med multipla sensorer
In this master thesis, Control algoritms using arm side sensors are investigated for an industrial robot. The sensors can be position encoders placed after the gearbox and accelerometers on the robot arms. Control strategies are discussed and evaluated for different models of the robot, after which chosen strategies are applied to a realistic model. Control algoritms using arm side sensors (LQ, dual-loop and PD-PID) are compared to a PID-Controller that only uses measurements of motor position for feedback Control. The comparison are done with respect to disturbance rejection, oscillation damping, robustness and tracking performance of a reference trajectory.
Vi har i alla fall tipsbolag : En studie av möjligheterna att styra med belöningssystem inom kommunal verksamhet
Background: The use of reward systems can be of strategic importance as well as an affective mean of Control for the organization in its work to achieve its goals. The municipal sector is characterized by its transparency and its responsibility for the taxpayer?s money. We therefore wonder which possibilities the municipal sector has to use reward systems as a men of Control. Purpose: We intend to research the possibilities that the reward system offer as a mean of Control for employees at the higher municipal level, with a special focus on commitment and motivation.
Kan en central strategi leva lokalt?: En fallstudie av Sveriges ledande spelbolag
This thesis examines the approach for implementing strategy that has been applied by the study object, Svenska Spel. The specific approach originates from the theories of Elliot Jaques, whose key proposal is that individuals have different capability of carrying out tasks over different time-spans. The main purpose of the study is to analyze how the approach has influenced the management Control systems in use, in order to ensure that the strategy is successfully implemented on corporate as well as operational level. Twenty in debt interviews conducted with employees, representing a vertical cross section throughout the organization, are the main source of the study?s empirical foundation.
Långtidsarbetslöshet och personlighet
Studien syftar till att se hur personlighet, söka-arbete self-efficacy och locus of Control påverkas av arbetslöshet. Personlighet mäts enligt Costa & MacCraes fem-faktor modell och avser dimensionerna extroversion, neuroticism, öppenhet, trevlighet och samvetsgrannhet. Hypotesen är att det finns skillnad mellan nyarbetslösa och långtidsarbetslösa avseende personlighet, söka arbete self-efficacy och locus of Control. Frågeformulär innehållande påstående om ovanstående faktorer besvarades av en grupp nyarbetslösa och en grupp långtidsarbetslösa. Resultatet visar inga signifikanta skillnader avseende personlighet och söka arbete self-efficacy mellan grupperna.
Ekonomisk styrning och kostnadskontroll vid IT-outsourcing
Background: Many companies have outsourced their IT-operations and their expectations of what this IT-outsourcing will contribute to the business are high. Cost cuts are not always a natural outcome of IT-outsourcing. Many companies that have outsourced their IT-operations consider it to be problematic and complex to exercise management Control and reach cost Control which was the purpose of the IT-outsourcing. Purpose: To describe and analyze what affect IT-outsourcing has on a company?s management Control system and a company?s possibility to exercise cost Control.
Hantering av risk i en Leveraged Buyout-miljö: Ägarförändringsklausulen, ett nytt fenomen?
The change of Control clause is nowadays a well used covenant in the Eurobond market, with the aims to protect bondholders in case of a leveraged buyout. This thesis intend to evaluate whether the change of Control clause is a new phenomenon in the Eurobond market today and to estimate what have been the driven force for the popularity of it. The thesis found that the change of Control clause already existed before and thus it is not a new phenomenon. Several factors where found though to explain the extended use of the clause today. Starting in 2005 the LBO activity increased rapidly, exposing almost every company to the risk of LBO.
Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av mötet med patienter med ett annat modersmål : - En litteraturöversikt
Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..
HIIT och dess effekt på löpekonomi hos vältränade löpare och triatleter
Background: Running economy is one of the key factors to achieve top performance in endurance events. Little evidence exists for improving running economy using high-intensity interval training while running. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine how HIIT affects running economy and VO2max. Method: 14 well-trained athletes (age 35 ± 8,9 years, height 175 ± 11,7 cm and weight 69 ± 12,2 kg) were divided into two separate groups (HIIT and Control). HIIT group performed 3 HIIT exercises every week for 4 weeks and Control group continued with their separate training programs consisting of mostly traditional endurance training. Results: Running economy showed no improvement in HIIT (pre 38,62 and post 38,62 ml/kg/min, p=1.00) but Control improved (pre 45,41 and post 43,37 ml/kg/min, p=0,03). VO2max decreased in HIIT (mean 61,32 to 60,84 ml/kg/min) and in Control (mean 61,99 to 58,47 ml/kg/min)..
Avståndets inverkan på styrningen: -en fallstudie hos Vin & Sprit
The aim of this thesis is to get a better understanding of how the management Control system works at V&S Distillers. V&S Distillers went through an organizational change in the beginning of 2005. The marketing function went from being a country-driven to a category-driven organization. Among other things this resulted in increased cooperation between employees in different geographical locations. We aim to analyze how a geographical distance affects relations and the use of management Control.