

430 Uppsatser om Command guidance - Sida 24 av 29

Syn på och handledning kring inkludering, neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och matematik: : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om vilka framgångsrika handledningsmetoder specialpedagoger kan använda för att stödja matematiklärare som arbetar med elever

The basic principle of the integrated school according to the Salamanca Declaration is that all children, whenever possible, should be taught together, regardless of any difficulties or diversity. It has been shown that students with neuropsychiatric disorders are having much more difficulties to achieve the targets than the average student. Pupils with neuropsychiatric syndrome will always be present in school and we who are working in the business must be better at learning to adapt to them so that they too can achieve proficiency in school.Mathematics is perhaps the topic that Swedish students generally have most problems with,and it will not obviously be easier if you have some form of neuropsychiatric disability.In our future role as special education teachers, we will mentor and support other teachers in the complex educational environment that exists today. The aim that has been built up is thus partly to explore how mathematics teachers work with included students with neuropsychiatric disorders, as well as how teachers wishing to become supervised by specialeducation teachers in mathematics. The study is conducted from a sociocultural perspective.A sociocultural perspective on learning means that all people are learning all the time in social settings.

Utformning av riktlinjer för trafiksäkerhet i mindre stadscentrum : fallstudier i Bollnäs och Sandviken

Several cities have implemented various projects to improve traffic safety in city centers.During 1970s and 1980s the city centers changed as the suburbs grew and large shopping centers were located outside the center. At the same time, several projects were initiated with construction of pedestrian streets and restriction of traffic in the center. In year 1994,shared-used areas were introduced in Sweden and these areas are often used in center environments.In Sweden, municipalities are responsible for integrating security in public places and in comprehensive plans and detailed development plans. The National Board of Housing,Building and Planning is the authority for administrating planning issues and develop general guidance about planning. Traffic is one of their key issues, although today there are no concrete guidelines from the National Board of Housing, Building and Planningfor the design of traffic safety in city centers.Traffic safety in city centers affects many people because the city center is a public place.It is therefore important that there are current guidelines available that are helpful for changes and improvements in traffic safety in the city center.The purpose of this report is to formulate guidelines for planning city centers from a traffic safety perspective.

Ledningsfilosofi i luftvärnet : Uppdragstaktik - Från decentralisering till centralisering

Kriget är ingenting annat än en utvidgad tvekamp, en våldsakt för att påtvinga motståndaren vår vilja.Målet är att göra motståndaren värnlös. Om motståndaren skall uppfylla vår vilja, måste vi försätta honom i ett läge, som är ogynnsammare än det offer vi kräver av honom. Varje förändring i läget, som kan åstadkommas genom fortsatta krigshandlingar måste alltså leda till något än ogynnsammare. Med denna sanning tar många teorier och doktriner sina avstamp. För att lyckas med att försätta vår motståndare i ett ogynnsamt läge gäller det att föra striden och att göra det snabbare än motståndaren.

Att bli förklarad eller förstådd : - en studie om intersubjektiv kontakt och förståelse i systemisk familjeterapi

Sammanfattning/abstractI denna undersökning utforskas betydelsen av intersubjektiv kontakt och delad förståelse som en väg att samskapa en förståelseorienterad vägledning i den terapeutiska processen och det dagliga familjelivet. Undersökningens syfte är att utforska båda parters upplevelse av delad förståelse och dess betydelse i systemisk familjeterapi. Frågeställningarna fokuseras på vad som kännetecknar tillstånd av närvaro respektive frånvaro av intersubjektiv kontakt och förståelse. Samt vilken betydelse och vilka konsekvenser denna närvaro/ frånvaro har för terapeut och familj. Undersökningen baseras på fyra kliniska fallbeskrivningar återgivna ur båda parters perspektiv.

Förutsättning och fördelar att införa kvalitetsledningssystem enligt ISO 9001

The ISO 9000-series is a set of quality standards created by the International Organization for Standardization. The series is intended to provide guidance to companies in the process of deploying an effective quality management system. The series includes the requirements standard ISO 9001. This standard contains requirements on how a quality management system should be designed and how companies generally must work with quality issues. When a quality management system is introduced, if wanted, a quality certification can be implemented.

Chefsroll och ledarskap inom socialt arbete : En kvalitativ studie om enhetschefers syn på att vara chef inom LSS-verksamheter

This study is based on interviews with five unit managers working in the functional disabilities business. The purpose of this paper is to examine how these unit managers see their roles and their leadership, and to give the reader an insight into what it might entail to be a manager in social work. Theories applied are the role theory and three leadership theories. The previous research this study made ??use of affects ?leadership in social work" and "manager's role and leadership style."Being a unit manager of the functional disabilities business means having a so-called middle management position, which entails expectations being directed upon them from various avenues.

Simulering av översvämningar i Byälven

Severe floods caused by heavy autumn rains in year 2000 raised the question whether measures to reduce the damage from high water levels, in the area surrounding lake Glafsfjorden and along the river Byälven down to lake Vänern, are possible. One option is to reduce flow resistance along the river and thereby lower the maximum water level a given inflow would cause. Good knowledge of hydraulic and hydrological conditions is necessary in order to estimate the effect of such flow-reducing measures. In order to quantify such effect a 1-dimensional hydraulic flow model has been set up for the river Byälven using the software package MIKE 11. The model is more detailed, especially concerning topography and bathymetry, than earlier models used for studies of the river.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av stöd i sin föräldraroll genom deltagande i syskoncirkel- en intervjustudie

Introduction When a child comes into a family changing conditions for the older sibling, who may feel left out. This can be a problem for parents who face new challenges towards the older sibling, which can lead to parents looking for advice and support. Parenting is an activity that strengthens the role of parents and provides information about children's health and social development. Purpose The purpose is to describe the parents' experiences of support in their parental role by participating in the sibling circle. Method Semi-structured focus group interview was conducted and qualitative content analysis was performed.

Att förstå

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad det är som skapar förståelse mellan den vägledningssökande och studie- och yrkesvägledaren i studie- och yrkesvägledningssamtalet. Detta för att bidra till en fördjupad förståelse för läsaren om interaktionen mellan vägledare och sökande. En kvalitativ metod användes i undersökningen där inspelade vägledningssamtal analyserades och tolkades. Resultatet bekräftar tidigare forskning inom området samt påvisar vikten av vägledarens sociala kompetens som en bidragande faktor till upplevelsen av att vara förstådd. Den slutsats som kunde dras av resultatet var att ett aktivt lyssnande, att få bekräftelse på olika sätt och vägledarens bemötande var de främsta bidragande faktorerna till förståelse mellan vägledare och sökande.

Offentligt stöd till innovationer : Hur resonerar de offentliga stödgivarna?

The purpose with this essay is to study the public support givers view of the concept innovation and to study how the public support givers discuss and act around the division of public support to entrepreneurs innovations. The purpose is further to describe if the division of public support favour or not favour environmental innovations and to examine if the public support givers consider the industry for environmental innovations is profitable for the society?s economy.We have done several case studies where we have interviewed eight public support. Support givers in this essay are defined as public authorities and other organisations on local, national and/or international level that gives public support to innovations. The public support givers that take part of the essay is VINNOVA, ALMI Stockholm, Innovationsbron, Energimyndigheten, SU Holding AB, KTH Holding, Västra Götalandsregionen and MISTRA.Our theoretical starting point is Silverman and Baums theory ?Picking Winners or Building Them?.

Prospects of a Challenger - A case study of Microsoft and the Console Industry

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to give a contribution to the studies of what strategies those are of importance for challengers in consumer technological markets aiming for the market leader position. To be able to investigate this phenomenon we have chosen to study Microsoft?s second position in the video game console industry. In addition, we want to illuminate Microsoft?s competitive advantages, how Microsoft can take advantage from Sony?s setbacks and what strategies those are of importance for Microsoft in the battle of becoming the market leader.

Värdet av ökad kvalitet av Tinnerö eklandskap : en värderingsstudie med Contingent valuation method

Around 85 percent of the total population in Sweden today lives in an urban environment. This means that the nature within the urban areas has come to play an important role for the human well being. At the broader picture, the nature within urban areas is profitable in many ways. It is therefore important for the municipalities around in Sweden to work for sustainability within the urban areas. Linköping adopted an environmental policy, in year 2001, from the delegate of the municipality.

Kommunikationens betydelse för ett lyckat outsourcingprojekt

Today it is mainly small and medium sized companies that choose to outsource parts of their ITdepartment in order to increase and become great. It is becoming increasingly common forcompanies to take the help of competent suppliers so that they then can focus on their own corebusiness. These companies are taking advantage of modern methods to support systemdevelopment by outsourcing to other countries such as India. Choosing to outsource to othercountries poses new challenges for companies when they meet both cultural and organizationaldifferences. It requires a lot of time and planning and clear communication in order to developand reach the goal.

Hållbarhetscertifieringssystem och kommunalt hållbarhetsarbete :  

The municipalities of Sweden have a great responsibility when it comes to adapt the physical planning to a more sustainable development. The development of the society depends upon the growth of new communities and other public services, but to build new communities in a long-term sustainable manner you need good methods and guidance. This study presents four sustainability certification scheme intended to improve and adapt the planning, implementation and performance of new communities and infrastructure project to more sustainable methods based on economic, ecological and social sustainability. These systems are the latest versions of environmental classifications and similar rating schemes, but with a broader focus since they also include the social aspect of sustainability.This study aims to investigate what role sustainability certification schemes can play in local planning for sustainable development. The study compares the certification systems criteria to the tools and goals that the Swedish municipalities have been provided with, to lead efforts towards a more sustainable society.

Utvärdering av arbetsmarknadsprojektet Enter

This thesis purpose is to determine an explanation of the efficiency in a labour-market related project. ?Enter? is an EU-financed project with a focus on long-term unemployed workers in the district Härlanda, Gothenburg. Starting in September 2004, Enter offers individually based coaching and job guidance to totally 110 young persons with problems entering the labour market. The goal is to provide these people courage to find either full or part time employment or to start study.

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