

430 Uppsatser om Command guidance - Sida 25 av 29

Riskkapital : Roller, Involvering och Värdeskapande

In order to drive innovation and growth in a nation is it important to have innovative companies. Many of those innovative companies are smaller companies, which are in need of capital injections for expansion of its operations or to be able to produce a commercial product. In many cases the banks will not lend because they believe there is too great a risk that they will not get their money back. It is in this situation venture capital becomes interesting. Venture capitalists? see the potential the product and/or entrepreneur possesses and are therefore more willing to take the risk in investing in these companies.

Kundanpassad tjänsteutveckling och förändrade relationer inom den försvarsindustriella sfären

The aim of this thesis is to describe the customer?s attitudes toward the contracting for availability, i.e., which factors are from the customer?s perspective necessary for the fulfilment of a supplier-customer agreement? Furthermore, the objective is to describe and analyse a supplier-customer relation in the Defence Industrial sphere.The present study has been carried out as a case study using an abductive approach. The thesis is based on a practical problem, i.e. which factors will be important to the customer when a contractor in the Defence Industry wants to increase its commitment of service, and how will their relationship change? The thesis is above all focused on generating knowledge that can lead to rapid and concrete measures and that can be used in the analysis of an increased industrial commitment but also as a case study of a problem of a more general nature in the Defence Industry.

Kontinuerlig glukosmätning : en möjlighet för den svenska djursjukvården?

The purpose of this scientific essay is to evaluate if a continuous glucose monitoring system is something that can benefit Swedish animal health care. The study investigates if it is medically possible to use continuous glucose monitoring systems on dogs with an apparatus attached to their bodies. Furthermore, I try to establish whether this is possible in practice and how it could be done. The keywords used were diabetes mellitus, insulin, continuous glucose monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, dog, pet owner and animal nursing care. Furthermore, I wanted to find out if this system could be an alternative to currently established methods to measure the patient?s blood glucose level.

Det vi vet när vi glömt allt vi lärt oss : den politiska debatten om utbildning för nyanlända elever på 1970-talet och 2000-talet

The purpose of the present paper is to examine the political debate on the education of newly arrived immigrant pupils at secondary school age. The following issues are under scrutiny:What are the goals, expressed by politicians during the examined periods, for the education of newly arrived pupils?What ideas about education and what educational ideals can be observed in the political debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?Has there been any change, during the examined period, in the policy debate on the education of newly arrived pupils?The research material consists of reports and statements of the Education Committee, as well as a number of parliamentary protocols. Two five-year periods, 1971-1975 and 2006-2010, are studied and compared. All in all, the material consists of 23 documents issued during these periods.

Finns det mål och mening med vår färd? : Hur lärare i grundskolan kan beskriva och resonera kring studie- och yrkesvägledning som ett ansvar för hela skolan

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur lärare i grundskolan tänker kring, och beskriver hur de arbetar med, studie- och yrkesvägledning inom ramarna för det som i läroplanen (Lgr 11) beskrivs som ett ansvar för hela skolan. Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod i form av intervjuer med åtta lärare på sammanlagt fyra grundskolor inom Stockholms län. Resultatet visade att flera av lärarna likställde studie- och yrkesvägledning med studie- och yrkesvägledaren. De flesta av lärarna var inte medvetna om att de hade ett ansvar för skolans studie- och yrkesvägledning, utifrån rådande styrdokument. Det kunde sägas att lärarna ansåg att syftet med studie- och yrkesvägledning var att förbereda eleverna inför framtida studie- och yrkesval, även om det fanns skillnader i hur detta uttrycktes och vad det arbetet kunde innebära.

Hur blir Peab ett mer attraktivt företag för kvinnliga ingenjörer?

The Swedish construction industry is dominated by men; however this is starting to change. The average age of Construction Engineers is high and approximately 40 per cent of the employees will retire by the year 2015. Currently, female engineers dominate the graduating classes of Swedish Universities but this is not reflected in the Swedish Construction industry.With so many female engineers available, why is this? Does it require a change in company culture and their condition of work to attract them? Is it the attitude towards women in the industry among the employees that has to be changed? Or is it a woman?s thoughts and prejudices of the industry that creates obstacles?The purpose of this final thesis is to describe how contracting firms in the construction industry can make themselves more attractive for female engineers. To reach the purpose, a study among salaried employees and craftsmen was conducted.

Hegemoniska och icke-hegemoniska maskuliniteter - En kritisk diskursanalys av politiska texters och unga m?ns perspektiv p? v?ld i utsatta omr?den

There is a lack of consensus within politics on how to deal with the so-called youth problem that exists in vulnerable areas. The politicians' positions are communicated in speech and writing and influence the majority society's attitude to children in vulnerable areas. Children are at the same time a vulnerable group in society. They are dependent on adults and need their guidance and support throughout their upbringing. In vulnerable areas live children whose health is affected by social and economic vulnerability and discrimination from the outside world. By looking into how hegemonic masculinity as norms are formulated in Swedish political documents, in relation to experiences of stigmatization and violence among children from vulnerable areas, this study wishes to examine if children?s right to a life without violence is being respected in vulnerable areas.

Standardisera mera? : Z39.50 mellan enighet och mångfald

Z39.50 is a standard protocol designed to create an interface between diverse computer databases for diverse information needs. Since it has to be adjustable it is also complex and demands a certain degree of expertise when being set. However, the aim of this paper is not to make a theoretical description but to examine certain conditions in practice. From the perspective of Swedish research libraries two principal hypotheses are examined: 1) the implementation of a given technology (Z39.50) is primarily influenced by social circumstances, and 2) the way in which the technology is implemented will bias the results of information retrieval. For this examination we need a framework of theories concerning the relationship between technological development and society, organisational theories and database theories.

En validitetsstudie på beeptestet : avseende maximal aerob kapacitet för elitishockeyspelare

Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the validity and reliability of the 20m multistage shuttle run test (MST) for elite ice hockey players as a predictor of the maximal aerobic capacity and the how the result is affected by the players age, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, body composition and test surface. The purpose of this was to find out the potential of the 20-m shuttle run test as a measuringtool for the maximal aerobic capacity in frequent testing periods during the season. It is very interesting to be able to administer this easily because the competative phase of the season is very long compared to the pre-seasonal phase and earlier studies have shown that the aerobic capacity is being lowered during this competative phase of the season for elite icehockey players.Methods: 34 elite ice hockey players participated in this study (20.0±3.6 yrs, BMI 24.2±1.6 and VO2-max 58.0±4.8 ml O2?kg-1?min-1). During 3-5 days they underwent 2 MST tests (wood and rubber surface), treadmill running with VO2-max assessed with open-circuit technique, Wingate10% and FFM-assessment with underwater-technique.

Förekomst av MyBP-C mutationer hos katter med hypertrofisk kardiomyopati :

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most commonly diagnosed cardiac disease in cats. The phenotype varies from mild focal thickening to severe concentric hypertrophy at the left ventricle. Two separate myosin binding protein C (MYBPC3) mutations have been identified in Maine coon cats (A31P and A74T) and one in Ragdoll cats. All three of them seem to cause familial HCM in an autosomal dominant pattern. The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of these three mutations in population cats of different breeds with HCM in Sweden. The results may show if HCM is present in the absence of these mutations.

Den nya marknaden i Japan : En fallstudie av svenska cleantechföretags möjligheter på den japanska markanden

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Ett litet ord med stora implikationer : En studie om förståelsen kring ordet Gay i allmänt negativ bemärkelse

Many of us have grown up hearing or using words meant as insults or negative adjectives that were in fact names for social groups. Most of them have gone unquestioned in the mainstream consciousness, but the term Gay in the generally negative meaning has in the past years been given attention as offensive and homophobic, with debates emerging in response over whether or not this is true, particularly on the internet. It is the articles and forum threads from these debates that make out the empirical material for a qualitative study as I ask what these people?s thoughts are about this term and how it is perceived.After a qualitative coding and analysis of these texts, and interpretation of the results based on Erving Goffman?s theory of Phantom acceptance and stigma terms, Judith Butler?s theory of performativity, Ferdinand de Sassure?s theory of signifier and signified and how it connects to the community and Baudrillards theory of simulacra, this is the principal conclusion that I have drawn:For some of the people in this debate, the term Gay and its use is about homophobia and heterosexism, though mostly it?s not overt but a subconscious part of the continued dehumanization and stigmatization of homo- and bisexual people. This is a position I callThe socially focused skepticism.

Ett dedikert sportprodukt till klatring for mennesker med amputert arm

The purpose of this study is to facilitate sustainable building by the use of BIM. The goal is to determine which aspects of sustainable building, which can be analyzed mainly with BIM tools, but also other aids.The study is based on literature studies and interviews. The literature review examines aspects important for sustainable building by studying environmental certification systems applicable in Sweden, as well as the BIM tools available on the market to analyze these aspects. The literature also includes the concepts of BIM and sustainability in order to provide a clearer view of its meaning. The interviews have brought the study's overall understanding of the industry and guidance on the subject.The results are presented in a table, where the aspects relevant to sustainable building are listed.

Granskning av hållbarhetsredovisning : Revisorernas granskningsprocess vid de fyra största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige

As the media attention society on the world climate change, interest in the environment and social impact has increased. This has in turn made even more companies choose to maintain a sustainability report that contains the three aspects of economic, environment and social impact. The demand for sustainability reports has increased among stakeholders. It has made the companies that establish this form of reports experienced economic benefits. The sustainability report than became a useful way to compete among businesses.

Att främja amning vid amningsproblematik : BVC-sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vägleda mammor

Syfte: Att beskriva BVC-sjuksköterskornas erfarenheter av att vägleda mammor med upplevd amningsproblematik för att främja amning. Bakgrund: Bröstmjölk rekommenderas för spädbarn som enda föda upp till sex månaders ålder. Globalt sett syns en nedåtgående trend gällande amning. Det är av stor vikt att skapa en medvetenhet om amningens fördelar för att främja amningsfrekvensen. Studier visar att kvinnor med amningsrelaterade problem som inte fått stöd av vårdpersonal slutade amma i större utsträckning än de som fått amningsvägledning.

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