

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 49 av 408

Internprissättning i internationella läkemedelskoncerner

The aim of this essay was to study how the communities work with groups as a support to children with addictive parents, and to increase my understanding of the groups meaning as a support. My main questions have been: How are the child group sessions formed? What kind of experience does the group leaders have regarding their functions? The study is a qualitative investigation that has been turned to prefessionals in the subject area and  is based on 6 interviews and secondary sources. The material has been analyzed from a narrativ theory as well as a salutogent perspective. Research shows that children growing up in an addictive environment often have decreased psychological health and are overrepresented amongst those who developed a future addiction.

Barnperspektiv inom socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ undersökning av socialsekreterares hantering av barnets bästa

 The aim of this study was to examine how social workers perceive and interpret the term ?barnets bästa? (?The best for the child?), within the framework of investigatory work and enforcement of Swedish law, which is carried out by the Social Services. We wanted to investigate if the interpretation of the term had any causal effects on the work carried out by social workers. Seven social workers from two municipalities participated in this study in which we used qualitative semi-structured interviews based around two vignettes. We focused on age, experience, legislation, and external circumstances to gain insight into how these factors alter social workers? perception of the term ?barnets bästa?. Our theoretical approach was based on two theories on social constructivism.

Internetmobbningens påverkan på den psykiska hälsan hos skolungdomar. En litteraturbaserad studie.

Introduction: During the last decades, the development of the communication society has contributed to new patterns of communications among people, but also increased the use of computers and mobile devices. It has become more common to communicate through social medias, which has led to the new phenomena cyberbullying. At the same time, studies have shown an increase in mental health problems among adolescents during the last 25 years. Aim: The aim of this literature review was to investigate and map the characteristics of cyberbullying and its relationship to mental health among adolescents. The aim was also to investigate adolescents own actions to stop cyberbullying.

Organisationen, ledaren, individen: vem ansvarar för hälsan? En kvalitativ studie om det hälsofrämjande och ohälsoförebyggande personalarbetet i Malmö stads stadsdelar.

The purpose of this study was to examine health promotion and ill-health prevention in the workplaces of the City District Committees in the City of Malmö. More specifically, we wanted to find what types of health problems there were and what kinds of strategies were applied to prevent them. Furthermore, the aim was to examine whether the leaders of the City of Malmö saw any effects of the strategies in use and if so, which. Finally, the intention was to compare our empirical results to previous research in the field of health promotion and ill-health prevention in workplaces. We conducted a qualitative study consisting of semi-structured interviews with five leaders in different levels, two personnel secretaries, two employees assigned to improve the health of the personnel in the City Districts, and one safety representative.

Narcissism och syskonplacering hos gymnasieelever

AbstractThe aim of this present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between birth order and the personality trait narcissism using 181 individuals from Finnveden High School in Värnamo (115 females, 60 males, mean age 17, sd=0,94), in the context of the proposal of Sulloway (1996) that personality is influenced by the specialized nich-es siblings adopt in the quest for access to parental resources. A questionnaire which in-cludes Narcissistic Personality Inventory test, Birth order test and also Rosenberg?s self-esteem test in order to investigate if it might has an impact on narcissistic personality trait, was used. Results showed that there was no significant relationship between birth order and narcissism, however, a significant relationship between narcissism and self-esteem was found. Furthermore, there was a significant relationship between narcissism and the individual?s relationship with the mother.

Gymnasieungdomars hälsa : En jämförande studie av unga migranters och inrikesfödda ungdomars hälsa

Aim: The aim was to investigate and describe, how students on high school level in Kronoberg county self rated their health with relation to irritation, nervousness/anxiety insomnia and gender. An additional aim was to investigate if there are differences between students born in Sweden by Swedish parents, students born in Sweden by foreign-born parents and foreign-born students. Methods: A quantitative method was used to analyse data gathered from students (n=1936) on high school level in 2006. All statistical analyses were made with help of SPSS V-12. Finding: The findings showed that most of the students self rated their health as ?good?, however migrant students self rated their health as ?not so good? and they had more problems with insomnia. The overall findings showed gender differences. Particularly, foreign-born girls self rated their health as ?not so good? and reported more problems with insomnia. There was no divergence between the groups regarding irritation, nervousness/anxiety. Conclusion: School nurses and health workers must have deep knowledge about differences in gender, self- rated health and insomnia when they work with public health.

Nietzsche - "den stora hälsan" : Nietzsche, styrdokumenten och fyra idrottslärare om hälsa

Purpose and framing of questions.The objective of this study has been to problematize the concept of "health" by studying the philosopher Nietzsche's writings on the subject and by analyzing four PE teachers' thoughts on his view of health. This has been achieved by examining the following questions: What types of health does Nietzsche describe, and how are these promoted and inhibited according to him? How does a Nietzschean view of health stand visavi the one expressed by the Swedish national curriculum? What do teachers think about the Nietzschean concept of health and its potential applicability in physical education?Theory and Method.The literary study had a hermeneutic approach and was conducted according to a qualitative analytical method, in addition the so-called three-step method was used to create a definition of "health" on the basis of Nietzsche's use of the term. The source material consisted of Nietzsche's overall philosophical writings (ca 2600 pages) in order to give a complete picture of his view of health. The four interviews consisted of open enquiries, which were conducted according to a qualitative interviewing technique.

Självupplevd livskvalitet hos barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares

Syftet med studien var att undersöka livskvaliteten hos barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares. 56 barn och ungdomar med cerebral pares i åldern 10-18 år med Gross Motor Function Classification system (GMFCS) tillhörighet I-III, som gick i grundskola, grundsärskola eller gymnasieskola och som erbjöds insatser från Skånes 11 olika barn- och ungdomshabiliteringar har undersökts via en enkät: Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ-87).CHQ-87 är ett självskattningsformulär bestående av 87 frågor, indelade i två huvudområden som tillsammans täcker individens fysiska och psykosociala hälsa. Enkäten skickades ut per brev under våren 2008. Totalt skickade 167 enkäter ut och 56 enkäter inkom besvarade.Resultatet visar ingen signifikant skillnad mellan den fysiska och den psykosociala hälsan. Skolsituationen och kamratrelationer upplevs positivt av flertalet som svarade och merparten svarar att de har det bra i sina familjer.

Kvinnliga romers upplevelser av vårdpersonals bemötande inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Aim: The aim of this study is to examine roma women´s experiences of health professionals? attitudes towards them in Swedish health care. Method: Exploratory qualitative study with individual interviews was used. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight women of Roma origin. Data were analyzed using a qualitative content analysis.

Vart jag mig i världen vänder... : Om konstruktionen av bedömningar inom barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin

The purpose with this essay was to study the judgements made by child- and adolescents psychiatry teams on a fictitious case, in order to see what similarities and differences there would be in their way of discussing, judging and proposing efforts.We carried out this study by visiting four child- and adolescents psychiatry teams and letting them make judgements on a fictitious case constructed by us. First the teams were introduced to a vignette and then asked to complete it by requiring more information till they considered themselves to have enough information to be able to arrive to a judgement on the case and propose efforts, on which we later interviewed the teams. After the interviews we compared what extra information the teams required, what judgements they made and what efforts they chose to offer the family. The result was analysed from a social constructivist perspective. One central analysis concept was diagnostic frame, which is about in what category the team places the problem.The study revealed that the judgements, which are socially constructed within the teams, differed, and that the teams offered the fictitious family different efforts.

Individen bakom sjukdomen

Identity includes an individual´s self-image and the consciousness about their self. It is about being the same person despite changes in their life situation. The identity often get´s fragile because of the disease. Beacuse of the individual´s feeling of lost identity there may arise a conflict between the person and people in his or her surroundings. They may no longer see the sick person in the same way as they used to.

Vårdpersonalens uppfattningar om fibromyalgi

Aim Our aim is to highlight perceptions of fibromyalgia among health care personell.MethodsA systematic literature review conducted with a deductive approach.FindingsHealth care personell felt insecure because of a lack of understanding which lead to avoiding contact with these patients. Many felt that the fibromyalgia patient was categorised and that they would have been better served with another name of their disease. There was a great distrust against the diagnosis and its aetiology. The patient was perceived as troublesome, illness-fixated and draining the personell of energy. The paradox that the patient is looking so healthy but bearing so much pain was confusing for the health care personell.Conclusions Communication and an empathic encounter was identified as important elements for patient care.

SIDAs Watergate : En ide?historisk undersö?kning av debatten om svenskt bistånd till det indiska befolkningsprojektet 1977?1980

In 1975 the Indian president Indira Gandhi proclaimed the emergency period which would go on until 1977. Under this time approximately 8 million men and women were sterilized in the name of family planning. Many of them did not volunteer. This was not just an Indian con- cern because the family planning program was largely funded by international aid. The Swe- dish involvement in the program was debated 1977?1980, in what has been called ?SIDA?s Watergate?.

Att vara mellanchef i Svenska kyrkan : en studie om den prästerliga mellanchefen i tio stora pastorat efter strukturförändringen 1 januari 2014

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Hur skall patienter med metastaser till skelettet förhålla sig till fysisk aktivitet? : en litteraturstudie

Background: Many cancer patients who get bone metastases live longer thanks to the successful research and development of medicines during recent years. Many studies show general health benefits from physical activity. For patients with bone metastases the possibility of physical activity perhaps should limit? Nurses at oncological units are often in lifelong contact with this group of patients. It´s therefore important to have knowledge about the bone metastases and how it influence the patient´s possibility of performing physical activity in order to support and encourage the patient to safely physical activity.Aim: To describe the patient´s possibility of physical activity with metastases to the bone.Method: A literature study.Results: The extension of the bone metastases shall be verified through X-ray.

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