

6119 Uppsatser om Child health nurse - Sida 48 av 408

BVC-sjuksköterskans erfarenhet av det preventiva arbetet mot övervikt hos barn, 0-6 år

Introduktion: Det är allmänt känt att övervikt och fetma är ett stort samhällsproblem. Högt blodtryck, diabetes och hjärt- och kärlsjukdom samt en försämrad livskvalitet är följder som övervikt och fetma kan leda till. Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar gör att risken för diskriminering eller mobbing ökar. Fetma i barndomen är svårbehandlad och ökar risken för att utveckla bestående fetma. För att förhindra utvecklingen av övervikt och fetma är det av stor vikt att insatserna startar tidigt.

TYSK KOVÄNDNING : Efter åratal av stiltje i den tyska familjepolitiken harplötsligt reformvindar blåst upp.

Since the mid 60?s, Germany has seen dropping fertility rates and yet next to nothinghas been done to combat this trend until the current regime led by Angela Merkel andher minister of family affairs, Ursula von der Leyen initiated a number ofcomprehensive reforms of Germany?s family policies.Family policy in Germany is being reformed in three ways. First of all parents arenow eligible to receive substantial financial support in order to compensate the loss ofincome associated with a pregnancy and or parental leave. Second, the all but nonexistentpublic child care services are being vastly expanded with the goal of beingable to offer child care service for every child age 0-3. Thirdly the tradition of schoolsending classes midday is being reformed with the aim of letting kids stay in schoolmuch longer thus enabling parents to work full-time as opposed to part-time in orderto be able to take care of kids returning from school.The hopes for these ambitious reforms are tremendous.

Vad är hälsa och ohälsa på arbetsplats?

Introduction: Increased ill health in the workplace in terms of increased workload, stress and pressure from employers is common in Sweden today, which may lead to a future variety of medical conditions and disabilities. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe what employees at companies in the health industry experienced as a health and illhealth on a workplace. Method: A qualitative approach was used in which the interviews were based on an interview guide. The method of analysis was thematic analysis in which three themes emerged. Results: Tree themes emerged; a social interaction with colleagues, good leadership, and access to health care and movement.

Barns röst och delaktighet i kommunalpolitiken

A qualitative study is presented concerning children?s participation in the local decisionmaking in Swedish municipalities. The study also aims at finding out what are considered to be successful factors and obstacles connected to the implementation of children?s participation in local decision-making. The study contains a summary of the convention on the rights of the child, focusing on article 12, as well as previous research findings concerning children?s participation and factors enabling respectively hindering participation.

Självskadande kvinnors upplevelse av bemötande i vården

The purpose of the study was to describe how women with deliberate self-harm behaviour experience they have been treated when conducting health care. The study has a qualitative and descriptive approach and data was collected with snowball sampling. Data was analysed with content analysis and ended up in three theme ?Feeling of violation of integrity and autonomy?, ?health care staff don´t have the courage to step in and take responsibility? and ? Personal confirmation and validation of feelings?. The results showed that many women with deliberate self-harm behavior feel that they have been badly treated when they conducting health care.

Vinsten av konkurrens - En analys av Stopplagens konsekvenser för konkurrensen på sjukhusmarknaden

Abstract Title: Benefit from Competition ? An analysis of the consequences of Stopplagen for the Swedish health care market Author: Cecilia Halldelius Tutor: Carl Hampus Lyttkens Date: 2005-09-05 Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the new legislation for the health care market, primarily the anti-profit-legislation, will affect the competition in the Swedish health care market. Method: The thesis is based on literary studies. By combining theories and empirics regarding the health care market, competition and profit, a deeper understanding of the aspects important for the chosen subject, is created. Combined with official reports and the new legislation, an analysis is formed.

Behandling av bensår ur ett omvårdnadsperspektiv

Swedish studies have shown that more people than expected have problems with leg ulcers and that the yearly cost for treatment per patient is approximately 26 500kr. Since the elderly population is on the rise, there is a need to highlight this growing problem, to make sure that proper assessment tools are used and to improve the standard of care given to patients with leg ulcers. The aim was to show what a difference the nurse can make to patients with leg ulcers. With all types of wounds it is imperative to establish if there is any underlying reasons since certain illnesses can cause more wounds or delay the healing process. The doctor is responsible for making the diagnosis and to prescribe the correct treatment whereas the nurse?s responsibility is for the nursing care and its documentation.

Förgiftningar hos hund och katt

Cats and dogs are often unattended by their owners both indoors and outdoors, and therefore there is always a risk that they will get hurt. In the past, poisoning cases was considered unusual, but nowadays they are considered more common. As a veterinary nurse, it is important to know the common symptoms of poisoning, especially when working with emergency veterinary care. A very essential part of the profession as a veterinary nurse is to inform pet owners about the potentially dangerous substances and how poisonings can be prevented. The purpose of this report was to find out what is written scientifically about some common poisonings in dogs and cats and to present available statistics that covers the number of animals poisoned by various substances in Sweden. Hopefully this essay can also be used as a handbook for professionals in animal health care and to assist in educating pet owners. The report mainly covers groceries found in many homes, often easy accessible.

Att leva med en familjemedlem med kronisk obstruktiv lungsjukdom

BACKGROUND: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a slow progressive disease affecting the family caregivers by limiting their lifestyle. Subsequently the situation can be experienced as stressful for both the afflicted and the relatives. To easier understand the needs of the caregivers of family members suffering from COPD have, it is important to get an insight into their experience of every-day life, so that medical staff can help, support and promote their health according to their needs. AIM: To illustrate caregivers? experiences of living with a family member suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

Liverpool Care Pathway ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Bakgrund: Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) är en vägledning för att vårda patienter i livets slutskede. Den är framtagen i syfte att överföra den palliativa modellen av vård till annan vårdkontext. LCP ger vägledning i kommunikation inom det multiprofessionella teamet, med anhöriga och med patienten som är döende. LCP utgör en guide för läkare om att förskriva läkemedel mot de vanligaste symtomen som kan uppträda i livets slut, för att förbättra symtomhanteringen.  LCP används idag i Sverige på flera håll inom olika ramar av vårdinrättningar. Syfte: Syftet var med denna litteraturöversikt att ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv beskriva vård i livets slutskede med tillämpning av Liverpool Care Pathway på akutvårdsavdelningar.

Min kompetens är viktig! : En kvalitativ studie om specialistsjuksköterskans kompetens inom onkologisk vård

Background:An increasing number of patients with an oncology diagnose will be seen in the future. The oncology care is complex and in great need of nurses with a high level of competence. There is a lack of previous research in the specialist oncology nurses competence and therefore knowledge of their skills can reveal an understanding of their competence.Aim:The aim of the study was to describe the competence of the specialist oncology nurse.Method:Four oncology nurses and two directors of oncology care were interviewed. The interview text was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results:The result showed that the oncology nurses had developed six different competences within different areas. These competence areas were assertiveness, patient-centered care, ethical and moral-, pedagogical-, to lead and develop- and theoretical competence.

Behovet av ledningsstöd för småföretag. En studie av fyra olika småföretag från fyra olika branscher, i Västra Frölunda

Introduction: Public health researchers have long been focusing on investigating health inpopulations through determinants such as income inequalities. Nevertheless, incomeinequalities can be considered an effect of the organization of welfare regimes. The publichealth status is largely affected by the organization of welfare regimes and consequently thereare large differences in health within and between welfare regimes. How are these differencesdistributed and how can they be explained?Aim: To compare health between welfare state regimes with the use of Esping-Andersen?swelfare regime typology and to investigate the relationship between welfare statedeterminants and health.Methods: A literary review based on 12 scientific articles.

Den kommunala folkhälsosamordnaren söker sin arbetsroll

Coordinator of public health has recently become a new profession in the field of Health Promotion. During the last few years the pedagogic perspective has been increasingly important for the coordinators as a way of adapting their work methods to the circumstances. The conditions for coordinators of public health differ between municipalities and thus their tasks and responsibilities may vary with the local structure. According to the literature there are several ways to conduct Health Promotion and it is in the hands of the coordinator to adjust the methods to fit local conditions. The purpose of the study was to examine what influences the coordinators of public health and how that affects their work methods.

Sjuksköterskans förebyggande åtgärder avseende alkoholmissbruk

Bakgrund: Enligt World Health Organisations världshälsorapport bidrar alkohol till mer än 9% av sjukdomsorsakerna i Europa och vållar 1,8 miljoner dödsfall årligen i hela världen. Alkohol har alltid varit och är än idag ett av världens största samhälls- och sjukvårdsproblem. I Sverige är det mer än sex tusen personer som dör i alkoholrelaterade sjukdomar per år, vilket motsvarar lika många dödsfall som i tobaksrelaterade sjukdomar. Alkoholproblematiken tas därför upp i litteraturstudien. Syfte: Att beskriva vilka förebyggande åtgärder en sjuksköterska kan erbjuda personer för att de ska undvika att missbruka alkohol.

Barn med autism : Integrera eller segregera

AbstractThe purpose of my study is to describe what view teachers, which are working with autistic children, have about how the individual autistic child will have a good schooling? If children with autism should be integrated or segregated. I also want to find out how ?a school for all? shall be worked out to fit children with autism. To reach my purpose I?ve chosen to use a qualitative method and to hand out questionnaire to three teachers which are working in a training school.To get a background to this study I?ve presented what researchers have to say about this subject.

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