

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 9 av 181

Is less more?

Back in the 1950s Marilyn Monroe and her hourglass shaped body was the aesthetic ideal for how models were to look like. Nowadays, the tide has turned. Research has shown that female models are becoming increasingly taller, narrower and straighter. This trend has occurred despite the fact that both men and women (still) prefer medium sized women with curvy bodies. This essay examines if this trend can be justified from a marketer's perspective.

Optimerad bildsökning ? Bör vissa egenskaper prioriteras vid sökning efter en viss kategori av bilder?

As the information society becomes increasingly flooded with digital images, the need for efficient image retrieval systems increases as well. To handle the vast amounts of data involved, the indexing process needs to be run automatically, using content-based descriptors extracted directly from the digital image, such as colour composition, shape and texture features. These content-based image retrieval systems are often slow and cumbersome, and can appear confusing to an ordinary user who does not understand the underlying mechanisms. One step towards more efficient and user-friendly retrieval systems might be to adjust the weight placed on various descriptors depending on which image category is being searched for. The results of this thesis show that certain categories of digital images would benefit from having extra weight assigned to colour, texture or shape features when searching for images of that category..

Sjukgymnasters syn på en ny behandlingsmetod med vibrationsträning som exempel: en kvalitativ studie

The aim of the study has been to investigate physiotherapists? view on a new method of treatment in physiotherapy. In this case we have studied Whole Body Vibration training as an example of a new method of treatment. Semistructured interviews were performed with five physiotherapists. The study was carried out as a qualitative content analysis study.

Karriärcentrums profil och image : En kvalitativ studie om hur Karriärcentrum kan stärka sin profil och identitet för att öka deltagandet på sina föreläsningar.

Syfte:  Syftet a?r att underso?ka diskrepansen mellan Karria?rcentrums och studenternas uppfattningar av Karria?rcentrums verksamhet. Detta fo?r att kunna sta?rka sin image, identitet och profil fo?r att o?ka deltagandet pa? fo?rela?sningarna.  Metod och empiri: Studien baseras pa? en kvalitativ underso?kning i form av enskild intervju samt fokusgruppsintervju. De som studerats a?r Karria?rcentrum och studenter.

Strong is the new... : En kritisk diskursanalys av svenska fitnessbloggar

The purpose of this thesisis to examine the female body ideal of the Swedish fitness blogs and how it is reproduced. To answer the research question five of the most read female fitness blogs were chosen for a critical discourse analysis. The results show that pictures is an important communication event. The ideal is reproduced by representing bodies with desirable attributes in environments and poses that communicates positive feelings. There is a dialectic relation between picture and text in each published post.

Symtom och orsaker till stress : En kvantitativ studie av hur elever i år 4 och 6 upplever stress i skolan

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Effekten av tillskott av CLA på kroppsvikt och andel kroppsfett hos överviktiga och feta

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment Of Internal Medicine And Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: The effect of CLA on body weight and body fat amongst overweight and obese.Author: Sierra De Goldsmith and Amanda EgebergSupervisor: Frode SlindeExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgram: Dietician study program 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 12, 2012Background: Overweight and obesity represents a global problem as it is accompanied by an accumulation of body fat which increases the risk of developing diseases such as diabetes type 2, insulin resistance, cardio vascular diseases and certain types of cancer. Moreover, the prevalence is increasing worldwide. Many consider it difficult to reach a normal weight using only methods such as changing dietary- and exercise habits, this creating a market for products that facilitate weight loss and loss of body fat. The supplement of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) is such a product. In animal studies, CLA has demonstrated a reduction in both body fat and weight.

Ungdomars syn på islam : En undersökning vid fem gymnasieskolor i Kalmar och Jönköping

With this essay I have tried to give an image of some Swedish teenagers opinions about Islam. I have also done research on how the Swedish school depicts Islam and how the media in Sweden and other western countries describe Islam and Muslims. I have come to the conclusion that the media do not give a positive image of Muslims and their religion. One the contrary, Muslims are talked about in relation to negative subjects. This is an image that seems to have influenced how young people in Sweden look at Muslims.I have handed out a questionnaire at schools in Kalmar and Jönköping, Sweden.

Placebranding : Ompositionering av Växjö

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera en enkät som Expansiva Växjö genomfört för att få en bild av Växjös image och undersöka hur nära denna ligger den önskade profilen. Därefter jämförs den strategi som valts för platsvarumärket Växjö med teorier om place branding och i vilken grad dessa tillämpas. Utifrån vår analys av Växjös image och strategi, samt med hjälp varumärkesteori, undersöks också om skapandet av varumärket har potential att bli framgångsrikt eller ej..

Hur påverkas allmännyttiga företags varumärken? : - utifrån "image heritage" och "image-in-use"

Syfte: Syftet med va?r studie a?r att fo?rsta? hur allma?nnyttiga bostadsbolag arbetar med sitt varuma?rke. I och med att den nya lagstiftningen har lett till o?kad konkurrens pa? bostadshyresmarknaden de senaste a?ren kra?vs ett sto?rre engagemang hos fo?retagen. Hur arbetar de med ?image-in-use? och ?image heritage? fo?r att sta?rka varuma?rket? Genom studien vill vi o?ka kunskapen om hur fo?retag kommunicerar ut den nya bilden, efter a?ndrade ekonomiska fo?rutsa?ttningar, sa? att den a?r framtra?dande och inte pa?verkas allt fo?r mycket av den traditionella bilden.Metod: Fo?r att genomfo?ra studien har vi samlat information fra?n artiklar och litteratur samt genomfo?rt intervjuer med ansta?llda pa? tre kommunala bostadsbolag och delat ut enka?ter till bolagens hyresga?ster.Slutsats: Fo?retag beho?ver arbeta aktivt med ?image-in-use? som a?r starkt pa?verkad av ?image heritage? fo?r att fo?ra?ndra bilden av sig sja?lva i kundernas medvetande.

Vad säger bilden?: En utvärdering av återvinningseffektiviteten i ImBrowse

The aim of this master thesis is to evaluate the performance of the content-based image retrieval system ImBrowse from a semantic point of view. Evaluation of retrieval performance is a problem in content-based image retrieval (CBIR). There are many different methods for measuring the performance of content-based image retrieval systems, but no common way for performing the evaluation. The main focus is on image retrieval regarding the extraction of the visual features in the image, from three semantic levels. The thesis tries to elucidate the semantic gap, which is the problem when the systems extraction of the visual features from the image and the user?s interpretation of that same information do not correspond.

Pojkkrisen : En studie om pojkkrisens existens utifrån pojkars egna erfarenheter

The Picture book - text and image in interaction. A study of Tove Jansson's picturebook: The Book About Moomin, Mymble and Little MyThis study examines Tove Jansson's picture book The Book About Moomin, Mymbleand Little My, to show relationships between text and image in the narration of thestory. This is done through an analysis based on Ulla Rhedins dissertation The picturebook - towards a theory where the conclusion is that the picture book as book mediumcan be divided in three different picture concepts. The various concepts are; the epicpicture book, the expanding text as well as the genuine picture book. This study hasperformed a text and image analysis showing that the image colors, the differentspreads, landscape scenes and characters' placement, et cetera play a role in placingthe picture book in its concept.Tove Jansson used more than text and image to work out the story of theMoomintroll, Mymble and Little My, there are holes in the picture book that have animportant role, which the analysis will show.

Bilden av Svenska kyrkan : ? Unga människors image av organisationen i jämförelse med organisationens profil

AbstractTitle: The picture of the Swedish church - Young peoples image of the organization in comparison with the organizations profile (Bilden av Svenska kyrkan ? Unga människors image av organisationen i jämförelse med organisationens profil)Number of pages: 55 (57 including enclosures)Author: Ebba GöranzonTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2006University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The aim of this essay is to study the external communication of the Swedish Church, and how they want young people (16-18 years old) to perceive them. Further I would like to compare that information with how young people actually perceive the Swedish church. Do the both pictures agree?Method/Material: Together with literature studies, a qualitive method has been used and four focus group interviews with a total of 16 informants have been conducted.

Image repair-theory vid livsmedelskris : Textanalys av Findus kriskommunikation kring hästköttsskandalen

This study intends to use a text analysis and analyze Findus crisis communication, on their website, about the horse meat scandal in February and March 2013. The main focus is to examine if Findus crisis communication can be connected to Beniot?s image repair strategies and the rhetorical appeal forms, in five press releases and four blog posts, and also if they are different depending on the media format. The results show that Findus usually used three of the five image repair strategies and the three appeal forms (ethos, pathos and logos) interacted and therefore became Findus crisis communication consistent in all material. The results also show that Findus had a clear position because they conveyed a consistent message..

Tas Nordkorea någonsin på allvar? : En studie av Nordkoreabilden i två svenska tidningar

North Korea has been on people?s minds lately. This essay is a study of what image Swedish press gave of North Korea starting in 1948 and ending in 2011. The study looks at two of the largest newspapers in Sweden, Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter.  During the 1950´s the image given was that North Korea was part of the communists, a puppet state of the Soviet Union.

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