

2703 Uppsatser om Body-image - Sida 8 av 181

Livskvalitet och kroppsuppfattning hos kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi : En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie

Bakgrund: Vanligaste behandlingsformen för bröstcancer är kirurgi, där ibland hela bröstet tas bort (mastektomi). Ibland görs bröstrekonstruktion efter mastektomi. Tidigare studier visar att mastektomi kan ha negativ inverkan på kvinnors livskvalitet och kroppsuppfattning. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi skattar sin livskvalitet och kroppsuppfattning, samt om samband kan ses mellan dessa. Syftet var även att beskriva om det finns skillnader i livskvalitet och kroppsuppfattning mellan kvinnor som genomgått mastektomi med eller utan bröstrekonstruktion.

Bildens godkännandeprocessi katalogproduktion : The image approval processin a catalog production

The objective of this thesis has been to investigate the approval process for an image. This investigation has been carriedout at four catalog-producing companies and three companies working with repro or printing. The information wasgathered through interviews and surveys and later used for evaluation. The result of the evaluation has shown that allbusinesses are very good at technical aspects but also that the biggest problem they have is with the communication. Theconclusion is that businesses need a clear construction for the image process.

Bröstcancer och sexualitet : patienters upplevelser och sjuksköterskans förhållningssätt

For a woman who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, there can be many negative things that effects her life. It is a great shock that changes her life and can include a sense of lost femininity and a decreased sexual desire which can be both physical and psychological. The basis of this literature review is from 17 scientific articles which evaluate the changes in cancer patient's body image and sexuality during their illness and treatment. This study illustrates patient's experience of the nursing and difficulties which obstructs the nurse from talking about sexuality whit the patient. The study also showed that the patient had a desire to discuss these sexuality issues with a nurse..

Ursäkta, var är toaletten? Patienters upplevelse av att få en tillfällig loop-ileostomi nedlagd efter rektalcancerbehandling

Introduction: Reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy is the final step after a long treatment for rectalcancer, an event that the patient has been looking forward to for a long time. Studies have shown that patients often have a significant impact on the bowel function after reversal of the stoma.Aim: To describe how the patient experienced the first time at home after reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy due to rectalcancer. Method: Qualitative semi-structured interviews, with 15-20 patients who have undergone reversal of a temporary loop-ileostomy due to rectal cancer, will be conducted. The interviewes will be analysed using qualitative content analysis according to Graneheim & Lundman (2004). The patients will be recruited from the colorectal unit at Sahlgrenska University hospital/Östra and from the surgical unit at Kungälvs hospital.

Kunders perception av företags image - en fallstudie i imageskapande

Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att öka förståelsen för kunders perception av företags miljödesign och hur detta påverkar deras uppfattning om företags image. Uppsatsen grundar sig på ett fallföretag, SEB i Lund. Den emiriska analysen har sin grund i kalitativa djupintervjuer gjorda med SEB och med SEBs kunder. Att kunder reflekterar över miljödesign är något som framkommer i studien. Studien indikerar att de krav kunderna har på en bank framförallt är helhetskänslan, som skall vara inbjudande och intressant.

Rousseau och Voltaire : Två helt (o)lika filosofers filosofier

This thesis has two purposes: (1) to analyze the emptiness in Blodbok by Christine Falkenland, and (2) to analyze my own reading of the same book. I have chosen to focus on how emptiness is expressed through the body, the language and the place in Blodbok, because of the deep impact these seem to have on the emptiness. The thesis discusses what kind of emptiness that is described, what it does to me as a reader, and how it is connected to other works by Falkenland. Cultural politics of emotions by Sara Ahmed, Uses of literature by Rita Felski and Pouvoirs de l?horreur by Julia Kristeva together form the theoretical framework.Blodbok is a poetry collection, about the loss of a mother.

Åtråvärda objekt : En gestaltning av troféns materialitet

This thesis revolves around my work Desirable Objects, an installation in glass and other materials, which deals with objectification based on female and animal trophies. The topics included are those that have been crucial to my working process; craft, post-colonial studies and European hierarchical dualism, where woman and nature are seen as connected, but inferior. My motivation has been to get a better understanding of underlying power structures, and put this knowledge in relation to my own work. This process has led me to make a full body casting of my own body as a method of self-exploitation, in an attempt to expose myself to a similar power perspective. By making the dualistic connection between woman and nature, I am commenting a phenomenon that in my view has resulted in a similar exploitation of both..

Illusionen av det perfekta jaget : En hermeneutisk studie om nätdejting

AbstractThe purpose of the present study was to clarify and describe what image men and women present and communicate in their profiles on an online dating site. Further has been investigated if traditional gender roles and stereotypes are as pronounced on this online platform or if it offers a space to go beyond traditional formations. The theoretical framework of this study consisted of a social psychological idea and understanding of identity as well as a gender theoretical perspective. The methodological points of departure were hermeneutic and the data consisted of ten male and ten female member profiles on match.com. The results of the study was divided into three themes, the emphasis on positive qualities, the attractive body and project manager to one?s own life.

Hästar hållna utomhus under den kalla årstiden i Västra Götalands län : samband mellan miljö- och hälsofaktorer

During late autumn/winter in the years of 2005/2006 and 2006/2007 a questionnaire study was made in Västra Götaland county in the south west of Sweden. Inspectors responsible of animal welfare answered the questionnaires during their routine visits to different horse stables in the county. The questionnaires contained questions about the number of horses at the farm, hoof condition, body condition, how often the horses were fed outside and the pasture condition. The purpose of this study was to investigate if a connection could be seen between environmental factors and health factors within the horses in this material. The connections that were analysed were between; hoof health and pasture condition, how many times the horses were fed outside and the body condition and between the number of horses in the pasture and pasture condition.

Judas, förråder du människosonen med en kyss? : En analys av karaktären Judas Iskariot i filmerna The Last Temptation of Christ och Son of God

The aim of this study is to examine the image of Judas Iscariot in popular culture with the help of two movies, The Last Temptation of Christ and Son of God. This study is based on a film analysis where a characterization is in focus. The method has also chosen to include intertextuality. This is because it is relevant to show how writers and filmmakers used the previous materials to create their own versions. Survey theory was based on a mediatisation-theory.

Det ligger nog i deras arbete att vara problemlösare : En kvalitativ fallstudie om HR-funktionens image och identitet ur ett intraorganisatoriskt perspektiv

Introduction: HR departments have been developed to take care of the organizations most important resource: the human being. HR as a function has however faced criticism claiming that the function does not entail any value to organizations. The rest of the organization often have a hard time understanding what HR?s daily work means and thereof not having a clear image of the function?s purpose or the function?s role in the organization Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the relationship between the organization's view of the HR department (image) and the HR department's image of themselves (identity) in order to create a greater understanding of how the HR function successfully can be a well-functioning resource in an organization's overall business. Methodology: The study was conducted in the form of a case study. We have approached the issues by taking different perspective into account, which includes HR, managers and employees.

Hur uppfattas image i olika kulturer?

Sammanfattning Titel: Hur uppfattas image i olika kulturer? Problemformulering:Det första steget i vår problemundersökning är att studera vilken image BabyBjörn vill föra ut på de olika nationella marknaderna och vilka tankar som ligger bakom den eller de images man för ut. Därefter ställs följande frågeställning: Hur inverkar kultur på image och uppfattas imagen olika i den svenska respektive franska kulturen? Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur ett företags image kan te sig på en internationell marknad samt att se hur köpbeteendet skiljer sig två länder emellan. Undersökningen strävar efter att förstå hur internationellt imageskapande kan utvecklas och hur image uppfattas av konsumenter från olika kulturer och om de olika kulturerna, till vilket företaget vänder sig, påverkar uppfattningen av företagets image.

Egna märkesvaror ? dagligvaruhandelns kronjuveler : En kvalitativ studie om de svenska dagligvaruhandelskedjornas förmedling av egna märkesvarors image

The four grocery chains Axfood, Bergendahls, Coop and ICA, all providing private labels, dominate the Swedish grocery market. Through private labels, it may be possible to convey an image about the grocery chain's overall brand. Furthermore, it is important that the grocery chain's employees have a fairly consistent understanding regarding the company's image to achieve success.The main purpose of this study is to examine how the intended image the Swedish grocery chains head offices will communicate through private labels is perceived among the store employees. The study intends to provide an expanded view among the grocery chains' work on internal communications regarding the image of private labels. The research method is qualitative.


This project report shows the work around a mockup to a three-dimensional avatar-making application. An avatar-making application is a computer-based software program in which it is possible to create your own personal virtual character. The possibility to use three-dimensional avatars can in the future be essential for adding extra personal information or characteristics to social communication over the internet or over mobile phones. The problem of transforming a physical form and reconstruct it to a virtual basis has been an important problem to solve for many companies and software developers in the, for instance, virtual worlds area. Methods and ideas over making this transformation is the key throughout this project.

Etisk framställning och kunduppfattning : En undersökning av samarbeten mellan företag som framställer sig etiskt och företag som inte framställer sig etiskt

Utbudet av etiska produkter har ökat på senare år, vilket borde betyda att människor har blivit mer benägna att köpa etiska produkter. Detta har krävt vissa förändringar i företagens marknadsföring, eftersom en etisk profilering i vissa fall kan kräva en annan infallsvinkel. Om ett företag med en etisk profil samarbetar med ett företag utan en etisk profil, skulle detta kunna ses som att företaget inte står fullt ut för sina värderingar, vilket kan göra att de tappar trovärdighet. The Body Shop är ett företag som säljer kosmetika, hud- och hårvårdsprodukter och marknadsför sig som ett företag med starka etiska värderingar och de arbetar mycket med Corporate Social Responsibility. The Body Shop kallas i detta arbete ett företag som framställer sig som etiskt eller ett företag med etisk profil.

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